- What is Astral Projection?by XanthI cannot answer this question without first answering the question, “What is this physical reality?”, because the answers are so interconnected. I tell you people this: You are a bit of consciousness called an “awareness”. That awareness projects towards this physical reality, towards your physical body. You are – literally – consciousness projecting. When you… Read more: What is Astral Projection?
- Sleep Paralysis – What do I do!?by XanthOne of the most asked questions I see is in regards to Sleep Paralysis (SP). People tend to get stuck at this point. First, there’s the fear factor – this is a completely self-created aspect of it. The first thing you need to do is to realize that any “scary” thing you’re currently experiencing while… Read more: Sleep Paralysis – What do I do!?
- Astral Academy is Open on Reddit!by XanthIt’s been a while! 2016 was my last post here – I’m really out of sorts! If you’re new here, welcome! If you’ve been here before welcome back!! 🙂 In an effort to double down on teaching as many people as I can about how to project and explore the wider reality for yourselves, I… Read more: Astral Academy is Open on Reddit!
- Post Focus! Throat Chakra and Astral Projection!by Xanthhttp://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_astral_projection_experiences/question_about_the_throat_chakra-t46700.0.html;msg362781#msg362781 Referencing the above post, someone asked the following about their Throat Chakra and Astral Projecting: So I’ve been learning to astral project and I can tell that I am almost there. I have had some of the various physical sensations like vibrations and buzzing and have seen shadows of images flashing behind my eyelids.… Read more: Post Focus! Throat Chakra and Astral Projection!
- Astral Projection – What do to with the Vibrations?by XanthHow about this… ignore them! For the most part. Acknowledge them only in the most minor way “Oh hey, vibrations, great…” then just continue doing what you were doing before they occurred. Let me explain. Vibrations should ONLY ever be considered a signpost experience/sensation. They are one of those sensations you will experience during your… Read more: Astral Projection – What do to with the Vibrations?
- How to Access The Akashic Records or Contact Your Spirit Guidesby XanthWhat most people have to realize is that the “akashic records” isn’t a place… it actually isn’t any “THING” at all. It’s not a “place” which you “go to”. It’s more akin to a huge database which collects and records data. Consider it a record of everything that HAS happened and everything that COULD HAVE… Read more: How to Access The Akashic Records or Contact Your Spirit Guides
- Perception Creates Your Realityby XanthThis is a great illustration of how your Perception creates your reality. And it doesn’t just happen here physically… When experiencing the non-physical, WHAT you experience is OBJECTIVE, HOW you experience it is SUBJECTIVE. The shape in the middle bottom of the image represents what your non-physical experience ACTUALLY is… the two shapes on the… Read more: Perception Creates Your Reality
- Is Astral Projection Just a Form of Lucid Dreaming?by XanthA member of the Astral Pulse recently asked “Is Astral Projection just a form of lucid dreaming?”. Well, to answer this question, we need to ask three separate questions which are all intricately linked and yet also not linked at all. Here are the THREE very important questions that need to be asked. 1. What… Read more: Is Astral Projection Just a Form of Lucid Dreaming?
- Why Astral Projections Feel “More Real” Than Physical Waking Lifeby XanthSome people, especially individuals new to Projection, upon having their first Projection proclaim that it was “more real” than their usual physical reality experience. Let me try to explain how this sensation works. If you really think about it for a second, saying that something is “more real” is a strange comparison to make with… Read more: Why Astral Projections Feel “More Real” Than Physical Waking Life
- Astral Projection – Do Individual & Collective Areas of Consciousness Exist?by XanthThere are these non-physical concepts floating around that there are these “areas” of consciousness which are “individual” in nature, meaning it’s only you there experiencing it and “collective” in nature, meaning that it’s you experiencing the reality with many other individuals/awarenesses/entities/beings/etc. When you look at consciousness as a whole, you realize that this kind of… Read more: Astral Projection – Do Individual & Collective Areas of Consciousness Exist?
