Frank Kepple’s “Astral Projection Truth” Newsletters

Frank released four newsletters before his “disappearance”. I just recently found these in my dropbox and remembered that they weren’t the easiest things to find, so I thought I’d post them here.


Spirituality – Choices of Love or Fear

I posted this on the Astral Pulse just now and I wanted to share it here too.

I always try to remind myself that two choices exist (probably many more, but you’ll figure them out on your own)… Fear or Love.

The Fear choice takes you back down the mountain… it’s giving in to all the negativity surrounding everything in this world.
The Love choice takes you up further up the mountain to the next teetering precipice (yes, there are many of them up the mountain LoL)… it’s simply allowing the world to be as it is.

There’s a lot of fear in the world today, we saw it boil over a couple weeks ago in Boston. The fear will always be there.

It’s all meaningless anyway… although, that

‘s not to say that it’s not important. The smallest act such as stepping on an ant is very important to the world, as the world has lost something… however small that loss is, it’s now gone forever. Through focusing on Love, we can help retain the best that the world has and allow it to continue to grow, while we also create a world that is less fertile for Fear grow. I try not to worry about that which I have very little, or no control over. I have very little to no control over the actions of others who have given in to Fear…

Choose Love over Fear… never give in to the negativity in the world.

Giving into Fear is allowing your ship to fill with water and sink.


Is Phasing the Same as Astral Traveling

I saw the above question just now and I wanted to get my answer down. I’ll just get right to the point: yes, Phasing and Astral Traveling are the same thing. They’re synonyms. Meaning that they’re different words we use to describe the same thing.

There are other words that you’ll see people use to describe Astral Traveling, such as:

Astral Travel
Astral Projection
Etheric Projection
Out of Body Experience
Lucid Dreaming
Remote Viewing
MILD (basically any of those -ILD techniques)

Doing any of those above labels will take you to the same place (the non-physical) where you can do the same things.
“Dreaming” would be the only one from that list that is slightly different from the others. The other labels describe an event where you’re Conscious and Aware that you’re in the non-physical… dreaming denotes that you’re not aware that you’re in the non-physical. That’s the only difference between a dream and the rest of those labels.

In the end, I like to simply call what we experience a “Projection”. Mostly because if someone was to ask me “Was what I experienced an astral projection?” and I answer saying that it was probably a lucid dream, then immediately the individual asking the question feels like they failed because they didn’t have an “astral projection”. They didn’t do what they originally set out to do. It has a very negative connotation towards it. Whereby if I just say that, yes, they had a Projection, then it has a more positive influence upon them. They succeeded! And really, they DID succeed at what they wanted… which is to become aware while being non-physical.

I never worry about if I’m lucid or astrally aware in the non-physical. I simply ask myself, “was I conscious and aware while having a non-physical experience?”, and if the answer is YES, then I’m happy. Even if I didn’t, a dream awareness experience is still highly valuable to me.

Is Astral Projection a Spiritual Practice?

The simple answer to this question is no, Astral Projection is not a spiritual practice in itself. I have no doubt that some people will be surprised to hear that and others will be nodding in agreement. Please allow me to explain.

This is, in fact, the wrong question. The question should be, \”CAN Astral Projection be a spiritual practice?\”. The answer to that is a resounding YES. Of course it can be, but you need to make the conscious choice to make it so.

It starts with asking yourself why do you want to learn Astral Projection, or if the case is that you already know how, then simply ask why do you Project? It begins with the Intent behind the \”why\”. If all you\’re looking for is the thrill of something new, or perhaps you want to just fly around, or maybe you\’re wanting to spy on people… well, the Intent associated with these actions isn\’t of Love. Some of it is self-serving. Some of it is just outright negative. I\’m not saying don\’t spy, don\’t fly and don\’t find a thrill… I\’m just saying that if you\’re looking to grow spiritually, then those things should probably be kept in balance with your other activities. I\’m a big fan of flying… and a lot of the time I get caught up in doing just that. So I understand that sometimes it\’s not easy to keep your mind on track.

Now remember that you can grow spiritually much faster simply by interacting with others in this physical reality. Don\’t hide from other people, they\’re your path to spiritual growth! That is the entire reason why you chose to be here in the first place! To fast track yourself towards becoming a being of Love. If you can stick to that path in the current social atmosphere of greed that surrounds us on a daily basis, then I think you\’re doing pretty good. The nice thing about becoming Love here physically is that it translates over into your Projections. You will find that your Projections take on a much more positive atmosphere to them and you will meet with more positive entities, because you\’ve now shifted your Intent towards a more positive position, hence you will begin to experience such directly. This concept also applies to our physical lives. The more you change within to become closer to Love, the more positive effects you\’ll see happen in your life.

You can definitely also learn to become a more Loving being through Astral Projection. This is where Astral Projection as a spiritual tool comes into play. Just as you grow spiritually here in the physical, through your interactions with other Consciousnesses, the same holds true while you\’re projecting as well. Be kind to all those you meet, because you never know if an entity you\’re interacting with is a creation of your consciousness or a truly separate being from you. So just be nice to everyone.

That lesson also holds true here in this physical reality, except you know that everyone is separate (well, that\’s the illusion anyway) from you. You don\’t know the life stories of other people you meet here physically, so treat everyone with respect. This is the first lesson, in my opinion, of becoming Love. Respecting everyone. It has just as many implications physically as it does during our Projections.

So, as you can see, Astral Projection is only a Spiritual Practice if you choose to make it such. Likewise, even your physical life requires a choice to be made as to whether it\’s a spiritual life or not.

Some Beginner Questions Regarding Astral Projection

I was doing some Googling tonight, the subject: Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences.
I came across a post on Yahoo with some questions and I thought I\’d answer them here, because I\’m sure more than one person reading this has probably asked these at one point or another.

So, let\’s get into the questions!

1. I heard demons can get into your body, so should I have a cross bible etc?
A: This has always been an old world mystical belief, that something could possess you while you\’re \”out of body\”. It simply can\’t happen. Your physical body, or at least the thing that your consciousness is focused towards and experiencing while you\’re awake and aware in this physical reality is yours and yours alone. There\’s absolutely no danger from this.
However, the tools we use to protect ourselves are also belief-based. If you feel the need to have a cross or a bible with you, the belief that having one with you is enough of an Intent to keep you safe… not that you need to be kept safe, but it will keep your Intent positive, which WILL have a direct impact upon the nature of your experiences.

