Lunchtime Meditation – Sept 17, 2010

I meditated a bit at lunchtime today during which I had an epiphany that I would like to share.

My goal in mind was my usual, I wanted to try to passively observe myself falling asleep so I can learn to catch it.
I had a thought earlier in the day, and I realized that I just wasn\’t keeping my mind active enough while falling asleep… I don\’t know why I never really thought about it before, but it just kind of hit me hard at that point and finally sunk in.

I began my meditation around 12:40pm… sitting at my desk, back straight in my chair, my feet flat on the floor and my arms resting naturally on my desk. After a few minutes, as I started to relax, I\’d notice my upper body falling forward slightly. This is my sign that my body is relaxing enough and is falling asleep. Points would come when I\’d realize that my head is almost touching my desk due to falling forward so much. I\’d straighten up and refocus. This happened twice.

After the second time, I thought to myself, \”Hmmm, I need to get my mind more active\” and I decided to engage my mind more by starting a rundown. I chose a location nearby, down at the lakefront on Lake Ontario. It\’s a cliff that overlooks the lake and beach. i visualized myself standing around up there watching the lake and the waves beat up against the sandy beach… and I still found myself drifting off a bit, it was much better than before in that I was able to catch it happening… so that\’s definitely progress!

I decided to increase the activity a bit… and I got to thinking about Astral Pulse Island. I wanted to incorporate that into my rundown somehow… so I looked out at the water and decided to take a jaunt out there to see what I could/would find on the Lake!

I floated off the cliff, down to the beach below where I had a boat waiting for me. I jumped in an started paddling out into the open water. What happened next wasn\’t part of my script, nor could I control it. I had gone out only a few seconds when the boat started tipping! It would tip left and right, then it went upside down, and righted itself… it just kept doing it. It felt like I was in a tumble dryer. I tried as hard as I could to control it, but once it started, it was very hard to stop it.

I decided to jump out of the boat and swim back to shore. This stopped the \”tumble dryer\” action from happening, thankfully. I floated back up to the initial cliff I was on before and just started walking instead. At which point, someone called me and I had to go do some \”office stuff\”. >_<

So that was a pretty random experience for me, and I\’m hoping to be able to duplicate it the next time I meditate at home or practice my Phasing. I think I was pretty close to stepping into the rundown though, it started to have a real feeling to it. The tumbling was definitely real, I FELT it as if I was actually there.  This all ended around 25 minutes later.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that. 🙂

Phasing – Mental Rundown in Greater Detail

I was reading some of Franks old posts, looking for more information on his \”Mental Rundown\” method and I came across this post (post #43 on page 3) which gave a much more detailed recount of what a mental rundown is and how to craft your own to suit yourself.

I\’ve had a number of PM\’s asking similar questions about my comments regarding the mental-rundown given on the monster-thread as being a kind of primer which kick-starts the natural Phasing process.

The questions relate to how you integrate the two and kick-start the process; how can you tell when the process has been kick-started, and what to do then, etc. So I thought I’d post a reply here as it pertains to the thread title.

What is the purpose of creating a mental rundown?

The rundown acts as a kind of mental primer which gets you in the mood and increases your anticipation and expectation levels (very important). The rundown is not what causes you to Phase to the Astral. Phasing is a natural process which comes about under certain mental conditions which I expand on later in this essay. It also gives a person practice in focusing their attention away from the physical body into the expanse of their mind. In other words, what you are basically doing is imagining you are Phasing to the Astral.

What shall I try, and for how long, and how often?

The mental-rundown exercise should be performed preferably at least once each day at around the same time. It does not really matter what kind of mental rundown you use. Simply do whatever feels right for you. Someone posted fairly recently they tried to work out their own but gave up and used the example I gave with a few changes here and there. Others have created their own from scratch. Like I say, it truly does not matter.

You don’t actually need the Wave-1 CD either – you can formulate a mental rundown to some relaxing music, or create something using Brainwave Generator, or use whatever suits you. All I would advise is for you to create something of around 30 to 45 minutes duration which you are basically happy with then stick with it. In other words, don’t make it too short, or too long, and no chopping and changing.

Okay, I’ve formulated a mental rundown so what next?

Once you have learnt your mental rundown you are ready to use it as a mental primer. First you go through it. Then simply remove the earphones (if you are using a CD or tape) and try Phasing for real.

In cases where you perhaps haven’t got all that much time to spare, what I would suggest is you create a short version of your rundown. Say, around half the duration. Then, every other time, listen to the short version after which you try for real. Once you get more competent then perhaps switch to the short version each morning. Or maybe try a regime of rundown one day and try it for real with no rundown the next. Again, it truly is a case of whatever suits each individual.

What do you mean by “Phasing for real?”

When you come to Phase for-real, you switch from perceiving metal imagery you are imagining as part of your rundown, i.e. where you are imagining you are Phasing to the Astral, to perceiving images that are being created as part of the normal Phasing process. In other words, you are not imagining anything, you are doing it!

After going through my rundown I try it for real and nothing happens, why?

Chances are, your physical-body is distracting you by capturing your attention.

One of the benefits of formulating a mental-rundown to some kind of audio recording, is it takes your mind off both the physical body and the Physical environment. Plus, you know exactly what imagery to perceive as it is you who is imagining it. Without these two mental props it can feel like you are right back at square one.

Main things you should avoid when trying for-real

Thinking about day-to-day Physical-realm matters.

Any kind of thinking about anything to do with the Physical-realm tends to put a *big* spoke in the works. In other words, you can’t really hope to kick-start the Phasing process if one part of you is thinking of your dental appointment next day; or whether you’ll get that pay-rise you requested; or your birthday next week, etc., etc.

To deal with this what you should do, right at the start of your practice, is imagine a large box and place all your Physical-realm concerns in that box. Then lock it securely and walk away. When you finish your mental-rundown, unlock the box and take them out again. This method is suggested by Monroe on the Wave-1 CD. It may sound a bit weird but it works!

Any kind of internally verbalised thought (even if it is to do with Phasing!).