- How to Design your own Effective Astral Projection Techniqueby XanthHow can you design your own, more effective Projection method? I’ll explain and hopefully walk you through the process. I had posted a while back a PDF which had something like 100 different methods for achieving a Projection in it. Well, yes, there were 100 different methods, however they were *ALL* a variation of one… Read more: How to Design your own Effective Astral Projection Technique
- Societal Intentby XanthThis article was posted today on the Toronto Star, I wanted to comment on it. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/public_editor/2014/11/14/the_incivility_of_online_comments_public_editor.html I’ve mentioned some of this before, but it never hurts to repeat things again and again! 🙂 There’s a thing called “Intent”, I speak about it a lot in terms of spirituality and astral projection. What is the Intent… Read more: Societal Intent
- Kasina / Laxman – Light and Sound Machine Programby XanthHi everyone! I wanted to share with you this program for the Kasina and the Laxman light and sound machines. It’s one of the best programs I’ve used on my Kasina. It provides a very solid non-physical focus in order to project with. Give it a shot and let me know how you like it!… Read more: Kasina / Laxman – Light and Sound Machine Program
- Post Focus! After 20 years my OBEs have stopped!by XanthI haven’t done one of these in a while so I thought I’d start them back up again! Post Focus! There was a post made on the Astral Pulse today by Alex-Anderson, where he speaks about having many what he labels as “OBEs” during his life, but now recently, within the last couple years, that… Read more: Post Focus! After 20 years my OBEs have stopped!
- Astral Projection Sensations – Vibrations, Spinning, Etcby XanthI’ve noticed over the last while that a lot of people try to focus on experiencing what is commonly referred to as the “Vibrations”. Why are they called that? Well, that’s exactly what they feel like. It feels as if your entire body (or simply just parts of your body) are actually vibrating. Now, we… Read more: Astral Projection Sensations – Vibrations, Spinning, Etc
- My Free 60 Page Book, “My Astral Projection Truth”, What is Astral Projection and How to do it!by XanthDirect Download Link – PDF Format My Astral Projection Truth: What is Astral Projection and How to do it! I just finished editing version three of my free Book! It’s now ready for downloading! I’ve also re-branded it in honor of Frank Kepple, who put in so much time and effort into teaching others to… Read more: My Free 60 Page Book, “My Astral Projection Truth”, What is Astral Projection and How to do it!
- How To SEE Your Visualizationsby XanthYou won’t *see* it. You’ll… well, the best way to describe it is *perceive* it. Try this… Take a childhood memory you have. Now replay that memory in your head… What’s going on right now? You’re not actually *SEEING* that memory, yet you can still *perceive* every nuance of it. You can see the people,… Read more: How To SEE Your Visualizations
- The Kasina AVS from MindPlace – Reviewby XanthThe great people at MindPlace (http://www.mindplace.com) have been very kind to provide me with a Kasina Mind Media System in order to review it. With that said, I’m going to put it through its paces over the next little while and provide you all with a blow by blow rundown of it! To start, I’ll… Read more: The Kasina AVS from MindPlace – Review
- Best Method For Astral Projection: Paths to Spiritual Growthby XanthThere is a single, sure-fire way to be a successful Projector: Spiritual Growth. Spiritual growth has many other terms describing it… increasing the quality of your consciousness, becoming a better person, spiritual evolution, lowering your entropy, etc. If you want to be sure to succeed with Projection, then you’re going to want to aim at… Read more: Best Method For Astral Projection: Paths to Spiritual Growth
- Astral Police? What Is This?by XanthThis will be a short and right to the point post about what a lot of people fear to be what is commonly referred to as the “Astral Police”. In short, there is no “law enforcement” in the non-physical. At least not as you would expect. The only rules you break are the ones you… Read more: Astral Police? What Is This?
- Why Can I Never Remember My Dreams in the Morning?by XanthIt’s been proven scientifically that you dream every single night of your life, yet some people wake up each morning and simply can NEVER remember what they experienced while unconscious. Why is that? Well, your memory works in the same way whether you’re experiencing this physical reality or a non-physical reality. You must have what… Read more: Why Can I Never Remember My Dreams in the Morning?