2. Can I touch anything or would I be intangible?
A: The reality you project into, assuming you\’re not in a (the) void, is as real and 3D as this physical reality is. You\’re not necessarily going to experience a reality that mirrors this physical reality, but if you do, yes, you can interact with everything. These interactions are just not with anything from this physical reality.

3. Can you contact someone alive so they don\’t think your dead?
A: You can contact physical people, yes. But this isn\’t something that is solely attributed to Astral Projection. This is more of another metaphysical/psychic ability.

4. Can you see other spirits?
A: While Projecting, you\’ll definitely come across other \”entities\”. It will be very hard to recognize if these entities are creations of yourself, or if they\’re external to you. Honestly though, it doesn\’t really matter. What matters is if the experience you had with them was positive and you learned something.

5. How far away from the body can you go?
A: As far as your creativity can take you.

6. Do you have to meditate or go to sleep or could you do it in a class room without closing eyes etc?
A: Projecting without closing your eyes, in theory, would be very possible, but would require you ignoring all visual sensory input. You would also have to learn how to ignore the noise by other people. You can meditate with the goal to Project as well. Falling asleep is probably one of the easiest methods in order to Project from though.

7. Could you haunt some one like a bully or someone you hate or just to prank?
A: There are stories of people being able to do stuff like this, but I feel this kind of interaction with the direct physical would be very hard to pull off. I\’d imagine most beginners wouldn\’t have the focus in order to do this efficiently.

8. Final one! If your body dies while doing it will you be trapped on earth or go to heaven/hell?
A: Well, considering that if someone died while projecting, we would never hear of it. So there\’s really no way to answer this question. Kind of like asking, \”Does the light in the refrigerator actually go out when you close the door!!\” MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES!! Seriously speaking though, if you died while projecting, I\’d have to guess that you\’d simply move on as you would had you died normally in this physical reality.

So there you go folks… some questions which I\’ve seen asked by a lot of beginners in the past while helping out on the Astral Pulse. If anyone needs anymore clarification or justification, please ask here or on the forums! Thanks for reading!

The Many Kinds of Astral Projectors – Bedeekin

Bedeekin made this hilarious post on the forums a bit ago, and I really wanted to share it with everyone!
Taken from:

So far… this is a great collection of peeps on here Xanth. You seem to have brought a balance to the force. It\’s made me see more clearly the different views of individuals that can be placed within specific groups… just like physical reality. Here is my list of \’Types\’.

The Lucid Dreamers… These generally stick to the idea that all nonphysical experiences are Lucid Dreams. Whether it be from Sleep Paralysis or through a dream. They tend not to theorise too much and it seems to be a 50/50 on whether there is more to it than a chemical reaction of a meat based brain. They usually do it to do cool stuff like fly and be superhuman. It\’s cool to control your dreams right?

The OOBErs (Out of Body Experiencers)… these tend to stick to the idea of a RTZ projection being the only true one. They relate \’Astral Projection\’ as a different animal more closely related to dreams and stick to their guns that they actually externalise a type of second (ethereal) body or soul. OOBEs rule!! This group gets upset quickly… generally by the APers.

The APers (Astral Projectors) … These class themselves as spiritual generally speaking. They use a system that relies on an esoteric view originally defined by the theosophical movement that combined many eastern philosophies into one big westernised mass. They categorise different types of projection into specific subtle body types. This is a popular view with lots of props and metaphors… like crystals, energy work and chakras etc. Usually taken on board by the modern newbie.

The love and lightworkers. These are more closely related to the APers but go that one step further by fully embracing the cosmic super-galactic oneness attitude.. they tend to wear dream catchers around their neck and are a modern version of the hippie… they are generally vegan and sign off a post with \’namaste\’ or \’Love and light to you and yours\’.

The Magicians. These embrace the black magic or Wiccan view. Will use spells to ward off demons.. or incantations to manifest them. Horoscopes and tarot cards are essential accessories. Prone to write long posts with symbols and diagrams of sacred geometry. Usually have a poster or avatar of a pentagram or Aleister Crowley holding his fists to his face.

The Hardcore Materialists These are of Russian origin and flatly point to it all being nothing but \’meat brain\’ materialism. They will announce how amazingly mind expanding it is, but \’meat based\’. How you can use it to learn new things, but \’meat based\’. How you can find lost objects, but still \’meat based\’. Will produce very dodgy documentaries and try everything in their power to promote it as \’meat based\’. Everything is \’phase\’… apart form the \’meat based\’ bit. Will use pretty \’meat\’ to promote their materialism.

The phaser A relatively new and balanced group of individuals that use meditation to project. Prone to being a bit too vague for the newbie with words such as \’passively observe\’ and \’surrender\’. Previous to learning about phasing, they will have tried every other method in the past but failed. Because of this it\’s the best method for everyone.

The My Big Toeists Devout followers of Thomas Campbell. Usually over the age of 40. They use very frustrating circular argument for those who dare to contradict Tom Campbell and his theories. Can be seen in Campbell lectures throughout the world. Can be misconstrued as a cult to the outsider. Would happily have a copy of MBT in every hotel room in every country. Everything is DATA.

The armchair APer They will have read EVERYTHING… but just don\’t seem to project. However. This doesn\’t dissuade them from telling actual projectors what it is and the best way to do it. Prone to YoYo thinking due to their noncommittal attitude and whatever book/website they are reading at the time.

The Newbie aaaah… the newbie. Has also read everything they think they need to know before they attempt projecting only to realise it\’s not as easy as getting a phone app. Will vehemently try every binaural beat there is and will say \’almost there\’ frequently. Will have success and want to know if they succeeded. It\’s all open ground… demons, silver chords and possession is entirely possible.

I will say.. it takes one to know one… I have been a few of these in the past.. and I hope it made you smile a little.

There are probably a few \’groupings\’ I missed.

If anyone has any other groupings they want to add, please feel free to leave a comment or join in the thread on the forums! 🙂

The Biggest Astral Projection Misconceptions List!

So, on the forums I asked everyone to post what they felt to big the biggest misconceptions related to Astral Projection.
I wanted to share the list here for everyone.

So remember, these statements are what the posters (and we all \’mostly\’ agree lol) believe to be as being the biggest misconceptions related to Astral Projection.
I\’ve posted the statement, then below it an explanation for why it\’s a misconception.

1. Projection isn\’t a natural thing
*We mostly believe that Projection is a natural occurrence and is a property of simply being a consciousness.

