Frank talks about Robert Focus Model

I was doing a forum search earlier on the Astral Pulse trying to find mention of Focus 22, the area of consciousness where we dream and do other \”non-physical\” things… and I stumbled across a boat load of great information that I wish to share here.

I\’m going to provide the links to the posts in question, but I\’m only going to quote sections of each here for the purposes of this article.  I do fully encourage everyone to go to each link and read the threads in full as they have so much wonderful information in them.

At Focus 10, having difficulty going past Posted on June 19, 2005
This is a short post, so I figured I\’d just put it all here anyways… he speaks a bit about the trouble of the \”physical eyes\” stealing a glance and how you can fix that. This is a problem that I still face constantly.


In the early days the moment I\’d see an image in mind, my physical eyes would suddenly \”wake up\” and try to snatch a glance at whatever it was. Of course, that would zap me right out of the state I\’d just spent 30-40 minutes developing. I\’ve said before that often I\’d feel like gouging my eyes out in frustration. 🙂

A key to all of this is getting the physical eyes to relax and soften. So you are not actually looking out of them anymore. When you first close your eyes, you’ll still be looking out of them. So you need to let them relax so they just hold still in whatever position they feel comfortable. Mine tend to drift upwards and there is a point of rest that they naturally go to that is the same each time.

This relaxing of the eyes, coupled with the relaxation of the physical body is what allows the focus of attention to move away from the eyes so you can change your mental focus of attention into your mind. The physical is our Primary Focus so you need to try to seduce that focus of attention away from the physical, as I was talking about in a couple of posts over the past week. Once you break the connection to the physical, you are free to look into your mind. As I say, that is when the lights come on, in a manner of speaking, and all kinds of weird and wonderful imagery comes about at the beginning of Focus 2. If you wish, you can you pass through this stage and reach Fz, which is your gateway to Focus 3. Fz is Focus 21 of the Monroe model and Focus 3 encompasses Monroe Focus states F23 to F27 inclusive.


The second part of the post he speaks about the Focus Zero (Fz) area of consciousness. Earlier in his time posting on the Pulse he referred to this area as the \”Astral Bridge\” and further along as the \”3D Blackness\”. It\’s the area of consciousness that Robert Monroe labeled Focus 21 and is the area that we pass through to get to the dream area (Focus 22).  I believe I experience this each time I go from a Lucid Dream back to the Physical… as my vision goes to complete blackness before shifting back to the Physical.

Was this Phasing? Posted on January 02, 2003
This post was made just over a couple years before the one above, and from this one we find his understanding of the \”Astral Bridge\” which I referred to above.

Ralph: Phasing is a process that takes you from C1 consciousness… to the Astral bridge zone at Focus 21 (which I think we have now determined is the 3D Blackness stage) and beyond.

This next section he speaks about the Focus 22 state and how we get there via our physical bodies unconsciously fall asleep.

Generally, lucid dreams are created when a person has \”phased\” to the mental focus 22 state. This is the first Astral region you step into from the bridge zone at focus 21. When a person falls asleep, their sense of conscious awareness naturally phases out of the Physical, crosses the bridge zone and, as it does so, it enters the first main realm where thought equals direct action. (I say main-realm because, technically, the focus 21state is the first realm where thought has this effect. But this is more a buffer zone than a realm proper.)

Problem is, as the mind has little conscious control, all manner of thoughts and emotions can be released. Which goes to creating and fuelling the circumstances that come to surround the person. In other words, the person begins dreaming.

With a little practice, as most of us know, it is possible to teach your sense of consciousness to \”come awake\” within a dream. This then gives a person a degree of conscious control over their thoughts which, in turn, gives them the ability to manipulate their dreamscape. However, if a person can retain a high degree of conscious control, it is possible to skip focus 22 entirely.

Where I say, above, that while the physical body falls asleep the mind crosses the astral bridge zone and slips into the mental focus 22 state… that is only largely due to the fact there is little conscious control. If normal alert waking consciousness is retained while the physical body drops off to sleep, the mental focus 21 state can be used as a portal through which you can phase directly to a higher level.

The second paragraph is him referring to a normal dream. Where by you pass into the non-physical, past the Focus 21 Fz Bridge area all the while being unconscious of this shift.

Gateway Wave 1 pointers Posted on October 04, 2002
Another short one, so I\’ll just quote it all.

The Astral screen effect comes about at Focus 21. When you step into it, this is the Phasing to Focus 22. As I said in an earlier post, Focus 22 is also known as the Lucid Dream state. But you are entering this state with full waking consciousness; as opposed to \”waking up\” within a Lucid Dream where you generally only have part conscious awareness, which makes a BIG difference.

