Being lead to where I need to be…

I was just thinking about everything that\’s been happening to me as of the last couple years… and thinking about what I\’ve been experiencing and how I came about the realization to have those experiences, and I feel like MBT is the culmination of this \”being lead around\”.

It\’s not a culmination as in \”I\’m now at the top of the mountain\”, because that would be silly … that would be assuming that there\’s no more to climb after this. It\’s more like being at the top of the mountain, and then realizing that you have to climb back down so that you can climb another mountain again… an endless number of mountains.

I started off my journey on a forum called SpiritOnline, then it went down… and I found myself over on another forum called the Astral Society… then that went down… after which I found myself over on the Astral Pulse. Throughout all this I struggled over 10+ years to learn how to do Astral Projection, to experience the non-physical for myself. Not knowing that over the course of all that, I was slowly setting up my foundation through learning to meditate. Well, when I stumbled upon the Astral Pulse I found a dude there named Frank Kepple… I read and followed him in his experiments with trying to follow in the foot steps of Robert Monroe and he felt he was rather successful in doing so. His data was really my launchpad for my current situation of exploring the non-physical, so for that I\’m grateful.

I still post there, and am a moderator there actually. Through posting there, I\’ve now stumbled across my next challenge, the next mountain for me to climb… \”My Big TOE\” (MBT), by Thomas Campbell. As I\’m reading MBT, I\’m realizing just how much my own experiences relate to the larger reality that\’s out there, and the reality that I find myself currently in, and I feel like I\’m able to partake in it more. I\’m learning more about myself, I\’m learning how to control my emotions and my thoughts… making myself a better person, which is then reflected in the world around me. I\’m able to see the GOOD in the world now, where before it was only \”wow wtf is wrong with you!\” kind of thing… just seeing the bad. I\’ve made choices lately that have me reacting to situations in a more positive manner… although I\’m still learning and still have a long way to go, as I\’ve been prone to anger and being upset as well lately too.

But throughout this journey that I unknowingly set myself on the last couple years… as I reflect back on it, I see the trail of bread crumbs that, as Tom might put it, the system has left for me to grab in an effort to lower my entropy and bring myself into a greater state of consciousness. A more serene place… and I now starting to appreciate that, really, more than words could convey. 🙂

I guess I don\’t really have a point in posting this… except to just get that out there. )

2 thoughts on “Being lead to where I need to be…

  1. Dave says:

    Great post! I appreciate what your laying out there. I’ve started MBT previously (not a breezy read, but great) and have seen a bunch of Tom Campbell’s Youtube stuff and listened to some podcasts, he’s brilliant. You can go to The Monroe Institute/Explorer page here:
    and listen to some of Tom’s first explorations of the greater reality (in the 70’s), being led by Bob Monroe. Anything with the initials “TC” is him, such as #12 & #16. Fascinating stuff. Your post also resonates with Kurt Leland’s new book, “The Multidimensional Human” which explores AP as a spiritual discipline.

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