2. You can become proficient in a day or a week
*Just like it takes time to become good at playing the guitar or playing the piano, you\’ll also need lots of practice in order to be successful at Projection.

3. You need more than just yourself to succeed
*Some people seem to think that they need tools such as binaural beats, or light machines. While these things can be of great assistance, you\’re already equipped with everything you need in order to achieve success. You don\’t need anything else but yourself.

4. It is difficult
*This is a big misconception. People always try to make this stuff out to be more complicated than it actually is. While, \”turning your physical senses off\” isn\’t hard to do, it does take much practice and requires a base knowledge of meditation.

5. It is easy
*And on the flip side of things, this isn\’t exactly easy to do either. Sure, some people might be better at it and more \’natural\’ at it than others, but that goes for anything in life. It, usually, requires a lot of dedication and hard work in order to achieve. So, as per the last point, while it\’s not difficult, it\’s not exactly easy either.

6. You can understand and learn it simply by reading everything you can get your hands on
*I\’ve seen this in action a lot. Quite simply, you can read every book and watch every video on the subject that you want, but until you actually experience it personally, first-hand, you will never really KNOW. Also, don\’t believe something just because you read it in a book or watched it in a video clip. Find out first hand. Test the information you get from others… that goes for everything you find on this site as well.

7. There is a silver cord
*I personally have never seen a silver cord. Most people on the Unlimited Boundaries Forum haven\’t either. There are some people who have, so it\’s kind of open to interpretation. Just keep an open mind.

8. You can get possessed
*This just simply isn\’t going to happen and is something you really don\’t need to worry about.

9. You can\’t get back to your body
*This is also not an issue. Sadly, the problem you\’ll mostly encounter is the opposite: You\’ll return to your physical focus against your will.

10. The most important thing is to have a projection in this physical world
*For me personally, I feel that I live my physical life here experiencing this physical reality. I simply don\’t want to waste the precious limited amount of time I have while non-physical here as well. So this point is probably more personal to each person, but I want to experience the more \”out there\” realities, not more of what I already know. Exploring areas of this physical reality I don\’t physically have access to is cool though.

11. Projections aren\’t related to dreams or that dreams are \”just\” dreams
*This, again, is probably more of an opinion than a misconception. I\’ve come to the realization that dreams are projections. They\’re projections in which you simply don\’t realize you\’re projecting. So if you\’ve had a dream, you\’ve had a projection. The difference between a \”Dream\” and an \”Astral Projection\” is simply how aware you are during the experience. The more of a waking awareness you have, the less of a Dream it is an the more of an Astral Projection it is. A projection is a state of consciousness you are, not something you do.

12. Projecting is dangerous
*Again, you really have nothing to worry about when you\’re projecting. If you get afraid or scared, you\’ll come back to your physical focus.

13. In order for your experience to be \”valid\” it HAS TO be like someone else\’s
*This is probably one of the biggest problems I see people have. This is where reading about other people\’s experiences before you\’ve had your own will actually impede you. People read what others experience, then assume that what they read is \”normal\” and if they don\’t experience it exactly like that other person did, then they must be doing something wrong. I\’ve encountered people who have thrown out entire experiences because of this. Please, realize that your experiences are yours alone, nobody can have the experience of another person. You can think you\’re having a similar experience, but that\’s not KNOWING you\’re having the same experience. There\’s a huge difference between those concepts. What you need to do is have experiences, log them, but don\’t judge them. Wait until you have dozens under your belt, THEN begin the analyzing period if you so choose. Then, base your opinions on your direct experiences and not what others tell you.

14. It\’s a linear process, which you have to do step-by-step
*Each person is going to have a slightly different experience with this. It\’s important to realize that what I said above applies… don\’t expect to do any of this exactly as someone else has done. It\’s important to analyze your own approach and see if you can change anything with that.

15. Having a one off experience, and basing all your beliefs on that
*It\’s very important that you don\’t base all your beliefs and opinions on having a single experience. It\’s just not logical. Try to have and log as many experiences as you can first, THEN work from that. That\’s working from a position of direct experience.

16. Trying for a week and it does not work, and because of that projection obviously isn\’t real
*Seriously, you have to give this stuff a little more time than a day or a week. Try working on it for a few months, at the very least.

17. Some ways of interacting with the non physical are more \”real\” or more \”authentic\” than others. Dreams vs OBEs.
*In my opinion, anything you can experience is \”real\”. A dream is as real as this physical reality experience we\’re currently having. The only difference between those two realities is that this one is slightly more stable due to the nature of the mass number of consciousnesses creating it.

18. It\’s an \”occult\” practice only
*Occult simply means \”mystery\”. So yes, if you look at it from that perspective, Astral Projection is a mostly mysterious subject. We\’ll hopefully learn more about it as science becomes more open minded.

Please feel free to leave comments if you think we\’ve missed any… or if you just want to add to the list. I\’ll edit any additions into the list as we go!

Contributors from the UB Forum as: Szaxx, Zagadka, Bedeekin, mini stapler, CFTraveler, Majic, ChopstickFox, and Tobi! Thanks everyone!

Frank Kepple Practical Guide to Astral Projection

Bluremi, a member of the Astral Pulse, took the PDF I made of all of Frank Kepple\’s posts and re-formatted it and organized it by category!

It\’s an absolutely fantastic job! He posted it on Google Docs for everyone to read. My thanks go out to Bluremi for all the hard work he put into sorting these posts.

Spirituality – Why I Can’t Get Mad At People

A few years back, I was driving home from somewhere when, all of a sudden, I got cut off while passing through an intersection. I was just about ready to let loose with a few curse words and just generally boiling mad, when I realized something. I’ve done this same thing to other people by accident… I have no idea what the other person was thinking or doing when they cut me off. At that point, I realized that I simply can’t get mad at someone for doing something that I, too, have done in the past. How can I? Wouldn’t that be hypocritical of me?

This is why I (mostly lol) don’t get mad or angry at people anymore for doing something that I would have once called them “stupid” or “an idiot” for, because at one point or another I was probably doing the exact same thing.

So what do I do instead? I take the advice of a wonderful Spiritual Teacher named Adyashanti. If you’ve read my posts lately, you’ve definitely heard or seen him.
The advice is to simply allow everything to be as it is. In this instance, it means to simply accept that what’s done is done. Regardless of the intent of the individual who cuts you off, it’s done, just accept it and move on. No amount of you getting angry is going to change what happened, nor is you getting angry going to make the other driver not do it again.