- The KEY To Learning Astral Projectionby XanthI’m going to share with you what took me over 10 years to figure out. I’m going to share with you the KEY to learning astral projection. Once you understand this concept you will understand how important Meditation is to having conscious exits. So let’s get this started… We’ll start with a bit about the… Read more: The KEY To Learning Astral Projection
- Astral Projection – My Perception of Realityby XanthMy first post for 2014 will pertain to my current perception of reality and where I feel I’m at… For myself, my understanding of reality has shifted so far beyond the common labels people enjoy using (dreams, lucid dreams, astral projection, etc), I don’t identify with that terminology anymore. I simply don’t view reality in… Read more: Astral Projection – My Perception of Reality
- Projection & Meditation – Seeing Through Closed Eyelidsby XanthI know that a lot of people here have experienced this before. You’re trying to Project consciously or Meditating and all of a sudden, you know full well that your eyes are shut tight, yet you’re able to see your surroundings just fine! I’ve experienced this many times while meditating at home sitting in my… Read more: Projection & Meditation – Seeing Through Closed Eyelids
- Astral Projection – Dreaming of Projectionby XanthI’m a stickler for that statement “dreaming about projection”… Now, unless what you mean is that the SUBJECT of the dream was projection, for example, you were talking to a friend about astral projection. That, to me, is dreaming of projection. But what most people I’ve spoken to about this subject mean is that they… Read more: Astral Projection – Dreaming of Projection
- Astral Projection – Visual Sensory Deprivationby XanthThere’s a great product on the market called the Mindfold. The nice thing about the mindfold, and other functional products like it, is that you don’t have to worry about your eyes as much. It removes that factor of worry from your projection sessions. A lot of people, including myself, have had issues where you… Read more: Astral Projection – Visual Sensory Deprivation
- What does grounding your body mean in Astral Projection?by XanthOne of the nice things about running your own website is that you can see what searches people are using to find your articles with. Someone wanted to know, “what does grounding your body mean in astral projection” (if you recognize this search, please feel free to comment. :))… which is a really valid question,… Read more: What does grounding your body mean in Astral Projection?
- Everything is Consciousness: Analyzing Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection From the Perspective of Consciousnessby XanthAre Lucid Dreams the same as OBEs? – IAC I wanted to share this article, not because I think it’s correct… but because I wanted to point something out that really frustrates me. Everyone always looks at this question from the tired old perspective that there is this distinction and heavily drawn line between what… Read more: Everything is Consciousness: Analyzing Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection From the Perspective of Consciousness
- Meditation Mindfulness – How to Live in the Here and Nowby XanthAnother Astral Pulse Moderator, Lightbeam, made a really great post on practicing Mindfulness which I wish to share here. How to Live in the Now I decided to make a post about mindfulness, because I see so many people around me either running ahead of life, or being left behind in their past. I catch… Read more: Meditation Mindfulness – How to Live in the Here and Now
- Astral Projection – Dealing With Fear and Some Extra Tipsby XanthOne of my fellow Astral Pulse moderators posted this absolutely great article on dealing with fear. I’m going to share it here! http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_astral_consciousness/dealing_with_fear_and_some_extra_tips-t43266.0.html There has been a rise in the number of fear based questions lately so I wanted to take a little time to talk about it. Fear is probably the number 1 reason… Read more: Astral Projection – Dealing With Fear and Some Extra Tips
- Astral Projection and Reality Realizationsby XanthOn the Astral Pulse today, someone relayed an experience they had and then asked if it was an OBE or not. This is my response… There are some realizations that people need to make… A lot of Projection-talk revolves around the term “Out of body”. There is no such thing as “out of body”… there… Read more: Astral Projection and Reality Realizations
- What is the Difference Between an Etheric Projection and an Astral Projection?by XanthFrom my own experiences and what I’ve researched there isn’t enough evidence that exists from either that dictates there there are these separate “planes” of existence. From my own experiences, I’ve experienced realities that looked very similar to this physical reality, including areas which I mostly recognize… and I’ve had experiences in realities which are… Read more: What is the Difference Between an Etheric Projection and an Astral Projection?
- Astral Projection Facebook – Question Responseby XanthSomeone on the Astral Projection facebook group asked the following question which I would like to address here. When I am working on AP I lay down on back I usually don’t sleep on my back and I can’t fall a sleep in that position. I get vibrations very quick after 3-4 minutes, then I… Read more: Astral Projection Facebook – Question Response
- What’s the “blackness” in the “3D blackness”by XanthI just read a post on World of Lucid Dreaming, where the poster mentioned that they couldn’t get to the 3D blackness in a lit room. Well, the 3D “blackness” doesn’t LITERALLY mean “blackness”. It just means… “empty space”. Or a lack of visual sensory input. Does that help? Here’s a quick exercise you can… Read more: What’s the “blackness” in the “3D blackness”
- Meditation – Quieting Mind?by XanthEveryone hears about meditation and hears that “quieting your mind” is a must or else you’re not doing it right! Meditation isn’t about quieting the mind. It’s never been about that. Yes, you can ATTEMPT to quiet the mind… but then you’re using a manipulative force in order to do so… and when is manipulating… Read more: Meditation – Quieting Mind?
