My View on the Wider Reality

My belief of how the wider reality is setup comes about from a mixture of Robert Monroe, Frank Kepple and my own experiences.

Robert Monroe devised the \”Focus Level\” model of reality.
# Focus 1 – Physical Waking Consciousness. The level of awareness in which people spend most of their daily, waking lives.
# Focus 3 – Basic Hemi-Sync. The first level where Hemi-Sync starts to have an effect on the person.
# Focus 10 – Mind Awake / Body Asleep. The physical body sleeps and the mind is awake.
# Focus 11 – Auto-suggestion state.
# Focus 12 – Expanded Awareness. The awareness is expanded beyond the physical body.

Frank Kepple came along later, following in Robert Monroe\’s footsteps, in an attempt to duplicate his work.  Later, he further refined Monroe\’s Focus Model to compile associated \”Focus Levels\” into a more concise model.
# Focus 1 oC = Monroe Focus C1, 3 & 10
# Focus 2 oC = Monroe Focus 12, 15, 21 & 22
# Focus 3 oC = Monroe Focus 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27
# Focus 4 oC Here the comparison ends, as his Focus 4 oC has no Monroe counterpart.

His differentiates from Monroe\’s model by the use of \”oC\” or \”of Consciousness\” suffix.

Focus 1 oC is this physical reality.  However, Focus 1 also extends to what some people refer to as the RTZ (Real Time Zone).  He refers to both of these sections collectively as the \”Wider Physical\”.

Focus 2 oC is the area of consciousness where we do our Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and what people refer to as Astral Projection.  This is the area called the imagination, the subconscious, or some even refer to it as \”the astral\”.  This is your own personal area of consciousness, that people can not directly visit, they can however influence it by means of telepathy and other forms of communication.  I have projected here many times fully consciously aware.  To me, this is personal truth.

Focus 3 oC is the area of consciousness which is described more as a Collective area.  On the lower branches of this Focus levels you\’ll find people of similar Earth Belief Systems congregate and live in their self created expectations of their afterlife.  The upper branches are the \”transition areas\”, where you\’ll live while trying to remember what it\’s like to live in a subjective reality once again.  Then, when you\’re ready, you have the choice to either return to Earth for another go around at being human, or move back to Focus 4.  I personally haven\’t consciously explored this area of consciousness as of yet, but I feel like I\’m close.  So this is a belief to me.

Focus 4 oC… well, there\’s not too much I can tell you about this as it\’s way beyond anything I\’ve seen/done.  Frank describes it as a loss of individuality.  He describes it as plugging your mind into a sea of minds.  It\’s an area of COMPLETELY subjectivity.

Anyways, those are the Four main Focus levels as per Mr. Kepple.

Now, I\’m going to relate these levels to the more occult versions of them.

Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic, Atmic (I\’ll stop there, as I have no knowledge past it).
# The Physical Plane = Focus 1 oC, Obviously equates to this physical reality we\’re in now.
# The Astral and Mental Planes = Focus 2 oC, I believe these two planes are misinterpreted by many, and I believe that they are one in the same.
# The Buddhic Plane = Focus 3 oC
# The Atmic Plane = Focus 4 oC

So that\’s my view of the modern model of the Wider Reality and how it fits into the classical, or old world mystical reality system.

Dreams, Lucid Dreams, and Astral Projections… what’s the difference?

Edit: Since I posted this article, I\’ve made new discoveries on what dreams, lucid dreams and astral projections actually are. You can find my updated information here:

Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs all happen within the same area of consciousness.  Robert Monroe labeled this area “Focus 22”.  This is the area of consciousness that I believe most people refer to when they use terms such as “The Astral”.  I also believe that the “Real Time Zone” or what most people call the “Real Time Zone” also has its origins here, but I’ll explain more about that in another post.So if Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs are all the same experience how do you explain away the distinct differences between them?  Well, it’s simple… what differentiates them from each other is how consciously aware you are during the experience.

I also prefer using the Terms “Physical” and “Non-Physical” to describe the realities we find ourselves in.

It goes kind of like this:

  • A Dream (remembered or not) is basically when you are unaware that you are sleeping.  Your consciousness has phased into the non-physical, but it has done so unaware of this.  This happens to you pretty much every night of your life that you have gone to bed to have a good night’s sleep.
  • A Lucid Dream (always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is a Dream where the only thing you are aware of is that you are dreaming.  You might not have knowledge of your physical body.  You have some waking consciousness.  You don’t generally have much in the way of critical faculties.
  • An Astral Projection/OBE (again, always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is where you have brought forth your FULL waking conscious awareness.  You are fully awake and aware that you are within the non-physical and your physical body is in your bed, fast asleep.

So you can see that there isn’t much difference between the three experiences.  All happen in the same area of the consciousness continuum, it’s your own personal area of consciousness that nobody else has access to.  It’s an area set aside just for you!

It’s from this area that you have access to all of your closely held belief constructs.  You also have access to all of your memories that you’ve collected over the course of your current life.  Also, with a bit of control over your Emotions and Thoughts (as these are what are providing the fuel for what you see and experience around you) you will be able to leave your personal area and move into what I call the “Collective Consciousness” areas, but more on that later.

What is Grounding and Centering Yourself?

What is Centering?

Centering, refers to your mental and physical state. Centering means to calm your emotions and slow your mind and your breathing to a point where you can \’feel\’ a lot more going on around AND inside you. It\’s like a state of alertness, but really relaxed at the same time.  It\’s described as \”Mindfulness\”.

For things like Astral Projection, it\’s VERY important to always remain centered.  This means keeping your thoughts and most importantly your emotions in check at all times.  Staying \”calm\” is centered.  You can practice this throughout your physical life… for example, say someone cuts you off in traffic?  What\’s the usual response you might give?  You sit there in your car mouthing insults into the air, you might even flip the person the finger.  At this moment, you\’re the exact OPPOSITE of centered.

Realize that anything you do, however you react isn\’t going to change what happened.  Take a deep breath if you have to, count to 5 and then just accept what happened and allow yourself to release it.  This is the act of centering yourself.

For meditation purposes, to center yourself breath in for a count of 5 (or however long it takes to slowly fill your lungs), then out for a count of 10 (rule of thumb is twice as long as the inhale)  You\’ll know when you\’re centered when you feel calm and at peace.

It\’s a pretty self explanatory experience really.  If you\’re not sure what it feels like, then you haven\’t reached it. It\’s really not hard though. Just don\’t \”TRY\” too hard and it will come. Now you can Ground yourself.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is a term used mostly in conjunction with energy. Grounding means to get rid of the excess energy in your body and provide a path for new, clean energy to come through. It\’s important to always have a good flow of energy coming in and going out when meditating and doing any energy work.

Most people Center themselves before they Ground themselves. It\’s just a logical way to do it. First you calm the energy, then you move the energy.

How do you Ground your Energy?

This is a very simple exercise to ground yourself that can do almost anytime you want if you\’re feeling unbalanced or anxious or just beaming with extra energy that you have no current use for.

Sit down, close your eyes take a DEEEEEEP breath. Exhale slowly. While exhaling visualize a root system growing downwards from yourself. Visualize it growing down towards the earth farther and farther until it reaches the earth below you.  If you\’re in a high rise or a higher floor of a house, you\’ll need to visualize this until you feel you\’ve reached the \”earth\” below you.  When you feel the connection, visualize your old energy moving down that root system and then new energy coming in through the top of your head. This will provide a nice even flow coming through your body to aid you in any energy work you intend to do.