I do not believe Demons exist!

From time to time on the Astral Pulse forums and lately in the Astral Pulse IRC channel (there are links for both locations on the right side of this website) I\’ve been having to tackle the issue of demons.  People supposedly \”fighting\” with and just having general encounters with demons.

I\’ll just say that \”demons\” (or other negative entities) in the astral is purely a matter of BELIEF.  They only exist in the minds and experiences of those who believe in them.

Now, how did I come to this conclusion?  Well, basically, I can\’t remember a single time in my life where I\’ve ever had an encounter with ANYTHING that could even remotely be considered evil that didn\’t come directly from my subconscious mind.  No objective existence of a negative entity has ever cropped up in my experiences.
I\’ve been Lucid Dreaming for pretty much my entire life and more recently into my Astral Projections, I have never experienced this phenomenon.

What can I infer from this?  Well one of two things.

If demons really do exist then they are afraid to interact with me for some unknown reason.  We know this can\’t be the case due to demon-legend and folklore… and honestly, I\’m nobody special.  Now the second option… they are the creation of those who believe and I do not believe that they exist so I don\’t provide them with the chance to exist.  Makes sense, eh?

The only reason people experience demons in their astral projections is because either they outright believe in them or on some subconscious level outside their normally accepted conscious awareness, they believe in them.  Either way, it\’s a fear-based belief that brings them into your projections.

And seriously… fighting them?  That\’s giving them even more power to exist, because you are only further reinforcing the belief in yourself that they exist by engaging them.  Your best bet is to ignore them as best you can.  Close off your thoughts and emotions to the scenes playing out around you and they\’ll fade away into the nothing they came from.

So, the next time you find yourself facing down \”demons\” in your astral projection, don\’t be afraid, they are a simple fear-based self creation.

Frank talks about Robert Focus Model

I was doing a forum search earlier on the Astral Pulse trying to find mention of Focus 22, the area of consciousness where we dream and do other \”non-physical\” things… and I stumbled across a boat load of great information that I wish to share here.

I\’m going to provide the links to the posts in question, but I\’m only going to quote sections of each here for the purposes of this article.  I do fully encourage everyone to go to each link and read the threads in full as they have so much wonderful information in them.

At Focus 10, having difficulty going past Posted on June 19, 2005
This is a short post, so I figured I\’d just put it all here anyways… he speaks a bit about the trouble of the \”physical eyes\” stealing a glance and how you can fix that. This is a problem that I still face constantly.


In the early days the moment I\’d see an image in mind, my physical eyes would suddenly \”wake up\” and try to snatch a glance at whatever it was. Of course, that would zap me right out of the state I\’d just spent 30-40 minutes developing. I\’ve said before that often I\’d feel like gouging my eyes out in frustration. 🙂

A key to all of this is getting the physical eyes to relax and soften. So you are not actually looking out of them anymore. When you first close your eyes, you’ll still be looking out of them. So you need to let them relax so they just hold still in whatever position they feel comfortable. Mine tend to drift upwards and there is a point of rest that they naturally go to that is the same each time.

This relaxing of the eyes, coupled with the relaxation of the physical body is what allows the focus of attention to move away from the eyes so you can change your mental focus of attention into your mind. The physical is our Primary Focus so you need to try to seduce that focus of attention away from the physical, as I was talking about in a couple of posts over the past week. Once you break the connection to the physical, you are free to look into your mind. As I say, that is when the lights come on, in a manner of speaking, and all kinds of weird and wonderful imagery comes about at the beginning of Focus 2. If you wish, you can you pass through this stage and reach Fz, which is your gateway to Focus 3. Fz is Focus 21 of the Monroe model and Focus 3 encompasses Monroe Focus states F23 to F27 inclusive.


The second part of the post he speaks about the Focus Zero (Fz) area of consciousness. Earlier in his time posting on the Pulse he referred to this area as the \”Astral Bridge\” and further along as the \”3D Blackness\”. It\’s the area of consciousness that Robert Monroe labeled Focus 21 and is the area that we pass through to get to the dream area (Focus 22).  I believe I experience this each time I go from a Lucid Dream back to the Physical… as my vision goes to complete blackness before shifting back to the Physical.

Was this Phasing? Posted on January 02, 2003
This post was made just over a couple years before the one above, and from this one we find his understanding of the \”Astral Bridge\” which I referred to above.

Ralph: Phasing is a process that takes you from C1 consciousness… to the Astral bridge zone at Focus 21 (which I think we have now determined is the 3D Blackness stage) and beyond.

This next section he speaks about the Focus 22 state and how we get there via our physical bodies unconsciously fall asleep.

Generally, lucid dreams are created when a person has \”phased\” to the mental focus 22 state. This is the first Astral region you step into from the bridge zone at focus 21. When a person falls asleep, their sense of conscious awareness naturally phases out of the Physical, crosses the bridge zone and, as it does so, it enters the first main realm where thought equals direct action. (I say main-realm because, technically, the focus 21state is the first realm where thought has this effect. But this is more a buffer zone than a realm proper.)