- Why am I Not Enlightened Yet? – Rupert Spiraby XanthBob Hiller (on facebook) posted a really great video from a guy named Rupert Spira. I’ve never heard of this guy until now, but I think I’m definitely going to be giving his videos a good listen to! This one is entitled “Why am I Not Enlightened Yet?”. A woman asked him this question, and… Read more: Why am I Not Enlightened Yet? – Rupert Spira
- Another Great Video with Tom Campbell!by XanthUnity North Atlanta Panel Discussion: Beyond the Physical Documentary Film. Another solid video absolutely jam packed with great information from Tom. Enjoy!
- Strong Lucid Awareness Experience – May 21, 2013by XanthSo, last night was pretty fruitful in the spontaneous projection department for me… finally. LoL I haven’t been actively practicing projection, so I’ve been relying upon my spontaneous projections to have experiences. I have them semi-often, but I don’t usually remember enough to write down later in the morning… and I’m usually too tired to… Read more: Strong Lucid Awareness Experience – May 21, 2013
- What Kind of Projection Experience Did You Have?by XanthI found a simple questionnaire a little while ago which I then modified slightly to work with my own particular terminology system for determining the type of awareness you had during any particular non-physical experience. Ask yourself the following two questions, answer them with either yes or no, then look up the answers in the… Read more: What Kind of Projection Experience Did You Have?
- Some More Astral Projection Questions!by XanthD01, on the Spiritual Forums forum asked these questions: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=51057 I’d like to answer them here, because they’re actually really great questions! 1) Can an individual close one’s eyes and instantaneously arrive at the astral bridge (1 minute or less) being only a practitioner of qigong–never practicing astral projection–for 1 year; or, is this a… Read more: Some More Astral Projection Questions!
- Frank Kepple’s “Astral Projection Truth” Newslettersby XanthFrank released four newsletters before his “disappearance”. I just recently found these in my dropbox and remembered that they weren’t the easiest things to find, so I thought I’d post them here. issue1_21_may_2005.txt issue2_15_june_2005.txt issue3_01_july_2005.txt issue4_16_july_2005.txt
- Spirituality – Choices of Love or Fearby XanthI posted this on the Astral Pulse just now and I wanted to share it here too. I always try to remind myself that two choices exist (probably many more, but you’ll figure them out on your own)… Fear or Love. The Fear choice takes you back down the mountain… it’s giving in to all… Read more: Spirituality – Choices of Love or Fear
- Is Phasing the Same as Astral Travelingby XanthI saw the above question just now and I wanted to get my answer down. I’ll just get right to the point: yes, Phasing and Astral Traveling are the same thing. They’re synonyms. Meaning that they’re different words we use to describe the same thing. There are other words that you’ll see people use to… Read more: Is Phasing the Same as Astral Traveling
- Is Astral Projection a Spiritual Practice?by XanthThe simple answer to this question is no, Astral Projection is not a spiritual practice in itself. I have no doubt that some people will be surprised to hear that and others will be nodding in agreement. Please allow me to explain. This is, in fact, the wrong question. The question should be, \”CAN Astral… Read more: Is Astral Projection a Spiritual Practice?
- Some Beginner Questions Regarding Astral Projectionby XanthI was doing some Googling tonight, the subject: Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences. I came across a post on Yahoo with some questions and I thought I\’d answer them here, because I\’m sure more than one person reading this has probably asked these at one point or another. So, let\’s get into the… Read more: Some Beginner Questions Regarding Astral Projection
- The Many Kinds of Astral Projectors – Bedeekinby XanthBedeekin made this hilarious post on the forums a bit ago, and I really wanted to share it with everyone! Taken from: http://www.unlimitedboundaries.ca/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=30 So far… this is a great collection of peeps on here Xanth. You seem to have brought a balance to the force. It\’s made me see more clearly the different views of… Read more: The Many Kinds of Astral Projectors – Bedeekin
- The Biggest Astral Projection Misconceptions List!by XanthSo, on the forums I asked everyone to post what they felt to big the biggest misconceptions related to Astral Projection. I wanted to share the list here for everyone. So remember, these statements are what the posters (and we all \’mostly\’ agree lol) believe to be as being the biggest misconceptions related to Astral… Read more: The Biggest Astral Projection Misconceptions List!