What I mean here, is you need to switch your inner-thinking so it is working exclusively in a visual way. Speed-reading aside, when we read to ourselves we have this inner voice which reads the words. This voice is probably what you are listening to within your own mind, right now as you read this.

Also, when we think to ourselves in an everyday sense we tend to use this same inner voice. Like, you may think, “Hmm, I’ve got 30 minutes before I meet my next client, so I’ll go and fill the car with petrol and pick-up something to eat on the way back.” Thinking that way uses that same inner-voice… which must be silent.

Then you quietly and passively observe what happens next.

When I say “quietly” I mean observe without having that inner-voice comment on anything you may perceive.

When I say “passively” I mean avoid reacting in any way to anything you may perceive.

Both the above I realise are a tad tricky to do. The good news is it all comes good with practice. At first, what will probably happen is you might perceive some kind of vague, fleeting image. At which point your inner-voice will chirp-up saying, “What was that?” or it might make some other comment. Perhaps it may comment in recognition that you are making progress.

Problem is, as it does so, it tends to send you a step back each time. Unfortunately, you can get caught in a self-defeating loop: where you take one step forward, your inner voice recognises you just took a step forward and comments to that effect, and the act of it doing so takes you one step back to where you were before.

Or you might perceive something and react to it. You might get startled, or fearful, or such like. What used to happen to me all the time (which was most frustrating) is I’d perceive some image in mind and, the moment I did so, my physical eyes would try and snatch a glance at whatever it was. This, of course, zapped me right back to C1 each time.

Okay, so you are in a state where you are quietly and passively observing. Don’t worry if nothing comes about. Simply curtail the session after your normal time and try again next session. Hopefully, what will soon happen is you will begin to perceive what may seem like fairly weird, totally abstract mental imagery.

Say you perceive some fleeting kind of something or other. Chances are you’ll wonder if what you think you may have perceived is what you should be starting to perceive. Then you’ll realise your inner voice has just made a comment. But the realisation of that was yet another comment. By which time you’ll probably be right back where you started.

The key is to simply roll along with this mental imagery, without your inner voice commenting on it, or having your physical body reacting to it. This is the beginning of Phasing. You don’t need any particular “technique” in order to project. You just need to set it going. Once the process gets underway everything happens more or less automatically.

If you can just quietly and passively observe the process you will end up within the Astral as awake and alert as you normally are while within the Physical.


Actually, that ENTIRE thread has a bunch of gems. I suggest reading all 6 pages of it. There are a few posts there by Bruce Moen as well.


Yesterdays Meditation – Sept 14, 2010

I sat down yesterday right after work to meditate a bit… I had no particular goal in mind.  It wasn\’t like I was sitting down to do any phasing practice or anything.  Keep in mind that I\’m still working towards my first \”conscious projection exit\”… meaning from a fully awake state, instead of my usual \”wake up in a dream\” thing that I currently do.

I put my iPod earbuds in and turned on some Carlos Nakai flute music… really relaxing stuff to me.  🙂
Anyways, about 10 minutes go by and I\’m really relaxed listening to the flute music and I start to feel disoriented… like I physically know which way I\’m facing, but I\’m sensing that I\’m just all over the place, plus I had a sensation of slowly spinning around.  I think this was kind of along the lines of the \”noticing\” exercise used for Phasing. I was just passively observing these changes in motion.

As I was doing that observing, I felt as if I immediately shot up and backwards, but it startled me, because I came right back as soon as it happened.  I\’ve felt that particular thing before, but this time it REALLY caught me off guard… it was as if I was standing in an elevator and it just DROPPED.

So yeah, I just felt like sharing that.  I hope you can take something away from this experience that might be of help to you. 🙂

Coast to Coast – William Buhlman

I\’ve been reading William Buhlman\’s book \”Adventures Beyond The Body\” and I\’m finding it relatively fascinating.
I remember listening to this Coast to Coast interview with him, but I didn\’t really make many connections or remember it much… so I\’m going to be listening to it again, now that I have a better understanding of him and his experiences.

Anyways, I thought I\’d share it here too for everyone:

Link to a continuous playlist.

I hope you enjoy it.

My Lifelong Hypnopompic Images

This is a little bit about me…

So, all through my life, I\’ve been waking up in the middle of the night seeing, what I can only describe as \”something\” standing in my room, seemingly \’observing\’ me.  I\’ve never felt anything bad about it being there, it was always just startling when I was younger.  I remember more than once I\’d jump out of bed attacking whatever it was that was there… only to flick a light on quickly and see that nothing solid was there.

I used to believe that it was just something in my head… until the penny started to drop and astral projection came into my life.  Then I started to put two and two together regarding the non-physical.  Over the last 10ish years, I\’ve become rather accustomed to \”seeing things\” in my room in the middle of the night when I wake up… so it rarely startles me too much.  I simply lie down and go back to sleep.

I\’m realizing now that over the course of my life, this \”thing\” has slowly become more and more clear to me… until last night, when I believe I got a real good look at \”him\”.  Yes, \”him\”… a male spirit/entity.  I just remember a slender face, with a goatee, medium height, medium build.

I remember, last night, sitting up slightly and staring this entity right in the eyes, my heart beating a little faster.  Then I watched as it walked past the foot of my bed, at which point, I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep… a few minutes passed and I went to the bathroom instead, THEN went back to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

So I\’m now armed with an image… and a desire to stare this thing down and hopefully get some answers to some very old questions.

Why You Need To Control Your Thoughts

I just started to read William Buhlman\’s book, \”Adventures Beyond The Body\”, and I wanted to share a passage in it which illustrates beautifully why one needs to learn to control their thoughts and keep a focused, goal-oriented mind, when astral projecting.

Buhlman writes:

Each experience increased my realization that my nonphysical state of consciousness was extremely sensitive and responsive to the slightest thought. My prevailing conscious and subconscious thoughts would instantly propel me in a specific direction. I quickly learned that my subconscious mind exerts much more influence and control over my actions than I ever imagined. Often, a completely spontaneous thought would create an immediate reaction. For example, if I thought about flying, which I often did, I would immediately fly through the ceiling or wall and glide over my neighborhood.