Problem is, as the mind has little conscious control, all manner of thoughts and emotions can be released. Which goes to creating and fuelling the circumstances that come to surround the person. In other words, the person begins dreaming.

With a little practice, as most of us know, it is possible to teach your sense of consciousness to \”come awake\” within a dream. This then gives a person a degree of conscious control over their thoughts which, in turn, gives them the ability to manipulate their dreamscape. However, if a person can retain a high degree of conscious control, it is possible to skip focus 22 entirely.

Where I say, above, that while the physical body falls asleep the mind crosses the astral bridge zone and slips into the mental focus 22 state… that is only largely due to the fact there is little conscious control. If normal alert waking consciousness is retained while the physical body drops off to sleep, the mental focus 21 state can be used as a portal through which you can phase directly to a higher level.

The second paragraph is him referring to a normal dream. Where by you pass into the non-physical, past the Focus 21 Fz Bridge area all the while being unconscious of this shift.

Gateway Wave 1 pointers Posted on October 04, 2002
Another short one, so I\’ll just quote it all.

The Astral screen effect comes about at Focus 21. When you step into it, this is the Phasing to Focus 22. As I said in an earlier post, Focus 22 is also known as the Lucid Dream state. But you are entering this state with full waking consciousness; as opposed to \”waking up\” within a Lucid Dream where you generally only have part conscious awareness, which makes a BIG difference.

If you Phase further and find yourself amongst all kinds of black and grey nasty stuff teaming with every manner of Human crud, then you are in Focus 23. And if you think Focus 23 is weird then Phase further and prepare to be weirded out to the n\’th degree. Smiley


The \”Astral Screen\” he refers to here is apparently an effect that comes out due to the Fz. A black screen of sorts which you pass through. As I\’ve experienced it, it would be like a thick sheet of warm water that you would \”walk through\”. We don\’t normally experience this when we fall asleep because you\’re rather unconscious by that point.

Is an AP during a dream, a real AP? Posted on July 16, 2005
The part I liked best from this post is this:

All dreams, by mere definition, must surely be “projection” experiences. Plus, I concur with your meaning of project. Although I tend to use the word shift, as in shift one’s focus. But shift or move or whatever… it’s the same difference.

The problem with dreams is people often get to thinking that dreams are all “in your head” so to speak. That you are in some way walking about in your brain. This faulty thinking unfortunately occurs as a result of people thinking the mind is somehow a product of the brain. It is actually the other way around. 🙂 This leads to people talking in terms of, “… I thought I was projecting… but it was just a dream.” [emphasis on the just]

In this sense, a person is thinking that the only “real” projection is a projection of consciousness that would present the impression of being “out” of body. And this all boils down to the mistaken notion that there can possibly be such a thing as “out” of body.

He mentions the misinterpretation that I believe most people do when they try to define their experiences… and they start questioning their experience and seem to think that it was \”JUST\” a dream. It\’s never JUST a dream. 🙂

Astral Proper and Training Zone Posted on April 25, 2003
Without re-posting some information, I\’ll quote this:

A technique I find very effective is, every now and again, I\’ll come to a complete halt, focus on some detail or other and ask myself a simple question about it. What this serves to prevent is a situation where you begin getting excited. Getting excited has the effect of making you think and move too quickly. So you start flitting here, there and everywhere and your progress is stunted.

This effect is prevalent in accounts of people\’s early experiences. They tend to follow along the lines of: suddenly I realise I was dreaming; and then I found myself [at some place or other]; and there was this [some kind of event]; and then I saw [some other event]; and then suddenly I was [transported to some other scene]; but before I knew it the thing had changed [to yet another scene]; and then it became [whatever]; and next moment I was awake.

The other pitfall to avoid, is making snap-judgements as to whatever comes about.

He starts off with the technique that I currently use to convert my Lucid Dreams into full Astral Projections. It works very well if you can remember enough to do it! LOL

The last line there about making Snap-Judgments is also very important. This is part and parcel of keeping your thoughts under strict control while projecting.

Retrieval Question Posted on January 10, 2003

Dreaming is done mostly in the Focus 22 state. Problem is, people who are sans physical-body can\’t reach Focus 22. Their limit is Focus 23 which is where a lot of these retrievals take place. But they can also take place in the higher realms of Focus 24; 25 & 26.

This is a bit of information that I just recently figured out myself by looking at my ideas at how the Astral and the Wider Reality is actually formed. I see the Physical as a sort of bubble of \”condensed astral matter\” and to reach this matter one has to push their way through the barrier that separates the two. I believe this pushing of the barrier creates our Focus 22 environment. So, once we physically die, that Focus 22 section retracts back into the Astral whole again, unusable anymore by us. It\’s ONLY available to us while we have our primary focus here in the physical.

A loop is simply where someone thinks in a certain way; which causes a particular mix of emotion to be released; which instantly creates a particular set of circumstances surrounding them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released; which continues to fuel the same circumstances that surround them; which causes the person to continue thinking in that same certain way; which causes the same mix of emotion to be released…….