- Frank Kepple Practical Guide to Astral Projectionby XanthBluremi, a member of the Astral Pulse, took the PDF I made of all of Frank Kepple\’s posts and re-formatted it and organized it by category! It\’s an absolutely fantastic job! He posted it on Google Docs for everyone to read. My thanks go out to Bluremi for all the hard work he put into… Read more: Frank Kepple Practical Guide to Astral Projection
- Spirituality – Why I Can’t Get Mad At Peopleby XanthA few years back, I was driving home from somewhere when, all of a sudden, I got cut off while passing through an intersection. I was just about ready to let loose with a few curse words and just generally boiling mad, when I realized something. I’ve done this same thing to other people by… Read more: Spirituality – Why I Can’t Get Mad At People
- TED and Mainstream Science battle with the Metaphysicalby XanthBedeekin just posted this on the UB Forums a short bit ago, and I wanted to share this on a greater scale. I heard about this video that TED Talk removed the other day, for one reason or another… I`m quite displeased by this move by the TED folks. So, here is it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b6-0yW7Iaw And… Read more: TED and Mainstream Science battle with the Metaphysical
- Learning Astral Projection & Meditation – Emptying Your Cupby XanthI think everyone, at one point or another throughout their lives, has hear this phrase before – \”Empty your cup\”. It\’s not directly spiritual or religiously related, although it can be related to just about every aspect of your life. This is something that I have personally experienced, and I whole-fully believe that everyone has… Read more: Learning Astral Projection & Meditation – Emptying Your Cup
- Explorations in Consciousness – Fred Aardemaby XanthI recently purchased Fred Aardema\’s new book, \”Explorations in Consciousness\”. Honestly, I found it really hard to put it down! This is one of, if not THE best book on Non-physical exploration that I have ever read. He asks so many great questions, and doesn\’t really TELL you what to think… he offers you food… Read more: Explorations in Consciousness – Fred Aardema
- The Original Unlimited Boundaries!by XanthJust over 10 years ago, I had created a website called Unlimited Boundaries. It was hosted on an ftp server of the ISP I was apart of. Well, I was stumbling around the internet a little while ago… and I found the site. I\’m surprised it\’s still operational as I closed that ISP account a… Read more: The Original Unlimited Boundaries!
- Meditation – Myth of the Experienced Meditatorby XanthBob Hiller posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with everyone here too! If you\’ve been meditating for a long time, you might recognize some of the things this fine gentleman has to say. I know I sure did. LoL The Myth of the Experienced Meditator I AM, UNFORTUNATELY, an experienced meditator.… Read more: Meditation – Myth of the Experienced Meditator
- Peter Russell & Eckart Tolle on Meditationby XanthIt\’s only five minutes… But it\’s five minutes of GEM after GEM after GEM of information on meditation. My absolute favourite statement, Peter makes… and he makes it so nonchalantly too is, \”You can\’t DO meditation\”. And he\’s right, as they explain it so crystal clearly. You simply don\’t DO meditation. You allow yourself to… Read more: Peter Russell & Eckart Tolle on Meditation
- How to Project using a Focused Breathing Techniqueby XanthI want to focus upon a usual technique that people like to use to Project with. Focusing upon your breathing. The main action here is, well obviously, focusing upon your breathing, so let\’s focus on that for a minute, because that\’s going to be your make or break action. Try this: Don\’t worry about vibrations,… Read more: How to Project using a Focused Breathing Technique
- Bedeekin – The Lightsaber Experimentby XanthI wanted to post this here for everyone’s reading pleasure! A fine post made by Bedeekin regarding an experiment he did in the non-physical about manifesting items. Bedeekin’s – The Lightsaber Experiment I thought upon one occasion after reading a particular nudging post on a forum to create an object while in an Out Of… Read more: Bedeekin – The Lightsaber Experiment
- Are Astral Projections \”Internal\” or \”External\” Experiences?by XanthSo, which is it? When we \”project\” our consciousness away from this physical reality, are we projecting to something internal to ourselves or external to ourselves? I\’ll answer this from my own experience. Basically, since all is consciousness, there is no \”physical body\”. There never was, it\’s all virtual. So there\’s nothing to \”separate\” from.… Read more: Are Astral Projections \”Internal\” or \”External\” Experiences?