This is probably the best paragraph I\’ve ever read that shows perfectly why we need complete control.

This is what I believe to be the cause behind the experience which some people refer to as the \”Astral Wind\”.  Whereby you\’ll be in one location, then some kind of wind or supposed \”pushing\’\’ effect will happen upon you, where you\’ll end up somewhere else unknowingly.  Well, this is why.

People don\’t realize it and they try to externalize the sensation, which will cause it to appear as something external, such as a \”wind\” that uncontrollably blows you elsewhere.

What is Visualization?

Some people say that they\’re terrible at visualization and couldn\’t do it to save their lives… I think they\’re wrong.
My idea of Visualization is in firm agreement with that of Robert Bruce.  I don\’t agree with a lot of things he talks about, but this one in particular is something that I can really jive with.

To fully understand what it means to visualize, then click on the following link:

He lays it out in such a way that it\’s close to impossible not to understand that regardless of what you think your skill level is at in regards to visualization, you CAN do it perfectly well and you HAVE been doing it pretty much all your life… you just never realized it.  🙂

Is Reality an Illusion?

This idea isn\’t new… it\’s something that\’s been bounced around for a while now.  Someone linked this video over on the Astral Pulse.
It\’s REALLY good.  I love the analogies that are made and the general view of the entire video… so I\’m sharing it here for you.

Is Reality an Illusion

They\’ve disabled embedding, so you\’ll have to click on the link above to watch.

Or here for the playlist so you can view it continuously with no interruptions.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did. 🙂

How to Deal with Itches and Other Physical Distractions

We all get those dreaded itches and other things that attempt to distract us from our meditations or projection practice.  How you deal with them can ensure you have a good session or a waste of time.

People always ask what do they can do about things like itches, dry mouth, likewise or even intruding sounds.

I generally start by asking people how do they fall asleep at night?  Because the process between that and getting comfortable to meditate or practice projection are really the same.

So ask yourself that:  How do you deal with these obstacles so you can fall asleep at night.

Personally, if I\’m just sitting down to meditate or practice my phasing, I\’ll attempt to take care of whatever current distractions that there might be.  If I\’m already in the middle of practice and an itch occurs, then I\’ll calmly and slowly move towards the area and scratch it.  You should be able to move slightly without losing too much of your relaxation and focus… if you can\’t, then I suggest practicing something to that effect because it truly is a good skill to utilize.

By treating your practice sessions as a mini-sleep, you can effectively learn how to handle any distraction that your body might come up with.
You can try pure will power and not pay attention to the itch or other problem, but in the end, it\’s just easier to deal with it calmly than it is to not pay attention to it.

Now, say the distraction is sound related, say it\’s something external from yourself.  Then you have only so many options.  You can try to stop whatever is making the sounds by, once again, calmly and slowly moving towards whatever is making the noise and quell it.  My personal favourite is to listen to some kind of music or something that\’ll apply a bit of white noise to the room you\’re in.  For me, I use my iPod with various sounds and music files on it… however, I need new earbuds, cause the ones that came with the iPod don\’t fit me well and cause too much pressure.

Another technique for dealing with \”sounds\” is to visualize the sound washing over and past you.  This works very well and if you\’re like me and want to learn how to deal with sounds without them becoming an obstacle in the first place, then this is the one to practice.  Visualize the sound as a wave of water washing over your entire body, going around you and then leaving you forever.  It works great.

Anyways, that\’s all I have for now about taking care of distractions.  I hope this helped a bit.  🙂

Bedeekin\’s Method

On the Astral Viewers, they have a really good administrator there by the name of Bedeekin.  This gentleman has, I believe, 25+ years of astral projection experience under his belt and has been assisting members of their community for a few years.

With his permission, I\’m posting the method that he uses and has used with great success for many years now.

I believe you\’ll have to register to read the method on the site, but I\’m going to quote it here as well. I do suggest visiting the Astral Viewer forums too, as they have a wonderful array of forums and a great cast of members. 🙂

Bedeekin\’s Method:

Failure to actually have an Out-Of-Body Experience seems to be the most common ‘experience’ among the massive group of people who wish to have one. This frustrates me as much as those who fail because of the wall I run into when trying to teach them. There are many reasons why people are unsuccessful at achieving the state.

One main reason is down to the ‘wealth’ of information one can pick up online and the paragraphs of most OOBE related books in general. I see many posts on sites that say something along the lines of ‘I’ve been researching Astral Projection for ages and now I’m ready to learn how to have one’. This is like saying ‘I have been researching UFOs for ages and now I’m ready to see one’. While they had their best interest at heart because to be fair it is a great idea to research a subject before heading into it head first, this isn’t sky diving. Also, if you wish to research sky diving because you have an interest in doing it, their aren’t many sources available that would profess to know about it and print blatant fabricated facts. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for OOBEs.

A common mistake that people make is a preconceived idea of what OOBES are because of the evident rubbish that is widely available. For instance they may have read that when they enter the Vibrational State (VS) they must call upon their spirit guide to help pull them out. This may fit in with their spiritual beliefs and so if they reach the VS and call upon this mythical guide he/she/it may not appear… which will then have a negative effect on their sense of success. I myself have never seen a spirit guide although I’m sure I could create one if I wished… emphasis on ‘create’.

What I am saying is that to enter the subject with a quasi-religious belief system will only get in the way of success because it just isn’t so.

The majority of the ‘wealth’ of knowledge that one may have acquired by trawling through the pile of information at hand, is as useful as a chocolate fireguard and should be cast off so that one can start afresh and learn from a first hand perspective. I had the advantage of self learning without any outside influences such as the internet and only a few books at hand that I mainly used as a checklist of affirmation that I wasn’t weird.  

Unlearn what you think you have learned.

So let’s get rid of a few misconceptions about OOBEs that often arise through New-age belief-centricity and blatant un-truths that get thrown about due to the writings of popular so-called AP gurus.

*you need to learn how to achieve transcendental meditation and control the energy flow of your chakras.