Here he speaks about the loops that one can get into. These are what \”retrievers\” save people from. They try to break the emotion loop that one has created so that they can bring the soul into the higher areas free of such loops.

I encourage you to read this thread as he goes on to explain the different TYPES of loops that you can get caught in.

Phasing/OBE What\’s the difference? Posted on October 23, 2002
Just a quick small quote here, please do read the entire thread, it\’s really good.

Yes, we are, but only when we have learned the basic ground-rules that apply, i.e. remaining emotionally closed with thoughts in check. Else we just get stuck at Focus 22.

He mentions here getting \”stuck\” at Focus 22 due to not remaining emotionally closed. This happens because if you allow your emotions and thought to run unchecked, they\’ll simply be creating the environment around you. So if you want a more \”Astral Proper\” experience, in that you want to speak with other people deceased or spirits who even never incarnated here on Earth, then you\’ll need to learn to remain emotionally closed and keep your thoughts under control. 🙂

Anyway, that\’s all I wanted to go over… I know it\’s a lot, but I think it\’s well worth the read. Especially if you\’re having troubles understanding Robert Monroes Focus Models. As for Franks Focus Model… Focus 21 and 22 reside in Franks Focus 3 oC. Robert\’s Focus 23 and up coincide with Franks Focus 3 oC.

As always, if you have any questions pertaining to this or other articles here, please visit my forums and ask! Thanks!

Exploration 27 and the Healing/Regeneration Center

This is a video I just stumbled upon from TMI, hosted by Skip Atwater, the current President of TMI. He\’s explaining Focus 27 and the Healing/Regeneration Center. It\’s a pretty good video. It\’s a 5 parter, each following part you can access at the end of the previous one. So just keep clicking through them and watch. 🙂

I found Parts 4 and 5 particularly interesting.
Part 4 he talks about Focus 33, which really sounds like the creative area where one can make their own \”ANYTHING\”. In some cases, people report creating for themselves a little home to go to for when they physically die. This Focus 33 sounds like that area… I believe it would be in Focus 3 oC in Franks model.

Part 5 has some interesting charts showing some rather interesting statistics they found. Focus upon the Illness and Drug related ones. 🙂


What are Lucid Dreams?

I made a post a couple days ago regarding my views on what a Dream is and I figured I\’d continue this and write about my views on Lucid Dreaming… I guess I\’ll finish off with an article about my views on Astral Projection.

I find that people get confused with the idea of Lucid Dreaming thinking that one needs to be in full control of their environment for it to be considered a Lucid Dream, however Lucidity and Control are two separate ideas.  Being \”Lucid\” in a dream, at the very minimum, means that you know you\’re dreaming.  You might not know that your physical body is asleep in your bed, but you do know that you\’re in the non-physical.  That\’s it really.

In my first post about \”Dreams\”, I mentioned something I call \”Dream Awareness\”.  This is, generally, the first level of awareness one will have in the non-physical if you enter through normal sleep, people mostly refer to this as \”having a dream\”.  Now we\’ll move onto the next level, that I call \”Lucid Awareness\”.  As I said before, this ONLY means that you realize that you\’re dreaming.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It does not denote control over the dream.

So, let\’s move onto the cool and crazy stuff you can do in a Lucid Dream!  While you have Lucid Awareness, you\’re limited only by your imagination.  Whatever you want or desire can manifest directly in front of you in full technicolour 3D.  🙂

Manifesting these scenes and controlling your Lucid Dream isn\’t as tough as it sounds because your subconscious, which usually has full control while you\’re in \”Dream Awareness\”, is still highly active, it\’s still in the foreground of your consciousness.  So, to change what you want, you simply have to visualize it.

For example, the other night in a Lucid Dream I had, I was showing someone how I could destroy buildings.  I pointed to a skyscraper off in the distance, I put my forearms together in front of it and then pulled them apart… we watched how the building split in two right down the middle.
Another example is one of my greatest joys I have in dreams, is flying.  To do this, you need to visualize yourself flying.  The simplest way to do that is to just pretend you\’re superman.  Just jump into the air and pretend you\’re him… you\’ll take off.  🙂

So that\’s my view on Lucid Dream/Lucid Awareness.  If you have any particular question or need to know something specific to this, or if I just didn\’t make something very clear, please head on over to the UB Forums and ask away!  🙂

Why Is Astral Projection So Hard

This is a wonderful writeup from the Astral Voyage website. The direct link to the write up is here.

If you\’re wondering why Astral Projection is so hard, you are not alone. You must be thinking, \”If this was so natural, why do we struggle so?!\” I tell people it IS natural. How can it not be? You are not your body, you are your soul. So to travel about and experience that condition is no more unnatural than sleeping. But why is it so hard then?

