This is a video I just stumbled upon from TMI, hosted by Skip Atwater, the current President of TMI. He\’s explaining Focus 27 and the Healing/Regeneration Center. It\’s a pretty good video. It\’s a 5 parter, each following part you can access at the end of the previous one. So just keep clicking through them and watch. 🙂
I found Parts 4 and 5 particularly interesting.
Part 4 he talks about Focus 33, which really sounds like the creative area where one can make their own \”ANYTHING\”. In some cases, people report creating for themselves a little home to go to for when they physically die. This Focus 33 sounds like that area… I believe it would be in Focus 3 oC in Franks model.
Part 5 has some interesting charts showing some rather interesting statistics they found. Focus upon the Illness and Drug related ones. 🙂