Not true. You just need to keep your mind passively active while your body relaxes into the sleep slate or be able to slip from a lucid dream into the trance state. Chakras are an eastern philosophy that were origionally intended for use during wake induced meditation and have nothing to do with OOBEs until they were pounced upon by the New-age movement during the early part of the 1900s by the Theosophical Society and integrated into ‘astral projection’. Involving chakra opening, long meditation practice is basically a waste of precious time. If you feel better practicing these semi-religious activities in order to success then go for it… the same can be said for taking your lucky teddy-bear into exams; if it makes you feel that it will make you perform better there’s no harm… but in the grand scheme of things there’s also no point.

*you need to learn protection so that you’re not attacked by lower astral negative entities and demons.

Rubbish. There are no lower entities or monsters waiting to attack you while you ‘leave your body’. I can attest to this because I’ve had over three thousand OOBEs over a 25 year period and I have never been attacked or harmed or indeed possessed by anyone or anything. When you enter the State you are merely consciously aware of an otherwise unconscious process you have gone through every night you’ve entered sleep since you were born.

*Your bed or body has to be facing a certain way/position.

No harm can be done by lying a certain way… if you think it will work then do it. Sleep on the floor… in the kitchen… on the sofa… with a pillow or without… on your back, front, side or head… if it’s the way you normally sleep… do it.

*You need to breath a certain way… in through the nose out through the mouth etc.

Not so… just breath as you normally do. Your breathing self regulates once you enter the state. Don’t pay any attention to your breathing.
I’m sure I’ll come across other misconceptions as I’m writing… I’ll bullet-point important things like that along the way.

There are three main ways to enter the ‘State’; before sleep, during REM dream sleep and upon waking from a nights sleep.

*Before sleep state induction. this requires a set up ‘pre-sleep’ that primes you biochemically and physiologically to enter the state.

*REM dream sleep induction requires a grasp of Lucid Dreaming and is a bit hit and miss for the newbie.

*Waking state induction requires the ability to recognize that you have woken up and at that very moment remembering not to move, roll over, scratch an itch or open the eyes… or even to start listening to the noises around you. It takes a bit of practice but it is a very successful way of entering the State.

There are two very different types of OOBE.

* Astral Projection. This is a whole body projection into an environment that is commonly referred to in new-age writings as the Astral Realm. A strange word to use because it conjures up pre-conceived images of a starry mythical realm filled with beings of astral energy etc. However upon entering it, it’s soon realized that it is more familiar as the landscape or world you encounter when dreaming. But you have entered through the back door, and can objectively investigate and explore it without suffering from the sub-conscious imagery you are normally blinded by or the story-line you are normally wrapped up in when dreaming. Within the ‘Astral’… not even the sky is the limit. This environment, however real it seems may be considered a virtual world that is created by the projector or an actual authentic realm. Upon experiencing it, believing that it is real or fabricated matters not because it is indistinguishable from reality… even surpassing normal reality in quality and ‘reality’.

* 1st Phase OOBE. This is seemingly a projection into this reality, often referred to in new-age philosophy as an ‘ethereal projection’. It is much more difficult to achieve because of the way it is entered; during Sleep Paralysis. Apart from the fact that it takes place in this time and reality, the main difference from AP is that instead of experiencing it in body, you are seemingly a free floating point of conscious awareness. This phase can lead on to 2nd Phase which is again experienced as a free floating consciousness but is not in this reality.

Both of these different OOBEs are experienced by entering the state in varied degrees of deepness.


This method is the main one I personally use. I have used the other methods but this one when done correctly does make for a strong experience. It’s also the one I predominantly teach or rather explain. The main key to achieving it is the pre-sleep or nap. I previously posted this method but soon realized that it was too specific about hours spent in the nap and between the nap and going to to bed to enter the state. And it needed more explanation and a detailed phenomenological breakdown.

The basic goal is to prime yourself by having an hour or an hour and a half of non-dream sleep in the evening. This nap can be taken at any time after 6pm providing that you are actually tired and that you attempt to induce the state within four hours at the most after waking.

For example:

if you decide to take an hour nap at 8pm and wake at 9pm make sure you attempt induction after 10 and before 1am.
however, if you wait till after midnight then it is possible to have an hour nap, wake up for about half an hour then attempt induction. I have used this many times when it’s been impossible to get a good nap during the evening.

All you have to remember is that you nap solidly and do not under any circumstances drift back off to sleep upon waking from it, otherwise you will dream and ruin your chance for state inducement.

There is a certain way of feeling between the nap and state inducement that indicates that you are primed… the physical symptoms that indicate that you are primed for the state are among other things; itchy eyed, borderline tired and alert, slightly hypertensive or having the mild sensation that you may be coming down with a cold and a slow steady heart rate.

Two things to note:

* the nap or a non-dream pre-sleep is very important and could be considered the ‘key’ to the whole experience.

* Do not force the nap. You need to be sleepy for it to work.

The only real way to make sure you are correctly primed is to induce the state and there are many effective ways to do this.

First of all you have to lay down on a comfortable surface; a bed, a couch, a hammock, the back seat of a car, whatever you find comfortable. Any position will work. I personally lie on my back or side. It doesn’t matter whether you use a pillow or not. You can have bed covers on or not. Just make sure you are comfortable.
Close your eyes… this sounds obvious, but some people actually ask ‘do I close my eyes?’
Let your mind do its own thing for a couple of minutes… then try to quieten your mind. Don’t worry too much about this. The main thing is to lie as still as possible.

A couple of things you should not pay any attention to because they are simply a waste of thought;

*any limb or body twitches

*the phosphorescent light show your eyes give off such as blobs of light etc

*subtle localized buzzing in your muscles or fingertips


*the position of your head

All you need to think about at this point is to become calm and stay passively conscious. To let your body relax. This should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes.

It’s at this point that you can use different methods to bring on the state.

This is the one method I have used for 25 years and really can’t comment on others. I’m sure you may have one that you usually try inducing with… but for the sake of this guide try this one.

