How Our Expectations Cloud Our Experiences

Why is it best to remove all expectations from your projections?

Well… we \”astral\” project in a reality where a few things make up the experiences you have:  Your thoughts + your emotions + your expectations = YOUR ASTRAL EXPERIENCES.
This means that if you go into astral projection with the expectations that you will meet demons or any other number of bad things, then that is exactly what you\’re going to run into.

How do we fight this?  How do we shut off our expectations?  Well, this goes back to controlling your thoughts.  Control your thoughts and your emotions and expectations will be under control as well.

So that\’s how expectations can influence our journeys, I\’ll talk now about how expectations can effect your practices.  I\’ve seen question after question on the forums I frequent where people say that they\’ve had a single experience be it with a full projection or something lesser, like vibrations, but then they can\’t ever get it to happen again.  I try to get these people to go into their practice sessions with no particular goals in mind.  Just be open to whatever happens… go with the flow, sort to speak.

I hope that helps a bit.  🙂

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