Eventually, you’ll actually be able to observe the biological processes happening AS they happen. I had an instance, and Adya recalls something similar in one of his videos, where I had something like this happen to me again, except someone almost drove into my car, and as it was happening I was able to observe what was occurring in my body. The biological events that were occurring within me, but since I wasn’t reacting to them, they kind of surged for a minute, then dissipated slowly.

It’s all about recognizing patterns in your life and then allowing them to be as they are. You can apply this to ANYTHING. Everything from the people around you to the simple daily activities we do. Whenever you pin point something as a trigger for you to get angry, ask yourself why you’re getting angry, then try to just accept it. This allows you to let go of the anger.

Something else I realized is that being a Spiritual person doesn’t mean you don’t get angry, frustrated, upset, etc…
It means you don’t hold onto the anger, the frustration, etc… you’re able to experience it, then immediately let it go. Quite often I’ll get frustrated at something where I’ll seemingly get really upset, then the next second I’m happy as ever again. It’s not that I’m bi-polar, although sometimes it could really seem that way (LoL), but it’s because I’m able to let go of things that upset me.

Anyway, back to the point of this article… if something someone does gets you angry, try to look back into your past actions and see if you’ve done the same thing before. You can hardly get angry at someone for doing something that you, yourself have done at some point. Instead of allowing your emotions to control you in this situation, why not tell the individual about what happened to you when YOU made the same mistake. That way, two people can learn from one persons mistake! Isn’t that a much better use of your energy instead of getting mad and calling someone stupid?

This kind of action moves you closer to becoming Love, which is, in my opinion, the goal of experiencing this physical reality in the first place. You’ll also find that as you become closer to Love, that things like Meditation and Astral Projection come, not only easier, but happen more often and spontaneously as well!

TED and Mainstream Science battle with the Metaphysical

Bedeekin just posted this on the UB Forums a short bit ago, and I wanted to share this on a greater scale.
I heard about this video that TED Talk removed the other day, for one reason or another… I`m quite displeased by this move by the TED folks.

So, here is it!

And the other video banned off TED.

And the last video Bedeekin posted, including a quote from Bedeekin, \”This is just amazing… Inventor of the \’God Helmet\’, Dr Michael Persinger has finally wised up.\”

Learning Astral Projection & Meditation – Emptying Your Cup

I think everyone, at one point or another throughout their lives, has hear this phrase before – \”Empty your cup\”.
It\’s not directly spiritual or religiously related, although it can be related to just about every aspect of your life.

This is something that I have personally experienced, and I whole-fully believe that everyone has to do in order to progress on their path. That path can be learning Projection, Meditation, Spirituality in general… anything.

\"EmptyFor myself, it was relating directly to the first two… Projection and Meditation. Over the 15+ years I\’ve been practicing meditation, I read and learned much about what others were telling me that meditation was about, the same was true about projection. Everyone was filling my head with what I should be experiencing and feeling when doing these things. What did I actually learn? I learned that all the stuff I was learning that I THOUGHT was the truth, actually wasn\’t. What it was doing was getting in the way of what *I* was experiencing. I was throwing away valid and valuable experiences because they didn\’t match up to what others were telling me. This is a huge mistake…

So I came to a conclusion that in order for me to actually progress, I had to forget everything I thought I knew about Projection and Meditation. My cup had become so full with the notions, ideas and concepts of other people, that I had no room for my own notions, ideas and concepts to grow and flourish. I don\’t know exactly when this action happened, but it did… and ever since that day, I have found my own path through the forest instead of relying upon the footsteps of those who have come before me. I\’m now self sufficient in my opinions and beliefs, because they\’re no longer beliefs to me… they\’re now based solely upon my own direct experiences, and as we know, \”direct experiences\” are the trump cards with knowledge.

So please, if you\’re looking to learn anything new, be it anything about this physical reality or non-physical reality, you\’ll be doing yourself a huge favour by forgetting everything you think you know and begin to explore with the wonderment of a child. Everything is new.

Forget the labels you\’ve learned… dreaming, lucid dreaming, astral projection, out of body experiences, etc… forget it all. They are the labels of others… they only serve to confuse. Just go out and experience and learn from those experiences. 🙂

EDIT: It\’s been pointed out to me that people are taking this too literal. What I suggest above shouldn\’t be taken as such, it isn\’t literal.
Nothing in relation to projection should ever be taken literally. I\’m speaking about everything you\’ve been told about what projection is supposed to be or is.

Your ideas.
Your concepts.
Your labels.
What you identify with Projection.

Ditch them as they\’re useless to you.
Start from a position of \”not knowing\”.

Explorations in Consciousness – Fred Aardema

I recently purchased Fred Aardema\’s new book, \”Explorations in Consciousness\”.

Honestly, I found it really hard to put it down! This is one of, if not THE best book on Non-physical exploration that I have ever read.
He asks so many great questions, and doesn\’t really TELL you what to think… he offers you food for thought and asks you to use your own judgment.
Along with that, he has filled this book with so many of his own personal experiences to back up his comments. So great!

I don\’t think I can more highly recommend this.
If you\’re going to buy any book on the subject, please make this your #1 choice!

The Original Unlimited Boundaries!

Just over 10 years ago, I had created a website called Unlimited Boundaries.  It was hosted on an ftp server of the ISP I was apart of.

Well, I was stumbling around the internet a little while ago… and I found the site.  I\’m surprised it\’s still operational as I closed that ISP account a very long time ago.

Anyway, for your enjoyment and for pure entertainment, I give you…


Please enjoy, and have a laugh. 🙂

Meditation – Myth of the Experienced Meditator

Bob Hiller posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with everyone here too!

If you\’ve been meditating for a long time, you might recognize some of the things this fine gentleman has to say. I know I sure did. LoL

The Myth of the Experienced Meditator

I AM, UNFORTUNATELY, an experienced meditator. From the time I stumbled into an introduction to Transcendental Meditation in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1970, through multiple eras (including my present fifteen-year-old Soto Zen practice), I\’ve sat and stared at many walls (and mandalas and candles, and the inside of my eyelids) reveled in sundry bells-and-whistles mental experiences, gotten bored, decided I was going crazy, become enlightened (no, really!), and now I\’m ready to share everything I\’ve learned. It won\’t take long. In fact I can sum it up in one word: nothing.

Not that \”nothing\” is to be sniffed at. For years—decades!—I thought there was something to learn, and that all those thousands of hours on the mat were cumulative, that the more I sat, the more aware and compassionate and wonderful I would become. In a world where the attainment of goals is seen as a virtue, thirty-eight years of realizing nothing didn\’t come easily or lightly.