When you feel relaxed start to think of a sound, word, song or name… think of it as though you are expecting to here it. Roll it around in your head. Imagine it in your head clearly. Alternatively you can simply imagine a voice rambling, or talking, as though talking to you. This imagined sound will start to take on a life of it’s own and may amplify.

If you are trying to do this for more than ten minutes and nothing interesting happens, you probably aren’t primed for the occasion. I only say this because the state shift is quite rapid if the pre-sleep was done correctly. I will mention that ten minutes of just simply lying still can feel like a long time.

If you are primed, when the sound increases you may feel a rush of alert relaxation washing over your body coupled with a distinct shift in conscious awareness. It’s a very difficult feeling to describe other than it is a ‘switch over’. You should feel like your awareness has took on a new spatiality. It almost feels like your head clears, like a bunged up nostril does when it clears after being blocked during a cold. You should also instinctively feel that you are in the state either because you have felt this before or that it is something new. At this point you must try to stay passive, calm and try to not get excited. A sound like you have your ears to a conch-shell should be heard. you may experience little intermittent bursts of rumbling – like the rumbling you hear when you strain your inner ear muscles when you yawn. Your limbs will feel like they have been anesthetized by Nitrous Oxide…

Here’s a quick checklist of symptoms indicating successful entrance into the state:

* a sudden rush of relaxation

* a very distinct flip/shift/switch to a spatially different state of conscious awareness.

* instinctive knowing that you are in the state.

* auditory sensations like hissing, the sound of listening to a conch-shell and intermittent bursts of rumbling.

* a tingling numbed anesthetized sensation, most noticeably in the limbs.

At the point you realize you are in the state it is time to act quickly to enter an Astral Projection. Waiting for, or encouraging full vibrational sleep paralysis will make it possible to enter a 1st phase. For now we will walk before we can run and learn how to Astrally Project.

Astral Projection

Upon instant identification of entry into the state it is necessary to employ a swift separation technique to avoid becoming embroiled in full sleep paralysis. There are a multitude of separation methods such as, rolling out, dropping through the body, imagining a magnet pulling you out, imagining you are a balloon, picking a point in space to reach, imagining being propelled out like a rocket… and many many more. The one that is most effective for the purposes of this guide and because it is my most used method so far, is the ‘climbing the rope’ technique.

You may want to place a pillow or cushion across your lower abdomen or lay with your hands on top of the bed covers before you start to relax. This ensures a soft surface so as to ease the transition of losing sensation in them. It’s up to you.

Once you feel that you have shifted into the state you will have lost the tactile sensation of your hands but still retained the sensation of their relative position.. i.e. you will still know and feel that you have hands.

What you need to do at this point is to actually reach up and grab a rope. Don’t visualize the rope… expect it to be there. Don’t worry about how it should feel just do it. I can’t stress this enough.

* Do not ‘imagine’ yourself doing it.

* Just do it.

* Don’t think about it.

* just do it.

* The movement of your phantom limbs is instinctual.

There will be a rope there… not necessarily an actual rope, made of fibers or hemp… it is simply a leverage point for you to grasp. Give no time to thinking about the rope, what it is, why it is there, how it is there or how you should move to grab it.


The instant you have it pull yourself up… hand over hand… like you would if you were pulling yourself up a rope. Do it with deliberation… do it aggressively, steadily and fast. Pull yourself up the rope. Don’t even consider that you may be pulling yourself out of your physical or because of how real it seems that you must be doing it physically. Don’t pay attention to any of the sensations. If there is resistance, put some struggle into it… pull hard. Eventually and quickly you should suddenly be ‘Free’.

Failure usually takes place because of thinking too much or over analyzing what is happening. Also paying too much heed to sensations leads to considerable failure to stay in the state and out of body. These analytical thoughts should be reserved for after the experience and marked down in your journal. When you are in the state everything should be done on impulse and with deliberate action.

failure to stay within the state will transpire if:

* Too much thought is given trying to visualize the rope or analyzing what is happening.

* Thinking about how the sensations feel.

* pausing or remaining still too long – this can be as less as 5 seconds.

* Believing that this can’t be happening or the disbelief that the rope is there.

* Merely imagining movement.

Success at staying within the state will transpire if:

* you instantly acknowledge that the rope is there.

* you get on with it.

* You keep moving.

* You take it for granted that you are doing it.

Staying still and waiting for something to happen after the state shift, is the most common mistake beginners make; to no fault of their own. It is after all an amazing experience that feels more real than reality yet something they may never have experienced before. The secret is to be actively engaged yet flippant and passive throughout the experience. You may say that’s two opposites, but keep in mind that you do this when playing a video game or when engaged in sport…. you don’t think about what you are doing but you are totally absorbed in the activity. This is part of the mindset of the state.
I chose the ‘climbing the rope’ technique because it consists of one very important thing… that of ‘action’ and vigorous ‘movement’, probably the most important aspect of staying within the state and Out of Body. Constant movement and observation is the key to ‘anchoring’ yourself in the ‘Astral’… any extended lapse in movement or doubt – which normally takes the form of thoughts of your actual physical body – will cause re-physicality and an end to the experience. You can however ‘rescue’ the experience by instantly realizing you are returning to the physical by anchoring yourself in the out of body state.

Anchoring yourself in the ‘Astral’ body and Environment.

Once you are out what now? If you think this for too long while staying still you will phase back into your physical. So, You literally have to anchor yourself in the experience. The main objective of anchoring is to keep you immersed in the experience by disassociating your conscious perception from your physical perception.
The first thing you will most probably experience is blindness. So you can kill two birds with one stone by rubbing your hands together in front of your face and blowing on them… the tactile sensation of doing this will absolutely astound you and by concentrating on feeling and seeing, your hands will start to develop in your field of vision – very much like a polaroid picture appears. Look at your hands… the creases the folds of skin, your fingernails. The more you engross yourself in the OOBE the more you will see and feel. Reach out and feel for a floor, a wall… furniture. Keep on the move, constantly looking, moving, taking in the richness and amazing detail of the World around you. Try to keep your eyes on nearby objects… if you look too far into the distance you may end up there in an instant. You must keep active and engaged to root yourself. The more you anchor yourself the more vivid the world will be around you
You can use the hand rubbing technique as a safety net at any point you feel yourself return to your physical.