It is difficult because of our self-inflicted concepts and lifestyles. This starts at the society level, and then works its way down to us at a personal level. If you review your typical life (American or otherwise), during our most formative years, we are taught how to socially behave, left brained topics like math and science (with art as an \”elective\”), fear based religion, and physical survival. We dismiss all metaphysical things with great vehemence and skepticism. Then, after our formative years, we plunge into the electronic and physical lifestyles, which leads us even farther away from inner self. Everything from cell phones, beepers, televisions, traffic, jobs, and surface relationships keep us from seeking inner truths. I just got an e-mail this week from a 14 year old that had her dream journal taken away from her at her religious school because it was a \”sin\”! How a dream journal (keeping records of soul and astral activity) can be a sin, boggles my mind. It is no surprise to me that we can\’t project! Instead, it\’s a miracle any of us can project at all! But then again, is this surprising since this type of oppression goes back even before the Christians imprisoned Galileo for promoting the simple theory that the earth goes round the sun and not vice-versa? Ignorance, established and held by fear, means control to the controllers and as long as we stay ignorant and let fear rule us, our growth will be stunted in this area as well as all others.

So here we are, conditioned and programmed to be the worst astral projectors possible. We\’re ignorant and afraid. Will we ever be able to flex these astral muscles? How do we undo this?

It is my opinion, that with our current pace and attitude of life, this is not possible to any great degree for the general public. It will always be a struggle, and it will take extraordinary efforts to master this natural ability. However, I strongly believe, as with all things, we have yet to uncover an astral projection AID (or tool) that will help us all. This was the purpose of my Science page. We already have tools for projection (hemi-sync, meditation tapes, herbs, etc.) but if any of these worked with great success, we\’d all be projecting. You can go to the Monroe Institute for one week (for a hefty sum of $1,600.00) and probably project, as you\’re in a sealed, soundproof booth for days on end, with hemi-sync playing till all hours. But what happens when you get home and are back to your daily life? Probably nothing! No, the tools we need are yet to be discovered. Of all my years of research and projection, there is one fundamental truth that I think is an important clue, and that is that our physical body has a magnetic hold on the astral body. Only through intense meditation, illness, mastery of the body asleep/mind awake state, assorted deprivation, do we reduce the magnetic pull enough to allow for separation.

Take care,


She has really hit the nail on the head. These are the conditions we must struggle against to pursue this skill. It\’s not an easy road, by any stretch of the imagination… and it\’s a road not heavily traveled either, but in the end, it\’s definitely a journey worth taking if you\’re interested. 🙂

The Physical is an Astral Environment

I\’ve been thinking lately… what if this physical reality we hold so dear as being a solid reality is ACTUALLY just a non-physical reality? Through Quantum Physics, humanity is already starting to get a glimpse that our world is actually made up of probabilities.

In the non-physical what we think becomes reality, any stray thought that comes to mind will instantly come into being in full technicolour 3D right in front of your non-physical eyes. Now, what if I said that this also happens here in the Physical as well?

Take instances of hauntings where items are flung around the room… is that some outside force doing the flinging or is it the person in the room doing the flinging and not realizing that their subconscious thoughts are initiating this reaction?
What about supposed miracles that happen throughout the world? People with Terminal Diseases suddenly and for inexplicable reasons being cured permanently. Is this really a miracle? Or the person healing themselves by subconsciously desiring AND believing it.
And there are more unexplained instances, like that of people lifting cars and trucks to free loved ones trapped beneath… the list goes on and on.

What if these acts we think are coming from outside of us are actually coming FROM WITHIN US. This would mean that our thoughts DO have a direct impact upon our physical reality and what we experience. What if the trick isn\’t simply believing it? What if the trick was going BEYOND believing and stepping into KNOWING?

It\’s just a thought. 🙂

Personalreality\’s \”What is the Non-Physical\”

Personalreality, from the Astral Pulse, is writing a multi-part post on his personal blog, Shades of Consciousness, about \”What is the Non-Physical\”.

His first part is up already.  It\’s a great read, and I think everyone should take, at the very least, a quick glance over it.

I\’m looking forward to reading the rest of his posts in this series.

My New Consciousness Designations – “States of Mind”

I was dreaming this morning and I came to a realization after I awoke.  I realized that the term “Conscious awareness” just doesn’t work when using it to describe anything more than your awareness during a dream, or in any case, it makes it more confusing.  I need a phrase or phrases to make it easier for new people to learn the concepts and a catch all “Conscious Awareness” just doesn’t do that, because once you pass into Lucid Dreams and even further, Astral Projections, the term begins to fail.

We dream every night of our lives, yet we don’t remember all of them, why?  We have varying levels of consciousness through these dreams… everything from not remembering that a dream ever happened, to remembering bits and pieces of a dream, to remembering every last detail of the dream.

I was thinking about how we “remember” our dreams… and I realized that the dreams I remember most, are the ones in which I was most consciously aware in.  Not consciously aware in that I knew I was dreaming… but consciously aware that I was experiencing the dream AS it was happening.  I call this “Dream Awareness“.  Basically, I’m living the dream life as if I was awake and not realizing it’s a dream.  I am the actor not realizing he’s in a play.  This tends to give me the best chance to remember after I wake.