By definition (mine), if I did think I knew something about meditation, that wouldn\’t be meditation. Sort of like God—if you can describe God to me, that ain\’t God. If, as I believe, meditation is simply awareness, then any past knowledge I have about it is not only useless, but slops over into my immediate experience. Knowing is antithetical to openness, and it\’s the adventure of not knowing that\’s the genius of meditation. Not for nothing (so to speak) are two of the most popular contemporary books on Buddhism called Beginner\’s Mind (Shunryu Suzuki) and Only Don\’t Know (Seung Sahn). I have this fantasy that next time I open my copies of these books, I\’ll find only blank pages.

So what is meditation about? I\’ve heard many claims for the practice over the years, that it\’s about: gratitude; emptiness; deepened, (or if you prefer) heightened, awareness; compassion; spaciousness; the discovery/realization/dissolving of one\’s true self (your choice); attaining liberation; self-realization; being present in the moment; opening to the wonder of it all; finding inner peace; encountering one\’s Buddha nature; becoming one with everything; cutting through delusion; fill in the blank.

It seems to me, though, that meditation isn\’t about anything: meditation is meditation. Any attempt to define it in terms of something else simply confuses the issue, making it vulnerable to being treated like any other self-improvement system. Lord knows, these days we are offered enough ways to be better people, get closer to God, find ourselves, and enhance our circumstances. We\’re swamped with therapies, self-help books, and techniques—what musician and activist Bob Geldof called \”the thriving economy of psychotherapists, designer religions, and spiritual boutiques\”—which treat our lives as projects to be tweaked and fixed. Isn\’t meditation (if it\’s anything at all) a relief from all this? Isn\’t it the opposite of repairing and adjusting and striving and perpetually wanting things to be different?

For me, meditation is a haven away from the ubiquitous world of self-improvement. It\’s not just that there\’s no such thing as \”bad\” meditation, but there\’s no such thing as \”good\” meditation either. It is what it is. So when I hear words like \”effort\” and \”discipline\” and phrases like \”deepening one\’s practice\” and \”advancing along the spiritual path\” spoken in the same breath as the word \”meditation,\” I wince. Just sitting (shikantaza)—doing and wanting nothing, breath coming and going unbidden, eyes seeing, ears hearing—in this effortless state, thoughts flurry like falling leaves.

So can a so-called experienced meditator offer anything to someone new to the practice? Probably not. If what we\’re really talking about is awareness, how can we help someone notice what\’s going on? This is what\’s going on: no more, no less. Unlike a subject like, say, carpentry, where we learn from the experience of those who have gone before us, meditation is defined by spontaneity, by not knowing. As the Roshi says, \”practice only one level.\” Perhaps the best we can do is to reassure newcomers that each of us starts over with every sitting and every breath.

Trust me. I\’m an experienced meditator.

Peter Russell & Eckart Tolle on Meditation

It\’s only five minutes…
But it\’s five minutes of GEM after GEM after GEM of information on meditation.

My absolute favourite statement, Peter makes… and he makes it so nonchalantly too is, \”You can\’t DO meditation\”. And he\’s right, as they explain it so crystal clearly. You simply don\’t DO meditation. You allow yourself to BE.

How to Project using a Focused Breathing Technique

I want to focus upon a usual technique that people like to use to Project with. Focusing upon your breathing.
The main action here is, well obviously, focusing upon your breathing, so let\’s focus on that for a minute, because that\’s going to be your make or break action.

Try this:
Don\’t worry about vibrations, noises, heavy feelings, SP… NOTHING. Forget you even know all that stuff. Forget everything you\’ve learned up until this point about astral projection. It\’s useless knowledge. (This should be your first step with ANY projection technique, I\’ll explain later in another article). Now, focus all your attention completely and utterly upon your breathing. Breathe in… feel the air passing through your nostrils, passing up your nose, down into your lungs… don\’t just \”feel\” it though, completely ENGROSS YOURSELF in the sensations. Then when your lungs are comfortably full, begin to breathe out… completely engrossing yourself in every sensation associated with that biological movement. Each time you breathe in again, increase the depth of how completely engrossed in focus you are on those sensations…

The deeper you get, the more \”lost\” in the moment you\’ll become… keeping the focus on the sensations will keep your mind active, just keep at it.

Focus… deeper… focus… deeper… focus… deeper… etc… eventually the physical reality will completely melt away. At one point you\’ll notice it has melted away and you\’ll notice that you\’re not experiencing ANYTHING. It will be just YOU there, no physical anything. This alone will probably snap you back to reality, but then just keep doing what you\’re doing. Keep teetering between \”here\” and \”there\”… and eventually you\’ll notice yourself \”there\” and you\’ll remain \”there\”.

Bedeekin – The Lightsaber Experiment

I wanted to post this here for everyone’s reading pleasure! A fine post made by Bedeekin regarding an experiment he did in the non-physical about manifesting items.

Bedeekin’s – The Lightsaber Experiment

I thought upon one occasion after reading a particular nudging post on a forum to create an object while in an Out Of Body Experience. Something of which i have been practicing regularly for 29 years.

The question was

When Astral Projecting can you make anything appear in front of you and if so is it real?

or words to that effect.

I decided to tackle the question in a way that would not only confirm the question personally but challenge the preconceived outcome.

I decided to create a Lightsaber.

The opportunity to try this exercise arose a few nights later during a type of focused experience I normally use to play out scenarios to find out the possible outcome; the free will of any people involved pending. The landscape I decided upon was a small clearing in a wood that I have visited since on many occasions.

I thought of a lightsaber in my hand but nothing happened. I created blackness and and imagined it best I could, still nothing in my hand. I walked a few paces as my mind became distracted and realised that something heavy bumped off my thigh. I looked down and there hanging from a clip on a nice leather belt was a shiny lightsaber.

I tugged at it and felt it slide from what was possibly a magnetic clip and held it in my hand. The surprise of seeing it and feeling it almost pushed me into dual consciousness so I gripped it tighter to anchor myself. I noticed the details. The machining and construction of it was sublime and solid. Very precise and a beautiful example of technology. It was rather heavy, most of the weight distributed at the pommel end of the shaft which almost felt like it was filled with lead shot.

I peered carefully into the business end and noticed a dark lens of some sort about the size of a dime (1/2 inch) nestled in a concave sand coloured ceramic inlay around which there were six small holes, like vents.