Be blatant and have intent

touch your surroundings

touch yourself, like your hands, your face etc

investigate everything



Stay still



think of your physical body

panic if you think you are losing clarity

Remember – thought and intent controls environment and actions.

I\’ll be honest in that I haven\’t actually found the time to try this method out personally, however, it has helped LOTS of people. I believe that the constant stream of success stories posted on their forum is proof enough.
I fully intend to give this method the attention that it deserves.

Death and the Afterlife

A lot of people don\’t like John Edward, and for that matter neither do I… however, I would like to quote something he did say because I think it\’s a wonderful thought on how to describe our consciousness in this physical reality and what happens to us when our physical body dies.

Think of the physical body and soul like a glass of water.

What happens when you leave a glass of water sitting on a table? Well, it naturally evaporates. It doesn\’t just disappear though, it simply \’changes state\’. The energy and matter that makes up the water just changes into something different.

That\’s the same as the human soul. You don\’t evaporate, but you do leave your body. And you simply change into something different. Being that your soul is energy, it\’s still there it\’s simply in another form.

So now, you have an empty glass sitting on a table. The empty glass is akin to your empty physical body now that it\’s dead.

The only thing that dies when you die is your physical self, the thing you see in the mirror. Everything else lives on. Your senses, your emotions, your thoughts. They all stay completely alive. Because THAT is the real you.

I don\’t, however, believe that we \”leave\” these bodies in the sense that we were ever in them to begin with… but we do \”leave\” these bodies as in our consciousness can no longer operate within the confines of our physical body.

So then what happens to you after you die?
Is there really a heaven?
A hell?
The Summerlands?

What exactly happens to you after you die?

My thoughts on this subject revolve around what I now refer to as the \”Wider Reality\”.  Within that concept is the idea of a \”collective consciousness\” area.  This is an area of consciousness where your thoughts and expectations shape what you will see.  I believe that when you die it\’s, for all intents and purposes, a permanent Astral Projection, because now you don\’t have a body to go back to.

Having said that, remember when I said that what you think happens? Well, in a nutshell, a devout Christian expecting to see the Pearly Gates will most likely see them. A Wiccan expecting to see the Summerlands will see just that. Whatever you happen to believe, you will see.  This particular area of consciousness is generally referred to as the \”Belief System Territories\”, a term coined by Robert Monroe who first discovered these particular areas.  Basically, you will gravitate towards the collective area of consciousness set aside for groups of people sharing the same beliefs.  These areas were initially created by individual and group beliefs of people and groups who have existed or do currently exist here on Earth.  You\’ll stay around in these areas until you realize what they really are… a \”self created construct\”, at which point you\’ll move on again and shift to another area of consciousness, known as the \”Transition Area\”.

The \”Transition Area\” is simply that… an area where you can do whatever you want, while you get used to the idea of living in a subjective reality once again.  Eventually you\’ll have to decide if you want to go back to Earth (or somewhere else physical) or go elsewhere and move on.  While you\’re there though, you\’re free to do whatever you want… you can continue whatever research you might have been doing, you can explore the non-physical in all facets of it, you can create your own little \”area\” for yourself, or you can do absolutely nothing at all.  It\’s entirely your choice at this point.

So anyways, that\’s my theory of death and what to expect after you die. The next step is to see if I\’m correct.

Coast to Coast Interview – Albert Taylor

I read a book called Soul Traveler written by Albert Taylor.  Very good book on Astral Projection.
This is an interview that he did on Coast to Coast.

It\’s a multi-parter. 🙂
I hope you enjoy.

This is a direct link to the play list so you can watch all the parts uninterrupted.

In part 4, he describes the Vibrations very well and what they mean to him.  I\’m in agreement with it.


One of the big things that confused me most about Astral Projections were what people call the Vibrations.
How do you use them to your advantage to successfully project?

Well, the answer is you DON\’T use them.  They\’re nothing more than a signpost that reads, \”you\’re doing fine, just keep doing what you\’re doing\”.
I\’ll explain…

People generally sit/lie there waiting for these \”vibrations\” to kick in.  This is the first mistake.  They\’re not a goal in itself… you might be one of the people who never experiences them.  Does that mean you can not project?  Not at all!  Because they\’re not something you NEED to project.  They\’re just a sticky note along the consciousness continuum that tells you to keep doing what you\’re doing.

Back when I was practicing the more Classic OBE methods (where you feel a distinct separation) I used to get them quite often, and my mistake was to focus on them, trying to \”expand\” them (whatever that means, nobody ever explained that one satisfactorily to me either) and what ended happening was that they would pass by, and I\’d get frustrated because I was STILL in my body.  In the end, I gave up on having Classic OBEs because I found that they just never work well for me.  🙂

The form of projection I do is called Phasing.  Phasing is interesting, because, for the most part, you\’ll never experience Vibrations… and this, I find, confuses people a lot more, since everyone tells them that you must experience these to project.  With Phasing, you\’re shifting your awareness away from the physical towards the non-physical, there are no vibrations or \”exit sensations\” that you would normally get with Classic OBE methods.

There\’s no point along the phasing line where you\’ll ever feel any vibrations.  You\’re just \”Here\”, you shift, then you\’re \”There\”.  At this point though, confusingly, some people do report feeling them… I believe that the people who are experiencing Vibrations after they\’ve phased are simply \”expecting\” them, and since they\’re already \”out of body\” at this point, they\’re already in the astral and we all know that Thought = Direct Action, this means that they will experience that which they expect to experience.

The same holds true for people who find themselves in a Lucid Dream and they begin to feel Vibrations.  They\’re only feeling them because they\’re expecting to feel them, someone told them that they\’ll experience them.  If you\’re already in a dream, then they\’re now PAST the point where Vibrations can naturally manifest and they\’re now being subconsciously created out of expectations.