The next step up from that would be “Lucid Awareness“.  This is the point where you know you’re dreaming and you know that what is around you is a dreamscape.  You don’t have much more awareness than that though.

After that, I’d call it “Astral Awareness“.  At this point, you are as wide awake and aware as if you were awake in the physical reality… except you’re in the nonphysical.

Also, I believe that the line between Lucid Awareness and Astral Awareness can be very blurred.  Your awareness can float between that range at any one time during the experience.  You’ll start off with Lucid Awareness, then muster up Astral Awareness… after some time, you might lose focus and concentration and drop back down to Lucid Awareness.  You could shift back into Dream Awareness too.

For myself, I start off with Dream Awareness, then I’ll shift into Lucid Awareness… after that I’ll do my conversion to bring forth my Astral Awareness.  Generally what happens after some time in Astral Awareness is that I’ll just wake up.

So yeah, these are my new “States of Mind”.  Hopefully they’ll assist me in helping new members on the Pulse and other forums I frequent.

I guess you could say that this is the first thing I now disagree with Frank on!  🙂

Personalreality, from the Astral Pulse, wrote a nice reply to my post.
You can read it on his own personal blog, Shades of Consciousness.

Learn To Tell What Experience You\’re Having

To get you into the proper mindset in learning how to differentiate and interpret the many experiences (Dream, Lucid Dream, AP, OBE) one can have in the non-physical, I think the following statement sums it up nicely:

\”The difference is not in the nature of the reality but in the consciousness that observes/experiences it.\”

What I\’m saying here is that the nature of the reality you find yourself in (Dream, Lucid Dream, Astral Projection, Out of Body Experience, etc…) isn\’t defined by that reality.  It\’s actually the opposite.  You define the reality…  the nature of your experience is defined solely by your consciousness and how aware you are.

Our Other Bodies

Deus made a post on the Astral Viewers today asking an amazing question about what happens to our \”metaphyiscal\” bodies when we\’re no longer using them. I\’ll copy his post here:

So i had this idea swirling around my head for a while now. And i hope i won\’t sound totally insane for telling it. I will try to explain it the best i can.

So, what i was thinking is actually what happens to our \”metaphysical\” body when we stop dreaming, LD, AP and the sort. We can have the impression of being sucked in our physical bodies, or that we just simply wake up. I find it a bit hard to believe since our realities (RTZ and the other phases of perception) are somehow interlaced and don\’t have a pyramidal structure. And i don\’t believe anymore that we are \”getting out of the body\” but we simply switch our perception.

In my opinion we simply experience a form of death. Our metaphysical bodies dissolve and we come back to our primary reality i.e. the physical. Our physical bodies will dissolve/die one day too and our conciousness will permanently be transfered into a metaphysical body. So, the thing we percieve as awakening could be just the result of death. Only when we wake up from a dream we actually realise that we were dreaming all along (except from lucid dreams). I believe we temporarily \”project\” into another body which is destined to perish once we switch focus. And that will happen to us once we die.
We simply chage focus and this life will become a long and strange projection. What seems real now, will become the dream later.

I don\’t know, i just wanted to put it out in the open. I\’d love to know what you guys think about it.

It got me thinking about a post I made on the Astral Pulse regarding a question very similar.

Think of it this way… *You* can\’t die.
Each time you project Etherically, Astrally or whatever… you create a body to interact with the environment for that specific journey. You then focus your conscious awareness into that body and control it. <— SOUND FAMILIAR?

It\’s exactly how you operate here on the physical.
A body was created for you to interact with this physical environment.
Since this is your primary focus, you still need this body even if you switch your focus of awareness.

When you create a body for the etheric or astral… after you\’re done with that body, it\’s destroyed.
The same happens here. Once you\’re done with this physical body, it ceases to operate.

*IT* dies…
*YOU* do not.

Now that I\’ve actually put a bit more thought into it, I don\’t actually believe we have other \”bodies\” per se, what we experience when in the non-physical is just an expectation of a body.

What we \”see\” when we\’re focused into other realities is just a projection of our self-image. This \”image\” is completely a \”human\” need, it makes sense to our conscious mind that if we\’re \”somewhere\” we must have a \”body\” to be \”in\” (wow that was a lot of quotes LOL).  To expand on this, many people actually report that, as you spend more and more time \’out\’, you begin to slowly lose this \”human-self-image\” and begin to take on a more \”consciousness\” form… whatever that may be.

So, what happens to this \”human-self-image\” or \”consciousness\” form when you come back to your primary focus? Well… nothing.  Cause it never truly existed to begin with… yet, it also always exists too, because we exist across the entire consciousness continuum simultaneously.

I guess the question then becomes, does consciousness REQUIRE a vessel for which to work in a non-physical environment?
We know that we require a physical body to interact with this physical, Focus 1 oC reality… but I feel that\’s because of the particular \’physics\’ programmed into this reality.  In the non-physical, these physics do not exist…

I guess one could say that shifting/phasing your focus between realities is a \”form of death\”.  One could also say that \”dreaming\”, too, is a form of death we experience each and every time we fall asleep. The only difference between that and what we humans call \”death\” is that your primary focus will have shifted to another reality permanently.