- Support for Tom Campbell\’s MBT from the National Postby XanthSo, I was browsing the news this morning and I came across this article that would seem to support Tom Campbell\’s argument that \”belief\” can change reality. Tom relays an study done that shows this exact nature. The experiment was that children in a class would do worse if the teacher was told beforehand that… Read more: Support for Tom Campbell\’s MBT from the National Post
- SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s – By Bedeekinby XanthI wanted to share this really great write-up that Bedeekin (from the Astral Pulse) wrote regarding Sleep Paralysis. SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s In this article I will replace every term associated with ‘Astral’ with ‘nonphysical Reality, abbreviated to NPR or NP. A little Introduction First off I will tackle Sleep Paralysis… Read more: SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s – By Bedeekin
- Meditation – Correct Breathingby XanthA lot of people don\’t know this, but there actually is a \”CORRECT\” way to breath. And yes, this does relate to everything you do… from simple meditation, to living your daily life. Breathing properly will enhance everything you do. You\’ll feel much better too! You\’re supposed to breath using your diaphragm. Simply put, if… Read more: Meditation – Correct Breathing
- The Path Documentary Seriesby XanthI purchased the first Path Documentary a couple years ago when it was released, and I absolutely loved it! I was so happy to hear that they were making a second Documentary entitled \”Beyond the Physical\”! You can view the teaser and trailer here: The Path Documentary Series I HIGHLY recommend watching the first one… Read more: The Path Documentary Series
- Projection is like Walking!by XanthFunny subject, I know! I wanted to get your attention! So, how exactly is projection like walking? Well, I\’ll explain. Consider all the labels that we use to describe our non-physical experiences. Now compare them to something like \”movement\”. For example: walking is a form of movement, running is a form of movement, standing still… Read more: Projection is like Walking!
- What is “Intent”by XanthPeople ask me, “How do I project?”. Well, it’s 95% Intent… 5% Technique. So, what is Intent and how do you use it to project? This is the best way I can think of to describe Intent: Intent is the difference between intending to move your hand, and actually moving your hand. You can intend… Read more: What is “Intent”
- Morgan Freeman\’s Statementby XanthMorgan Freeman\’s statement about these random shootings…. \”You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here\’s why. It\’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household… Read more: Morgan Freeman\’s Statement
- Tom speaks on Projectionby XanthTom was invited to speak in Ireland last month, the subject of the talk was ENTIRELY about Projection. Phenomenal video on the subject. It\’s a two parter, so please, I HIGHLY recommend anyone and everyone who is interested in learning Astral Projection to listen/watch it.
- A Shift of Perception – Adyashantiby XanthEverything this guy says is amazing and so full of truths.
- What it Means to be Alive… and to Dieby XanthSomeone posted this on the Astral Pulse recently and I really wanted to share it here too:
- Astral Projection – The HOW and WHY a Technique or Method Worksby XanthTechniques and methods for astral projection, by themselves don\’t actually do anything without you placing the proper Intent and having the Belief behind them. We witness this on an almost daily basis on the Astral Pulse when people say they do a technique and get no results… usually because they’re not putting the proper Intent… Read more: Astral Projection – The HOW and WHY a Technique or Method Works
- My Life… My Lesson…by XanthEver since I was a young teenager, I could never shake this notion that for some reason I probably wasn\’t going to make it out of my 30\’s. I didn\’t know where this information came from or why it was coming to me. Now, after 20 years of having this idea floating around in my… Read more: My Life… My Lesson…
- Do You Get Frustrated Learning to do Astral Projection?by XanthThe frustration that people experience while learning to project is entirely due to attempting to build your house before building a solid foundation first. Just as one can\’t immediately play Beethoven or Bach without LOTS of practice first… you also can\’t just do a conscious exit projection without first mastering your mind. Yes, I said… Read more: Do You Get Frustrated Learning to do Astral Projection?
- Loveby XanthTom Campbell speaks about this reality potentially being a school-room of sorts… he jokes about how we should probably view it as being akin to a kindergarten classroom instead of some kind of place of higher learning. All jokes aside, I\’m wondering how close to the truth this is. And more to the point… I\’m… Read more: Love
- My Realizationby XanthSo I\’ve come to a rather perplexing conclusion about my Projection practices over the past several months. I\’ve been listening a lot to spiritual teachers such as Adyashanti, and even the less \”spiritually-inclined\” such as Tom Campbell lately… and this is what triggered this particular realization. I feel I\’ve had some significant transformations over just… Read more: My Realization
- Remembering Our Astral Projectionsby XanthI have a theory… it revolves around how to remember our experiences (dreams, astral, etc…). Take a look at how you remember things in this physical reality. If you don\’t add a certain amount of importance to any given event in your life, your chances of remembering everything in full detail is pretty minute. Likewise,… Read more: Remembering Our Astral Projections
- Consciousness Experiences – My Simple Truthby XanthThis isn\’t going to be a long post… It\’s a really simple truth. I just wish more people would open their eyes and realize it. I know this is going to sound like me beating a dead horse, but… here is my truth: There is no physical and there is no non-physical. There\’s just consciousness… Read more: Consciousness Experiences – My Simple Truth
- JUST a Dream?by XanthY\’know… there\’s one particular question which really bothers me when people ask it. Most of humanity has a certain belief in regards to the word \”dreaming\”… the general idea is that it\’s an experience that isn\’t real. They have an experience which they end up asking, \”Did I really project or was it JUST a… Read more: JUST a Dream?