The only time you\’ll feel them is if you\’re Lucid Dreaming and you shift yourself back to your physical body in an attempt to have a Focus 1 (RTZ) projection, THEN you will feel Vibrations, because you\’ve returned to your physical body first.  But if you\’re already out, there\’s no need to go through all that.  Instead of shifting back to your physical body, you shift yourself somewhere else in the physical instead.

In any case, if for whatever reason I\’m trying a Classic OBE method and I do feel them, I simply note that they happened and move on.

If your goal is to feel Vibrations, you\’ll end up waiting for a while.

My View on “Negs”

I had made a comparison in IRC chat the other day regarding my views on what \”Negs\” are.
I was thinking about horror movies and my thoughts came upon \”A Nightmare on Elm Street\”, and it really got me thinking about \”Negs\”.

\”Freddy\” can be considered the ultimate example of a Neg.  And within that example it shows the kind of power you give them and exactly how to stop them as well.  He\’s a being that only came about due to the thought energy that others put into him.  Also, as a created being, he only had the power you hurt you if you gave him that power.  At the end of the movie, the last teen alive couldn\’t be killed because she found out Freddy\’s power, you had to BELIEVE in him for him to kill you.

Well, this is EXACTLY how I view Negs.

A Neg only exists if you provide it the thought energy to exist… if you provide it the BELIEF that it exists.
It only has the ability to manifest and harm you if you give it that power.  This is why I tell people that Negs are only as powerful as you make them out to be.  Otherwise, they are powerless to harm you… or to even exist.

This isn\’t to say that every case of someone being haunted is this though.  There are cases where a haunting is caused by some spirit… but telling the difference between these two things can be difficult sometimes.   Although, I do believe that actual spirit-hauntings are a minority of situations.  I feel that the majority of them are these kinds of thought-form related hauntings created by those living there.

Another example is the Amityville House… the house where a family was massacred and subsequently haunted for the next family.  Well, the most recent family has just put the house up for sale and has never had anything bad happen to them there.  I believe this is because they never fueled by believing the stories regarding the thought-forms that were there previously.

This Blog Entry on Shades of Consciousness made by PersonalReality further illustrates my point.

Phasing Method – Mental Rundowns

The \”Mental Rundown\” is the method that I like to use to do my Phasing attempts with.

This post by Frank really puts it all into perspective:


In addition to what the Major has said, you need to be a little bit careful that you do not begin merely entering into a kind of creative visualisation action. This, in Phasing Model terms, would be an F1/F2 overlay.

For example, I have an extremely vivid imagination. I can sit here now and imagine all manner of scenes \”in my head\” so to speak. But this is not making what I call \”the switch\”, which is the action of transitioning your focus of mental attention out of Focus 1 and into Focus 2 of consciousness.

Your imagination faculty is situated in Focus 2 of consciousness. This is the area of consciousness where most people dream and have their basic \”astral projection\” style experiences, lucid dream experiences, etc. Focus 2 of consciousness is also the region where people meet all their devils and demons, and whatever else besides.

Now, knowing that your imagination is situated in Focus 2 of consciousness, what we do is create a little mental rundown that engages our senses within the rundown to the extent where it captures our focus of attention. As it captures our focus of attention we make \”the switch\” and kind of, go to \”meet\” our imagination.

So the idea is not to just simply remain in the physical creating all manner of pretty pictures in our imagination. What we want to do is to actually \”step into\” our imagination. Not just lie back and view it as if from a distance.

Generally, if a person is losing concentration in their rundown then they need to make the rundown more engaging, more captivating. I mean, provided your physical body is fairly relaxed. You could make your rundown as captivating as you like, but if you were riding pillion on a motorbike then not much is going to happen in the way of making a transition. 🙂

That is why I tend to practice this only when my physical body is fairly relaxed anyway. After about 6 or 7 hours of sleep is my most common time and often I do it now about 2 hours before I would normally want to sleep.

If I want to be active, physically, then I get restless and give up. I can\’t be bothered doing it, I\’ll have a list of things to do and a full day and I want to get active and get on with it. So under those circumstances I would find it next to impossible because I simply want to be physically focused. But later on, when I\’ve done all I can for the day, then that\’s the time to lie back, relax, and take a trip over to the other place and see what\’s what.


So yeah, basically when you\’re doing your rundown and you find that the scene is now all around you, then you\’ve stepped into it. At that point, you\’re IN Focus 2 oC.
This particular method is also great if you\’re a big day dreamer. If you\’ve ever been sitting there thinking about something and you become so focused on it that for a split second you find yourself IN whatever it is you\’re day dreaming, then you\’ll probably want to focus on this method.


What is Phasing and “Noticing”

Before I get into methods that we use to Phase, I think it’s important to know what it is first.
This post, made by Frank, is a perfect description of what Phasing is:

Phasing describes a controlled process where you phase out of the mode of being open to the Physical world (or C1 consciousness as it’s generally termed) and allow your sense of conscious awareness to become open to other realms of reality. There are two basic schools of thought on this, the latest is the Moen-school, and I believe the idea was first touted by Monroe.

There is a technique which people call “WILDs” (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams).  These are, in effect, Phasing.  Anytime you switch your Focus of Awareness from one Focus to another Focus while remaining consciously awake and aware, that is Phasing.  In essence, it’s falling asleep into the non-physical and remaining consciously aware.  Through Phasing, you go to the same places as you would through more traditional OBE methods and you can do all the same things.

“Noticing” is a name given to a basic Phasing Exercise.  You can find the details in the Astral Pulses’ Frank Kepple Phasing Resource, found here.  It’s got lots of solid information written by Frank Kepple and compiled by one of the moderators, Gandalf, after Frank’s disappearance.

Noticing what?

Well, nothing at first, there’s not much to see really but blackness. But then, after a short while, I may see that perhaps one part of the blackness is not quite so black. Perhaps there was just a brief flash of something, then maybe a sensation of a movement somewhere else. Maybe I just heard someone call my name. Hmm, that’s interesting, I might think, I wonder where that came from. But I don’t get too curious I just keep noticing. I might see swirling areas of not quite so black as the rest. I might see flashes of this and that. As I am offering myself these images, my attention is steadily becoming more fixated within.