Curiosity and the obvious got the better of me and I played the hilt in my hand to find the ‘on’ switch. There were a few nobs and complicated looking bits along the shaft but one in particular stood out as being the obvious choice. I pressed it and nothing happened. I tried to slide it up like a torch but again nothing. I thought I might have manifested a broken or useless one when I suddenly slid the switch sideways with the ball of my thumb.


A three foot long blade of heat and light instantly exploded in a burst of blue.

Now… I will pause here to reflect. If you told me that I was to hold and activate a lightsaber as a child I would have probably just thought it was the most amazing thing to swish and swing around. In ‘reality’ (careful choice of wording) this was a different matter. For a start I am now an adult and I work with dangerous power tools. I have also travelled to the depths of the Alabama and Louisiana for a 3 week stay with the local SWAT teams and was dutifully introduced to the tools of trade they use to ‘stop’ people with. I remember holding a gun for the first time and being instantly terrified of it. This was the same emotion I felt upon activating my new Lightsaber. It was akin to what it may be like holding a chainsaw or a very sharp samurai sword in the presence of a group of children. Instant respect of power and danger with a shred of anxiety.

The heat of the blade was tremendous. How a Jedi swings these things around and not singe their towelling robe is beyond me. I could smell the ozone in the air.. the soft blue light was cast all around me kissing the stand of trees nearby.

I dared to peer more closely at the blade. It was bright within the centre, the glowing edge, I noticed, was seemingly present from the intense heat annihilating atmospheric dust and particles rather than part of the the body of the blade.

I carefully walked over to the nearest tree holding the awesome weapon well away from me, swished it about quite noncommittally and took a swing at its trunk. The blade just cut through it like butter. Not even butter. There was no resistance. If anything, it reminded me of a red hot-wire gliding through polystyrene. The tree dropped 2 inches in a shower of embers and then crashed sideways in a flurry of leaves, accompanied by the stench of burned wood. I felt rather destructive at this point and really only meant to scorch it. Embarrassed for some reason I flicked the switch off and the blade retreated leaving complete silence. I did slightly move my hand over the end and thumb the edge carefully… it was unexpectedly cool.

I walked into the centre of the clearing mulling over what just transpired. I glanced back at the tree and it had reset to its original upright splendour. I eventually gave into astonished excitement and phased back to full physicality. I instantly wrote it down and to this day remember it in minutiae.

The results upon reflection.

Now obviously this is anecdotal and entirely subjective yet it is a source of constant interesting data for me and those I tell it to.. or those who are willing to listen/read with open minded skepticism.

I have, as a Star Wars fan, always wondered what it would be like to have a real Lightsaber. Most Star wars fans have I’m sure, mainly what they could cut with it or battle with one, so there are many instances of expectation that are glaringly obvious yet curiously unexpected.

The pommel or ‘butt end’ for instance was considerably heavy. In hindsight and through remembering when the blade was ‘on’, this gave a fantastic feel of it having balance; like it was a blade of substance rather than of just energy.

I expected it to switch on like a torch or any flashlight. In actuality, although I made it look quite fumbled, it had a very nice and rather intuitive thumb sliding action that would of course benefit the use of it when grabbed and ignited quickly in the heat of battle.

I expected it in my hand and almost gave up, when it appeared to be where it should have been; hanging off my belt.

The particles of atmosphere being ignited creating the secondary glow of the blade are interesting. After the experience I looked online to find information about LASERs and found that the very powerful chemical LASER although devoid of light was evident as a beam because it ignited the particles in the air it penetrated. I didn’t know this prior to the experience.

Most of all was my reaction to it which I still laugh at today. I was ashamedly afraid of it. I had a very realistic reaction to something I desired since I was a child. I was exited but overall this was replaced with anxiety and the perception I could hurt myself.


I have held and operated a real Lightsaber. Period

As subjective as the experience is and entirely anecdotal to anyone else, it was as real as real can get to me. I had manifested a fully functional object, that either through my own subconscious creativity or the collective data within the NPMR, operated with true PMR physics; I impressed PMR constraints upon a fictitious device within the NPMR. It worked beyond my expectation and left a lasting impression on me.

Last year I finally got around to wasting my money on an expensive prop replica complete with a removable polycarbonate blade and a show stand to display it on. It has several pre recorded ‘Authentic sounds from the movies’ that are activated by motion sensors and it even makes a cool ‘short-out’ Bzzzzzzzzt noise if you try to turn it on without the blade attached. It’s blue.

Although nicely made it’s not beautifully machined. The ‘on’ button isn’t quite right and there’s no weight or balance to it. When I walk past it I turn it on but it just doesn’t cut the mustard. I can however swing it around without killing the dog.

Are Astral Projections \”Internal\” or \”External\” Experiences?

So, which is it? When we \”project\” our consciousness away from this physical reality, are we projecting to something internal to ourselves or external to ourselves?

I\’ll answer this from my own experience. Basically, since all is consciousness, there is no \”physical body\”. There never was, it\’s all virtual. So there\’s nothing to \”separate\” from. And since there\’s no physical body, there\’s nothing \”internal\” with which you project into. You ARE consciousness, so it\’s not so much that you have to get out of your body in order to project… it\’s that you need to focus away from what you\’re experiencing (this physical) and open yourself to something that isn\’t this physical. It\’s like a wave, individual among the body of water it is born from. Each of us are a wave OF (not in) the ocean. A wave can\’t separate from the ocean, anymore than you can separate from this body of consciousness that we\’re all apart of.

So projection isn\’t something internal to you… and it\’s not external to you either. Why? …because you ARE it. You are the ocean. You are everything. Projection is you experiencing yourself (consciousness) from a slightly different perspective. You\’re shifting your perception away from experiencing yourself as one thing, towards experiencing yourself as something else.

Does that make any sense or have I confused the matter more?

Support for Tom Campbell\’s MBT from the National Post

So, I was browsing the news this morning and I came across this article that would seem to support Tom Campbell\’s argument that \”belief\” can change reality. Tom relays an study done that shows this exact nature. The experiment was that children in a class would do worse if the teacher was told beforehand that they would. The belief that the teacher believed that the children would do worse, came true. This wasn\’t an isolated case.

National Post Article

Very interesting. 🙂
It\’s nice to see some of Tom\’s ideas and concepts which support My Big TOE, are actually being supported by today\’s science and studies.

SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s – By Bedeekin

I wanted to share this really great write-up that Bedeekin (from the Astral Pulse) wrote regarding Sleep Paralysis.

SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s

In this article I will replace every term associated with ‘Astral’ with ‘nonphysical Reality, abbreviated to NPR or NP.

A little Introduction

First off I will tackle Sleep Paralysis (SP) also known as Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis (RISP) from its physical reality side rather than its NPR side. Both are intertwined at equal degree, but the sensations encountered are primarily physical in nature being interpreted by your NPR sensibilities. Put another way; it is a dual-consciousness state. The sensations felt and in turn manifested through NP interpretation can be very overwhelming. The function of this little article is to help you link those sensations to normal functions of the body and hopefully dissipate the fear commonly encountered. I have written about SP several times and therefore researched it for many years and will pull form those writings in order to construct this treatise with objective reasoning and available scientific information. I have also experienced it for a lot longer so can also assess the phenomena subjectively due to many years of experimentation.

The cultural history of SP

SP comes under several names in modern western culture such as; Second State, Phase State and Vibrational or Vibratory state to name but a few. However our modern terms have nothing on the abundance of descriptions given to it by other cultures throughout history. The term ‘nightmare’ for instance, now used to describe a bad dream or unpleasant situation stems from an old English term of Germanic origin ‘maere’ meaning ‘Goblin’ or ‘Incubus’. It wasn’t until the 1300s that it appeared as ‘nigt-mare’, as a roughly shortened version of the descriptive ‘the mare who comes in the night’. Old English folk-law also used the term ‘The Old Hag” and the process of this as being ‘Hag Ridden’. It is thought that the Salem witch trials of 1692 that resulted in 19 executions and 150 accusations may have been fueled by locals reporting SP.

The perceived presence that often accompanies SP has been given many names and is often associated with the beliefs of the culture. In Turkey SP is called Karabasan, which means “dark presser or assailant” and the presence referred to as a Djinn, a nighttime demon of Islamic faith that can be banished by reciting certain lines of the Qur’an. Pakistan culture calls it Bakhtak or the IfritIn and is associated with black magic performed by enemies or jealous people. In Thai folk-law it is the Phi Am. The people of New Guinea refer to it a Suk Ninmyo, believed to originate from sacred trees that requires human essence to sustain its life yet is not thought of as evil in nature. In Hungarian folk culture SP is called Lidércnyomás and the presence is attributed to several entities such as faeries, Wraiths and witches. One is called Ördögszeretö, which means ‘Demon Lover’.

Other cultures describe the crushing or pressing down sensation. In Japan SP is called Kanishibari, which literally means ‘Bound or fastened in metal’. In Mongolian culture it is referred to by the verb-phrase Khar Derakh, meaning, “to be pressed by the Black” or “when the Dark presses”. In Vietnam it is called ma dè meaning ‘held down by a Ghost” or bóng dè meaning “held down by a shadow”. In Bangladeshi it is referred to as boba meaning “Speechless”. In Arabic culture SP is called Kaboos, which means “pressers”, or Ja-thoom, meaning “what sits heavily on someone”. These examples are a relatively small selection of many more cross cultural references. There are probably names for SP and their associated sensations for every culture throughout human history that have been lost.

So what is Sleep Paralysis?

Many people associate SP with being a necessity for experiencing NPMR. This is a fallacy. True, it is a direct route into the altered state of consciousness that IS ‘nonphysical’, but far too often it is lingered and pondered upon much to the distraction of the uninitiated. It can actually be said that SP is not meant to be experienced. If it were, there wouldn’t be a plethora of anesthetic mechanisms naturally put in place that cause us not to experience it. Usually SP is an unconscious process that happens when we enter REM sleep that inhibits us from acting out our non-physical incursions. It is a natural physical anesthetic. The medical term for this process is REM atonia (atonia meaning a lack of muscular tension). Being aware of this state that the body has put so much effort into concealing is what we experience as Sleep Paralysis. I will add here that sleepwalking isn’t an REM state phenomenon but rather takes place during Slow Wave Sleep State.

Why do I get Sleep Paralysis?

To understand why a little better we need to briefly discuss the sleep stages. When we go to sleep we enter 4 stages of slow wave or Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Stage1, also called transitional sleep lasts only a few minutes until it evolves into our “baseline” stage 2 sleep. It is from this stage that next 3 stages develop. Stage 2 takes up approximately 50 – 65% of our sleep time. Within 15 to 20 minutes we have slowly evolved into stage 3 then stage 4, which is marked by Delta Sleep that has the same brain wave pattern as a coma. After these stages that last approximately 20 – 30 minutes We suddenly slip back into a very brief stage 2 (which is often marked by what can be called a micro-wake) and almost immediately change gears into a the very active brain wave pattern known as Paradoxical or REM sleep. Our heart rate and respiration increases substantially and we lose our ability to use our skeletal muscles known as striated muscles.

Sleep Paralysis occurs when we have previously slept through our slow wave sleep stages and wake for a period before attempting sleep or during REM sleep without breaking brainwave pattern. This is not always the case and it takes the right amount of slow wave sleep and conditions for SP to manifest. SP usually follows after a period of wakefulness from slow wave sleep that is marked by Sleep Inertia. Put another way, one will most likely experience SP after waking up from a dreamless nap that leaves one groggy, itchy eyed, likely to want to return to sleep and shivery; this is due to the drop in body temperature during the end of stage 4 sleep. Attempting to go to sleep forces one to instantly enter REM while still relatively conscious.

If SP is entered involuntarily it has usually gathered enough hypnogogic (subconscious) thought to contain more hallucinatory qualities. If SP is induced by using a short focused meditation the hallucinatory qualities will be less evident and the sensations can be viewed (or ignored) objectively.

So what are all these sensations about?

As we discussed above there are many sensations that bring about the cultural names attributed to SP and those described in the posts on this forum. These can be broken down into four main types.

• Tactile sensations
• Auditory sensations
• Visual hallucinations
• Perceived presence

Tactile sensations.