- Another example of Reality Fluctuations in an Astral Projectionby XanthI was thinking about other ways to describe how reality fluctuations happen. Your connection to the non-physical is akin to you wearing a headset listening to music in this physical reality. The music you\’re listening to can really only be heard/experienced by yourself. Depending upon how loud you have your music, what happens when you… Read more: Another example of Reality Fluctuations in an Astral Projection
- Projection Experience – Tuesday, July 24thby XanthI woke up around 5am this morning, I don\’t know why. When I went back to sleep I found myself having a dream awareness experience, where I was trying to get ready for work. I was \”somewhere\” in my house coat when I remembered I still needed to shower! So I raced off towards where… Read more: Projection Experience – Tuesday, July 24th
- Astral Projection Labeling Our Experiencesby XanthI’ve made Astral Projection posts of this nature in the past, but as I’ve re-read them, they’ve seemed confusing, even to myself! And I wrote them! LOL So I wanted to see if I couldn’t clarify things further. I want to explain why “labeling” your experience in an attempt to categorize and define them is… Read more: Astral Projection Labeling Our Experiences
- How To Stabilize and Strengthen Your Astral Projection Experiencesby XanthThis is one of many techniques which I’m aware of, and actually use, in order to stabilize my projections and strengthen my awareness to keep it within the reality frame I’m experiencing. First, think about what we do to “help” others stay awake in this reality. We shake them… we yell at them to stay… Read more: How To Stabilize and Strengthen Your Astral Projection Experiences
- The Key to Most Astral Projection Techniques/Methodsby XanthSomeone posted a PDF on the Astral Pulse tonight showing 66 different Astral Projection techniques. The thing is that they\’re not 66 different techniques. They\’re the same technique with 66 slight variations. Well, that is, the ones that you do while consciously awake. There are ones listed where you initiate them from a lucid awareness… Read more: The Key to Most Astral Projection Techniques/Methods
- Unique Experiences of the Non-Physicalby XanthI wrote this on the Astral Pulse and I wanted to share it with everyone here too. It\’s kind of in response to someone who posted, but as I say in the post, it\’s not directed at them. I hope they see & understand that. 🙂 After writing this post, I feel like I should… Read more: Unique Experiences of the Non-Physical
- My Observations During My Projectionsby XanthI was thinking today about my journeys and how solid they seem to be. During my last several non-physical experiences I\’ve been running some experiments upon how \”real\” the environment is. The observations I\’ve taken are that what I experience in my dream awareness, lucid awareness and astral awareness experiences is every bit as real… Read more: My Observations During My Projections
- Morning Projection – Friday, June 29th, 2012by XanthI had today off work, so after dropping my girlfriend off at the train station I came back home and began a Phasing session. I haven\’t had much chance to actually do much projecting lately, so I was really looking forward to this and suffice to say I wasn\’t disappointed. The experience began with me… Read more: Morning Projection – Friday, June 29th, 2012
- Tom Campbell – Boston Forum Get Together videoby XanthThis is a video created during the most recent My Big Toe Forum get-together held in Boston earlier this year. It\’s a four parter, each roughly an hour long… the first video, if you listen to it all, will give you the basics you to learn to project. Very well done.. great questions, better answers!… Read more: Tom Campbell – Boston Forum Get Together video
- How You Remember Your Astral Projection Adventuresby XanthI like to look at how things we do while physical compares to how we do them non-physical. I was just reading a post by David Warner (of the Astral Pulse) where he said this: Most of it is the level of consciousness that you and the other party you connect with can bring back… Read more: How You Remember Your Astral Projection Adventures
- Lucid Awareness to Dream Awareness Exampleby XanthThis morning I had a non-physical experience I wish to share which illustrates how ones awareness can easily shift between states very quickly. I had woken up around 7am this morning, to which I immediately tried to initiate a Phasing attempt. I phased directly into a lucid awareness experience, where myself and a friend of… Read more: Lucid Awareness to Dream Awareness Example
- Possible Cause for \”Reality Fluctuations\” in our projectionsby XanthThere was a discussion on the Astral Pulse recently where we talked about \”Reality Fluctuations\”. I wanted to share with you a statement made and my response to it in hopes that it\’ll shed some light on this phenomenon. This is the thread in question should you want to read the whole thing. My post… Read more: Possible Cause for \”Reality Fluctuations\” in our projections
- The Vigil Method & Fred’s New Book!by XanthFred (Major Tom from the Astral Pulse) from the Explorations-in-Consciousness website/forum released a chapter from his now released book, “Explorations in Consciousness”. It describes what the author calls “The Vigil Method”. You can find the method at the following link: The Vigil Method THE IMPORTANCE OF WAKEFULNESS So you want to join the ranks of… Read more: The Vigil Method & Fred’s New Book!