As my attention becomes fixated within, from the act of noticing, at this stage I am not aware of my physical body. Part of my awareness realises that somewhere in the background is a physical body, in bed, etc. but I have phased away from it. Before, the forefront of my awareness was my physical and 180 degrees turned around from that, in the background of my awareness, was the non-physical. But now there has been a “phase shift” i.e. a turning through 180 degrees. Now, my previous foreground (physical) is my background, and my previous background (non-physical) is my foreground.

Reading this particular link, The Phasing Resource, is what allowed me to progress further than I ever had during the previous years.
I hope it does the same for you.  🙂

How Our Expectations Cloud Our Experiences

Why is it best to remove all expectations from your projections?

Well… we \”astral\” project in a reality where a few things make up the experiences you have:  Your thoughts + your emotions + your expectations = YOUR ASTRAL EXPERIENCES.
This means that if you go into astral projection with the expectations that you will meet demons or any other number of bad things, then that is exactly what you\’re going to run into.

How do we fight this?  How do we shut off our expectations?  Well, this goes back to controlling your thoughts.  Control your thoughts and your emotions and expectations will be under control as well.

So that\’s how expectations can influence our journeys, I\’ll talk now about how expectations can effect your practices.  I\’ve seen question after question on the forums I frequent where people say that they\’ve had a single experience be it with a full projection or something lesser, like vibrations, but then they can\’t ever get it to happen again.  I try to get these people to go into their practice sessions with no particular goals in mind.  Just be open to whatever happens… go with the flow, sort to speak.

I hope that helps a bit.  🙂

Isochronic Tones

Someone posted this link on the Astral Pulse and I wanted to share it with everyone here as well.

They\’re Isochronic Tones, I apologize for the harsh colour scheme they use… LoL

I don\’t fully understand the differences between these and Binaural Beats, but wikipedia has this to say about them:

Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment. Similar to monaural beats, the interference pattern that produces the beat is outside the brain so headphones are not required, but since isochronic tones are more pronounced, the stimuli is even stronger. They differ from monaural beats which are a sine wave pulse rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone.

That sounds pretty self explanatory.

I plan on downloading some of these and trying them out soon. I\’ll keep everyone updated on how well they work.
Just remember that, as with everything else, these will also be an individual thing. They\’ll work for some people and not for others.

What “Raising Your Vibrations” Really Means

I find that a lot of people will use this line in trying to explain HOW you go from plane to plane:  \”Just raise your vibrations!\”

To me, that sentence has always befuddled my poor human mind… raise what exactly?!  How do I RAISE my vibrations?  I\’ve had that question answered for me a hundred ways by a hundred different people.  *facepalms*

I just recently figured out what it means… and I can tell you in a more modern and less mystical way.  \"Smiley\"

Getting to the astral (Robert Monroes Focus 22/23, Frank Kepples Focus 2 oC) is the easy part.  You go there every night you fall asleep and dream.  You just need to bring about your full (or as close to full) conscious awareness as you can.

Now, to shift to a \”higher\” (that\’s in quotes, because no plane is higher or lower than another) plane you need to control your thoughts and emotions.  When you\’re on the astral, those two things are fueling your experiences, because on the astral THOUGHT = DIRECT ACTION.  So, to \”raise your vibrations\” means to calm and quiet your thoughts/emotions.  When you meditate, that is what you\’re doing.   You\’re calming and quieting your mind, and raising your frequency doing so.

It\’s really just that simple.

\”Raising your vibrations\” means to purify your mind-thoughts.  To become clear and focused so that you can begin to perceive the collective consciousness areas.

I hope that helps some.

Astral Projection Problems – The Eyes

For the most part, I use what I refer to as the \”Rundown\” method to Phase (project). One of the problem that I\’ve come up against is one to do with my eyes. The following post by Frank Kepple on The Astral Pulse helped me a great deal:

One of the *big* hurdles people generally need to overcome is the sudden unwelcome intrusion by the physical eyes. Such intervention almost always has the effect of zapping you right back to C1 consciousness. The reason this happens is because your focal point of consciousness normally resides behind your physical eyes. When I say \”resides behind\” what I mean is your primary focus of attention is mostly based on what the eyes tell you.

The ears may transmit to you a strange sound… then immediately the eyes will go to look. Someone may touch you unexpectedly from behind… then immediately the body spins around so the eyes can see. Which reminds me of an old playground joke where we\’d come up to someone from behind and tap them on the opposite shoulder to where we were standing. So the person would immediately look and see no-one there.

If you think about all the various human-response actions you will see that – almost always – the physical eyes are the primary information providors that determine whatever comes next.

On the Physical, this process works amazingly well. However, it can put a big spoke in the works when it comes to projection excercise. Difficulty being, the eyes are not used to just rolling back and relaxing while the consciousness is awake and alert. Having an awake, alert consciousness and taking-in input from the physical eyes is about as natural as it comes.

It used to happen to me all the time where I\’d just be settling into the Focus 12 state; where it is natural to perceive all manner of outline shapes and shadows, or whirls of colour, and so forth, and the moment I\’d see something definite it was like my protective sense of awareness would shout, \”What\’s that!\” And my physical eyes would immediately go to look. Which, of course, brought me right out of it.

The only way around it is to practice all you can to the extent where your protective sense of awareness regards everything that is happening as normal, and your physical eyes have got into the habit of switching themselves off during practice.

I think this problem can never be eradicated entirely, and it still effects me now and again. Just this morning, for instance, I drifted into the Focus 12 state fairly quickly and the 3D blackness suddenly loomed into view. The thought crossed my mind, \”Wow, that must be the quickest to-date.\” Next moment my protective sense of awareness slapped the brakes on, and my physical eyes immediately became restless. Like they were scanning from side to side on the lookout for any danger.

Which, of course, zapped me right back to C1. It even raised my heartbeat a tad too. Which meant it took me about half an hour just to get that settled again before practice could resume.


He describes the EXACT problem that I face and provides a pretty good explanation for why it happens and how to correct it.
It\’s slowly helping me in my efforts to have a conscious exit projection.