My Lifelong Hypnopompic Images

This is a little bit about me…

So, all through my life, I\’ve been waking up in the middle of the night seeing, what I can only describe as \”something\” standing in my room, seemingly \’observing\’ me.  I\’ve never felt anything bad about it being there, it was always just startling when I was younger.  I remember more than once I\’d jump out of bed attacking whatever it was that was there… only to flick a light on quickly and see that nothing solid was there.

I used to believe that it was just something in my head… until the penny started to drop and astral projection came into my life.  Then I started to put two and two together regarding the non-physical.  Over the last 10ish years, I\’ve become rather accustomed to \”seeing things\” in my room in the middle of the night when I wake up… so it rarely startles me too much.  I simply lie down and go back to sleep.

I\’m realizing now that over the course of my life, this \”thing\” has slowly become more and more clear to me… until last night, when I believe I got a real good look at \”him\”.  Yes, \”him\”… a male spirit/entity.  I just remember a slender face, with a goatee, medium height, medium build.

I remember, last night, sitting up slightly and staring this entity right in the eyes, my heart beating a little faster.  Then I watched as it walked past the foot of my bed, at which point, I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep… a few minutes passed and I went to the bathroom instead, THEN went back to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

So I\’m now armed with an image… and a desire to stare this thing down and hopefully get some answers to some very old questions.

Why You Need To Control Your Thoughts

I just started to read William Buhlman\’s book, \”Adventures Beyond The Body\”, and I wanted to share a passage in it which illustrates beautifully why one needs to learn to control their thoughts and keep a focused, goal-oriented mind, when astral projecting.

Buhlman writes:

Each experience increased my realization that my nonphysical state of consciousness was extremely sensitive and responsive to the slightest thought. My prevailing conscious and subconscious thoughts would instantly propel me in a specific direction. I quickly learned that my subconscious mind exerts much more influence and control over my actions than I ever imagined. Often, a completely spontaneous thought would create an immediate reaction. For example, if I thought about flying, which I often did, I would immediately fly through the ceiling or wall and glide over my neighborhood.

This is probably the best paragraph I\’ve ever read that shows perfectly why we need complete control.

This is what I believe to be the cause behind the experience which some people refer to as the \”Astral Wind\”.  Whereby you\’ll be in one location, then some kind of wind or supposed \”pushing\’\’ effect will happen upon you, where you\’ll end up somewhere else unknowingly.  Well, this is why.

People don\’t realize it and they try to externalize the sensation, which will cause it to appear as something external, such as a \”wind\” that uncontrollably blows you elsewhere.

Is Reality an Illusion?

This idea isn\’t new… it\’s something that\’s been bounced around for a while now.  Someone linked this video over on the Astral Pulse.
It\’s REALLY good.  I love the analogies that are made and the general view of the entire video… so I\’m sharing it here for you.

Is Reality an Illusion

They\’ve disabled embedding, so you\’ll have to click on the link above to watch.

Or here for the playlist so you can view it continuously with no interruptions.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did. 🙂


One of the big things that confused me most about Astral Projections were what people call the Vibrations.
How do you use them to your advantage to successfully project?

Well, the answer is you DON\’T use them.  They\’re nothing more than a signpost that reads, \”you\’re doing fine, just keep doing what you\’re doing\”.
I\’ll explain…

People generally sit/lie there waiting for these \”vibrations\” to kick in.  This is the first mistake.  They\’re not a goal in itself… you might be one of the people who never experiences them.  Does that mean you can not project?  Not at all!  Because they\’re not something you NEED to project.  They\’re just a sticky note along the consciousness continuum that tells you to keep doing what you\’re doing.

Back when I was practicing the more Classic OBE methods (where you feel a distinct separation) I used to get them quite often, and my mistake was to focus on them, trying to \”expand\” them (whatever that means, nobody ever explained that one satisfactorily to me either) and what ended happening was that they would pass by, and I\’d get frustrated because I was STILL in my body.  In the end, I gave up on having Classic OBEs because I found that they just never work well for me.  🙂

The form of projection I do is called Phasing.  Phasing is interesting, because, for the most part, you\’ll never experience Vibrations… and this, I find, confuses people a lot more, since everyone tells them that you must experience these to project.  With Phasing, you\’re shifting your awareness away from the physical towards the non-physical, there are no vibrations or \”exit sensations\” that you would normally get with Classic OBE methods.

There\’s no point along the phasing line where you\’ll ever feel any vibrations.  You\’re just \”Here\”, you shift, then you\’re \”There\”.  At this point though, confusingly, some people do report feeling them… I believe that the people who are experiencing Vibrations after they\’ve phased are simply \”expecting\” them, and since they\’re already \”out of body\” at this point, they\’re already in the astral and we all know that Thought = Direct Action, this means that they will experience that which they expect to experience.