- Morning Lucid Experience – Wednesday May 5th, 2012by XanthI had a really fun, spontaneous experience this morning. It was a nice long one which gave me another chance to practice extending the experience. The whole thing started off as a dream experience in the front hall of my parents house. Both my parents were there. I noticed \”something odd\” about the whole scenario,… Read more: Morning Lucid Experience – Wednesday May 5th, 2012
- Mind Quietness – An Experiment!by XanthI have an experiment that I\’d like everyone to try. If anyone would like to volunteer, you only have to do the following and report here via comment or on Facebook your results. I was meditating on the train the other morning, during it I was attempting to observe my Mind Chatter as it was… Read more: Mind Quietness – An Experiment!
- Monthly Meditation!by XanthI mentioned something about this on Facebook a couple weeks ago. I wanted to try to put together a meditation group of sorts. The goal would be to try and counter some of the negative energy/thoughts put forth about the upcoming nonsense regarding the 2012 Phenomenon. Basically, we\’ll pick a day, a single 24 hour… Read more: Monthly Meditation!
- Morning Projection – April 6th, 2012by XanthI had a really awesome astral awareness experience this morning. First, I\’ll mention that it was \”astral\” and not \”lucid\” because I was firmly and fully consciously aware of who I was. It started as a normal dream awareness experience where I was visiting my old place of employment. From there I quickly clued in… Read more: Morning Projection – April 6th, 2012
- The Feeling of \”Mind Expansion\”by XanthI take the train to and from work now. It\’s a wonderful little bit of my day that I\’m learning to really enjoy. Why you ask? Cause it gives me 35 minutes twice a day to meditate! If I can\’t meditate at work, this is the next best thing. 🙂 Anyway, onto my post… I… Read more: The Feeling of \”Mind Expansion\”
- William Buhlman – The Out of Body Experienceby XanthThis is one of six videos in a series of an interview with William Buhlman. It\’s a great listen. 🙂
- How to Increase your Chances of having Lucid Dreams and Astral Projectionsby XanthI\’m going to take this directly from my free 60 page eBook on the Basics of Phasing, which you can download from here. Another way to have a non-physical experience is becoming aware during a non-physical dream awareness experience (aka, a normal dream). Some people call these DEILD\’s (Dream Exit Initiated Lucid Dream) There are… Read more: How to Increase your Chances of having Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections
- The History and Science of Astral Travel – Anthony Peakeby XanthIt looks like Anthony Peake will be a guest at what looks to be a very informative event. Out of body experiences (OBEs) are those curious, and usually brief experiences in which a person\’s consciousness seems to depart from his or her body, enabling observation of the world from a point of view other than… Read more: The History and Science of Astral Travel – Anthony Peake
- Jurgen Ziewe – Testimony of Life after Death Videosby XanthI\’ve started to delve a bit into Jurgen\’s website, Multidimensional Man. From what I\’ve read it\’s very well done. I came across a series of three videos: http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Testimony_of_life_after_death_videos.html They\’re his testimony of life after death. They seem like a very interesting watch. I post them here for your viewing pleasure. 🙂 Enjoy!
- Great Post on the Astral Pulseby XanthMDM (Jurgen Ziewe) started a post on the Astral Pulse that I feel has taken off wonderfully, and I wish to share it with everyone. multidimensional_realities_various_obe_phenomena_explained-t36302.0.html Also, if you do feel like joining in please do create an account on the Astral Pulse and post away! The more perspectives, the more “complete” the picture. 🙂
- Post Focus! Contenteo Part 2!by XanthI had made a post last year adding some content from a member of the Astral Pulse, Contenteo. He recently allowed me to post his Model of Consciousness which is a few posts below this one if you want to see it as it’s REALLY good. I wanted to do a Post Focus on an… Read more: Post Focus! Contenteo Part 2!