The main sensations felt during SP are commonly a buzzing or vibrational feelings in parts or throughout the body, the uncomfortable feelings of being pushed down or having a ‘lead blanket’ (asphyxiation) over ones body and the inability to move (paralysis). However it isn’t true paralysis. Paralysis is the total blockage of nerve messages sent to and from the brain. The partial paralysis during SP (REM atonia) is a one-way blockage (called neuron depolarization) of receptors turned off going to the muscle; and only striated (bone connected) muscles. This is REM atonia. As mentioned before, This ensures that we don’t act out our NPR activities yet retains the ability to still receive feedback to the brain in case we are in trouble physically; like someone entering the room or a predator attacking us. During SP we are aware of this normally unconscious feedback from our muscles. When in REM atonia the one way signal is extremely low and rather than being a flowing sensation (one that we don’t notice in waking life) it is staccato or strobe-like in nature and feels like an electric impulse. In fact, that is exactly what it is; low frequency electric impulses. This gives us the vibrational sensation. When we are calm and focused these vibrations are very subtle and can feel very gentle – very much like Nitrous Oxide intoxication. If we are fearful of the experience or panic our body releases adrenaline which stimulates the heart, pumping blood around the body causing violent and overwhelming vibrational buzzing.

The lead blanket or pressing is also caused by the REM atonia. As we mentioned it’s only striated muscle neurons that become depolarized leaving them unable to be controlled voluntarily. These include the intercostal muscles between your ribs. Involuntary breathing is autonomous during REM and is controlled entirely unconsciously by the hypothalamus in the brain and is carried out by the diaphragm muscles that aren’t bone connected. When you panic or try to breath voluntarily during SP you are in effect fighting your brains automatic breathing system using paralyzed muscles; leading to the sensation of being sat upon or pressed down.

Auditory sensations.

There are a plethora of sounds heard during SP such as Rumbling, buzzing, screaming, whistling, banging, electronic pulsing, footsteps, babbling, crying, laughing, white noise, ringing, a boing 747, wailing, whispering, words, sentences, marching, breathing, heart beat…. I could go on. While most of them are subjective and may be NPR in nature there are specific physical phenomena that occurs in the middle ear during REM that causes most of the vibratory, rumbling and buzzing noises.

Your middle ear consists of three little bones (the smallest bones in the body) that are hinged to allow for the passage of vibrations into your inner ear or cochlea. These bones have a really clever dampening mechanism that kicks in whenever a loud sound like a clap or bang is heard.

Go into a quiet room, clap your hands and you should hear a slight rumble in your ear during and after.

This is performed by your bodies smallest bone connected muscle (can you see where I’m going here?) called the Timpani Tensor muscle. Some people can voluntarily tense this muscle causing the rumbling heard when you clapped.

During REM atonia these muscles naturally vibrate due to the depolarization and because they are part of your auditory system can be actually heard. The onset of SP is usually marked by little spasms of these muscles creating intermittent bursts of tickly rumbling. It can be quite pleasant.

Visual Hallucinations.

Our eyes and eyelids aren’t controlled by bone connected muscles. This is why it’s called REM – rapid eye movement. But although they aren’t paralyzed they cant be moved very efficiently. This is why when one tries to open the eyes it is difficult to focus and indeed keep them binocular. What happens is akin to a ‘magic eye’ picture or any 3D effect. Your eyes naturally grab shadows and patterns that cause your eyes to bring two separate spots of darkness together – like a dark corner in your bedroom and a shadow caused by a cabinet or other object in the room next to it – causing a 3D effect. The shadow literally jumps out, proud of the surroundings. Now, couple this with the fact that you are also being fueled by fear and creating forms non-physically and you have yourself a perceived shadow creature.

Perceived presence or ‘the intruder’

This is the most commonly reported aspect of SP yet is also the least specific and perhaps the most fundamental. The terror that accompanies it is extremely common. It is difficult to assess whether the sense of presence brings on the fear or whether the fear generates the sense of presence.

There are many variations of the presence… sometimes it is out of sight, just around the corner and sometimes fully realized in glorious HD. It is fair to assume that the latter is a nonphysical manifestation brought on by fear of the unknown.

To describe the process neurologically would require a bit of knowledge in neuroscience. I’ll try to explain without getting too technical.

Studies show that when a person is experiencing SP the cortical center lights up like a pinball machine. The function of the cortical center is the synthesis and making sense of available stimuli. This part of the brain is normally on full power during waking life, but when in SP the information received is purely internal and filtered through the Amygdala, which is the raw emotional centre of the brain. The sense of presence is believed to be formed by this stimulation of the Amygdala by bursts originating in the Pontine Reticula formation (responsible for sleep-awake cycle). In normal ‘emergencies fear reactions’ the immediate sense of danger is quickly confirmed or disconfirmed. In the absence of outside stimuli, attempts to analyze the source of the fear will inevitably fail to produce corroboration. But the fear is originating from within so what would normally last a second or two continues throughout the SP episode as a prolonged and rising sense of fear of your fear.

To put it very basically if you glazed over , you are sensing your fear sensing you sensing your fear sensing you sensing your fear and so on and so forth… a type of biometric feedback.

How can I stop the fear?

The way to fully put an end to the fear is to stop the SP process entirely. To play the ‘get out of jail free’ card either wiggle your toes, fingers or simply jerk your whole body physically. It takes a bit of willpower but is highly effective.

If you wish to carry on using SP as your springboard to NPR, You can meditate and focus yourself not to enter SP while you are thinking subconscious or hypnogogic thoughts. Maintain concentration.

Another way to overcome SP is by practice and repeated exposure to it.

There are many members here who can guide you to defeat the fear, whether through your belief or by pragmatic explanation.


SP is not a prerequisite for experiencing the NPR and can be avoided by not trying to phase or practice after a short nap. Although it is a direct root it can be a massive distraction and as I have explained most of the sensations are physical in nature. Your task is to direct your focus away form your physical, almost by performing a mock slow wave sleep (meditation/phasing) exercise.

Please be aware that this article is purely based on the physical phenomenology present during SP and in no way attempts to explain the more sublte non-physical interactions that may take place.

Please feel free to ask more questions as I have only explained the basics.

I will periodically update this post.


Ohayon,M.M.,Zulley,Guilleminault,C.andSmirne,S. – Prevalence and pathological associations of sleepparalysis in the general population.Neurol.,1999,52:1194–1200.

Jean-Christophe Terrillion – Does Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis Involve More Than Cognitive Neurosciences? Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No. 1, p. 97–123, 2001

Anna Pissiota – Fear, Startle, and Fear-Potentiated Startle, Probing Emotion in the Human Brain. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of SocialSciences 127

William H. Cooke – Justice at Salem, Reexamining the Witch Trials.

Cheyne, J.; Rueffer, S.; Newby-Clark, I. (1999). \”Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis: Neurological and Cultural Construction of the Night-Mare\”. Consciousness and Cognition 8: 319–337.