The same holds true for people who find themselves in a Lucid Dream and they begin to feel Vibrations.  They\’re only feeling them because they\’re expecting to feel them, someone told them that they\’ll experience them.  If you\’re already in a dream, then they\’re now PAST the point where Vibrations can naturally manifest and they\’re now being subconsciously created out of expectations.

The only time you\’ll feel them is if you\’re Lucid Dreaming and you shift yourself back to your physical body in an attempt to have a Focus 1 (RTZ) projection, THEN you will feel Vibrations, because you\’ve returned to your physical body first.  But if you\’re already out, there\’s no need to go through all that.  Instead of shifting back to your physical body, you shift yourself somewhere else in the physical instead.

In any case, if for whatever reason I\’m trying a Classic OBE method and I do feel them, I simply note that they happened and move on.

If your goal is to feel Vibrations, you\’ll end up waiting for a while.

My View on “Negs”

I had made a comparison in IRC chat the other day regarding my views on what \”Negs\” are.
I was thinking about horror movies and my thoughts came upon \”A Nightmare on Elm Street\”, and it really got me thinking about \”Negs\”.

\”Freddy\” can be considered the ultimate example of a Neg.  And within that example it shows the kind of power you give them and exactly how to stop them as well.  He\’s a being that only came about due to the thought energy that others put into him.  Also, as a created being, he only had the power you hurt you if you gave him that power.  At the end of the movie, the last teen alive couldn\’t be killed because she found out Freddy\’s power, you had to BELIEVE in him for him to kill you.

Well, this is EXACTLY how I view Negs.

A Neg only exists if you provide it the thought energy to exist… if you provide it the BELIEF that it exists.
It only has the ability to manifest and harm you if you give it that power.  This is why I tell people that Negs are only as powerful as you make them out to be.  Otherwise, they are powerless to harm you… or to even exist.

This isn\’t to say that every case of someone being haunted is this though.  There are cases where a haunting is caused by some spirit… but telling the difference between these two things can be difficult sometimes.   Although, I do believe that actual spirit-hauntings are a minority of situations.  I feel that the majority of them are these kinds of thought-form related hauntings created by those living there.

Another example is the Amityville House… the house where a family was massacred and subsequently haunted for the next family.  Well, the most recent family has just put the house up for sale and has never had anything bad happen to them there.  I believe this is because they never fueled by believing the stories regarding the thought-forms that were there previously.

This Blog Entry on Shades of Consciousness made by PersonalReality further illustrates my point.

How Our Expectations Cloud Our Experiences

Why is it best to remove all expectations from your projections?

Well… we \”astral\” project in a reality where a few things make up the experiences you have:  Your thoughts + your emotions + your expectations = YOUR ASTRAL EXPERIENCES.
This means that if you go into astral projection with the expectations that you will meet demons or any other number of bad things, then that is exactly what you\’re going to run into.

How do we fight this?  How do we shut off our expectations?  Well, this goes back to controlling your thoughts.  Control your thoughts and your emotions and expectations will be under control as well.

So that\’s how expectations can influence our journeys, I\’ll talk now about how expectations can effect your practices.  I\’ve seen question after question on the forums I frequent where people say that they\’ve had a single experience be it with a full projection or something lesser, like vibrations, but then they can\’t ever get it to happen again.  I try to get these people to go into their practice sessions with no particular goals in mind.  Just be open to whatever happens… go with the flow, sort to speak.

I hope that helps a bit.  🙂

What “Raising Your Vibrations” Really Means

I find that a lot of people will use this line in trying to explain HOW you go from plane to plane:  \”Just raise your vibrations!\”

To me, that sentence has always befuddled my poor human mind… raise what exactly?!  How do I RAISE my vibrations?  I\’ve had that question answered for me a hundred ways by a hundred different people.  *facepalms*

I just recently figured out what it means… and I can tell you in a more modern and less mystical way.  \"Smiley\"

Getting to the astral (Robert Monroes Focus 22/23, Frank Kepples Focus 2 oC) is the easy part.  You go there every night you fall asleep and dream.  You just need to bring about your full (or as close to full) conscious awareness as you can.

Now, to shift to a \”higher\” (that\’s in quotes, because no plane is higher or lower than another) plane you need to control your thoughts and emotions.  When you\’re on the astral, those two things are fueling your experiences, because on the astral THOUGHT = DIRECT ACTION.  So, to \”raise your vibrations\” means to calm and quiet your thoughts/emotions.  When you meditate, that is what you\’re doing.   You\’re calming and quieting your mind, and raising your frequency doing so.

It\’s really just that simple.

\”Raising your vibrations\” means to purify your mind-thoughts.  To become clear and focused so that you can begin to perceive the collective consciousness areas.

I hope that helps some.

Astral Projection Problems – The Eyes

For the most part, I use what I refer to as the \”Rundown\” method to Phase (project). One of the problem that I\’ve come up against is one to do with my eyes. The following post by Frank Kepple on The Astral Pulse helped me a great deal:

One of the *big* hurdles people generally need to overcome is the sudden unwelcome intrusion by the physical eyes. Such intervention almost always has the effect of zapping you right back to C1 consciousness. The reason this happens is because your focal point of consciousness normally resides behind your physical eyes. When I say \”resides behind\” what I mean is your primary focus of attention is mostly based on what the eyes tell you.