If you Phase further and find yourself amongst all kinds of black and grey nasty stuff teaming with every manner of Human crud, then you are in Focus 23. And if you think Focus 23 is weird then Phase further and prepare to be weirded out to the n\’th degree. Smiley


The \”Astral Screen\” he refers to here is apparently an effect that comes out due to the Fz. A black screen of sorts which you pass through. As I\’ve experienced it, it would be like a thick sheet of warm water that you would \”walk through\”. We don\’t normally experience this when we fall asleep because you\’re rather unconscious by that point.

Is an AP during a dream, a real AP? Posted on July 16, 2005
The part I liked best from this post is this:

All dreams, by mere definition, must surely be “projection” experiences. Plus, I concur with your meaning of project. Although I tend to use the word shift, as in shift one’s focus. But shift or move or whatever… it’s the same difference.

The problem with dreams is people often get to thinking that dreams are all “in your head” so to speak. That you are in some way walking about in your brain. This faulty thinking unfortunately occurs as a result of people thinking the mind is somehow a product of the brain. It is actually the other way around. 🙂 This leads to people talking in terms of, “… I thought I was projecting… but it was just a dream.” [emphasis on the just]

In this sense, a person is thinking that the only “real” projection is a projection of consciousness that would present the impression of being “out” of body. And this all boils down to the mistaken notion that there can possibly be such a thing as “out” of body.

He mentions the misinterpretation that I believe most people do when they try to define their experiences… and they start questioning their experience and seem to think that it was \”JUST\” a dream. It\’s never JUST a dream. 🙂

Astral Proper and Training Zone Posted on April 25, 2003
Without re-posting some information, I\’ll quote this:

A technique I find very effective is, every now and again, I\’ll come to a complete halt, focus on some detail or other and ask myself a simple question about it. What this serves to prevent is a situation where you begin getting excited. Getting excited has the effect of making you think and move too quickly. So you start flitting here, there and everywhere and your progress is stunted.

This effect is prevalent in accounts of people\’s early experiences. They tend to follow along the lines of: suddenly I realise I was dreaming; and then I found myself [at some place or other]; and there was this [some kind of event]; and then I saw [some other event]; and then suddenly I was [transported to some other scene]; but before I knew it the thing had changed [to yet another scene]; and then it became [whatever]; and next moment I was awake.

The other pitfall to avoid, is making snap-judgements as to whatever comes about.

He starts off with the technique that I currently use to convert my Lucid Dreams into full Astral Projections. It works very well if you can remember enough to do it! LOL

The last line there about making Snap-Judgments is also very important. This is part and parcel of keeping your thoughts under strict control while projecting.

Retrieval Question Posted on January 10, 2003

Dreaming is done mostly in the Focus 22 state. Problem is, people who are sans physical-body can\’t reach Focus 22. Their limit is Focus 23 which is where a lot of these retrievals take place. But they can also take place in the higher realms of Focus 24; 25 & 26.

This is a bit of information that I just recently figured out myself by looking at my ideas at how the Astral and the Wider Reality is actually formed. I see the Physical as a sort of bubble of \”condensed astral matter\” and to reach this matter one has to push their way through the barrier that separates the two. I believe this pushing of the barrier creates our Focus 22 environment. So, once we physically die, that Focus 22 section retracts back into the Astral whole again, unusable anymore by us. It\’s ONLY available to us while we have our primary focus here in the physical.

A loop is simply where someone thinks in a certain way; which causes a particular mix of emotion to be released; which instantly creates a particular set of circumstances surrounding them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released; which continues to fuel the same circumstances that surround them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released…….

Here he speaks about the loops that one can get into. These are what \”retrievers\” save people from. They try to break the emotion loop that one has created so that they can bring the soul into the higher areas free of such loops.

I encourage you to read this thread as he goes on to explain the different TYPES of loops that you can get caught in.

Phasing/OBE What\’s the difference? Posted on October 23, 2002
Just a quick small quote here, please do read the entire thread, it\’s really good.

Yes, we are, but only when we have learned the basic ground-rules that apply, i.e. remaining emotionally closed with thoughts in check. Else we just get stuck at Focus 22.

He mentions here getting \”stuck\” at Focus 22 due to not remaining emotionally closed. This happens because if you allow your emotions and thought to run unchecked, they\’ll simply be creating the environment around you. So if you want a more \”Astral Proper\” experience, in that you want to speak with other people deceased or spirits who even never incarnated here on Earth, then you\’ll need to learn to remain emotionally closed and keep your thoughts under control. 🙂

Anyway, that\’s all I wanted to go over… I know it\’s a lot, but I think it\’s well worth the read. Especially if you\’re having troubles understanding Robert Monroes Focus Models. As for Franks Focus Model… Focus 21 and 22 reside in Franks Focus 3 oC. Robert\’s Focus 23 and up coincide with Franks Focus 3 oC.

As always, if you have any questions pertaining to this or other articles here, please visit my forums and ask! Thanks!

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