The ears may transmit to you a strange sound… then immediately the eyes will go to look. Someone may touch you unexpectedly from behind… then immediately the body spins around so the eyes can see. Which reminds me of an old playground joke where we\’d come up to someone from behind and tap them on the opposite shoulder to where we were standing. So the person would immediately look and see no-one there.

If you think about all the various human-response actions you will see that – almost always – the physical eyes are the primary information providors that determine whatever comes next.

On the Physical, this process works amazingly well. However, it can put a big spoke in the works when it comes to projection excercise. Difficulty being, the eyes are not used to just rolling back and relaxing while the consciousness is awake and alert. Having an awake, alert consciousness and taking-in input from the physical eyes is about as natural as it comes.

It used to happen to me all the time where I\’d just be settling into the Focus 12 state; where it is natural to perceive all manner of outline shapes and shadows, or whirls of colour, and so forth, and the moment I\’d see something definite it was like my protective sense of awareness would shout, \”What\’s that!\” And my physical eyes would immediately go to look. Which, of course, brought me right out of it.

The only way around it is to practice all you can to the extent where your protective sense of awareness regards everything that is happening as normal, and your physical eyes have got into the habit of switching themselves off during practice.

I think this problem can never be eradicated entirely, and it still effects me now and again. Just this morning, for instance, I drifted into the Focus 12 state fairly quickly and the 3D blackness suddenly loomed into view. The thought crossed my mind, \”Wow, that must be the quickest to-date.\” Next moment my protective sense of awareness slapped the brakes on, and my physical eyes immediately became restless. Like they were scanning from side to side on the lookout for any danger.

Which, of course, zapped me right back to C1. It even raised my heartbeat a tad too. Which meant it took me about half an hour just to get that settled again before practice could resume.


He describes the EXACT problem that I face and provides a pretty good explanation for why it happens and how to correct it.
It\’s slowly helping me in my efforts to have a conscious exit projection.

Tired or Exhausted Consciousness?

From Inner~Peace from the post The Astral Pulse

The time IS a factor simply because it would generally be much harder to keep consciousness at night (in my opinion) , when you’re so used to drifting off too sleep and are usually drained. I like to practice as I fall asleep too, like personalreality, though that’s more to familiarize myself with that state than to actually attempt projection.

I used to hold this belief too.  I always told people that practicing before bedtime is generally a bad idea because you’re exhausted and chances are much higher that you would just fall asleep.
But then I thought about it for a second and my own non-physical journeys… when was the last time you ever felt “tired” or “exhausted” in a dream?  Personally, I can’t think of a single dream I’ve ever had in which I’ve felt tired or exhausted.  Quite the opposite really.  In my dreams I’m always wide awake and going head-long into whatever the dream is about.

What does this tell me?  Well, it tells me that being “tired” isn’t a non-physical or consciousness thing.   It’s a physical body thing.
It tells me that we sleep so our “physical body” can rest, not for the benefit of our non-physical consciousness.

I feel that keeping consciously aware while you fall asleep is definitely something that you can learn. This also means that “time” of day shouldn’t really matter regarding keeping yourself consciously aware, as being “tired” is, literally, all just in your head… your physical head, that is.

Both Robert Monroe AND Frank Kepple mentioned that they hardly ever had non-astral projection dreams at night.  They both said that as soon as they fell asleep, they would begin their nightly journeys whether they wanted to or not.  How “physically” or “mentally” tired they happened to be at the time didn’t seem to dissuade this aspect of their non-physical lives at all.

Perhaps they LEARNED to get past the “tiredness”?

Clearing Your Mind

I just posted this over on the Astral Viewers forums, and I figured I\’d put it here as well.  It\’s a question that a lot of people ask… how exactly does someone clear their mind?  🙂

The Astral Viewers

The point isn\’t to \”clear\” your mind.
Doing that is a very hard thing to do… and I consider it to be overboard for projection.

What you want to do is quiet the \”surface thoughts\”.
These are the thoughts that you randomly have throughout the day as you\’re going about your business… \”Hmmm what should I make for dinner tonight?\”
\”Oh that girl has a hawt butt.\”
\”I hope <so and so> doesn\’t happen later!\”

Those are \”surface thoughts\”.  When you\’re meditating, they can account for thoughts like, \”am I doing it right?\”… or \”I don\’t think I\’m asleep yet\”.

Those are the thoughts you want to \”clear\”.

You do by catching the thought before it has a chance to completely form.  You do this as a process.
Let\’s take \”am I doing it right?\” for example.

You might miss catching it first and the whole thought gets out.
Next time it\’ll be \”am I doing it….\”
Then \”am I do….\”
so forth and so on until you just get down to \”….\”
Then eliminate that as well.

It takes a bit of practice, but it\’ll help your projection practice a lot.