Meditation – Correct Breathing

A lot of people don\’t know this, but there actually is a \”CORRECT\” way to breath. And yes, this does relate to everything you do… from simple meditation, to living your daily life. Breathing properly will enhance everything you do. You\’ll feel much better too!

You\’re supposed to breath using your diaphragm. Simply put, if when you\’re breathing anything but your stomach is moving then you\’re doing it incorrectly.
Most people these days breath from their chest… this is horribly bad because those muscles are vastly weaker than your diaphragm. It\’s easier and better to breath from your stomach than it is your chest. Breathing from the chest is something that most people learn to do as they get older, it\’s an image thing.
My Sensei (I train [well I haven\’t for year or so at the moment hehe] in yoshinkan aikido) always said that to breath properly means to \”get fat\”… then \”get skinny\”! This is the kind of autonomic breathing that kicks in when you fall asleep.

If you watch a baby lie there breathing, you\’ll notice that it will do all the breathing using its stomach. This is what adults should strive for as well.

Doing this kind of breathing also assists the body in falling asleep, because it\’s the normal type of breathing that it\’s used to doing naturally and tricks the mind into thinking the body is asleep.

Have you ever listened to someone make that transition from awake to asleep. You can actually pinpoint the EXACT second that they \”fell asleep\” due to how their breathing changes. This \”sleep breathing\” is what you want to emulate while meditating.

So while you\’re practicing your projections, or even while you\’re going about your daily life, try to breathe correctly. Your body AND consciousness will thank you for it! 🙂

The Path Documentary Series

I purchased the first Path Documentary a couple years ago when it was released, and I absolutely loved it!
I was so happy to hear that they were making a second Documentary entitled \”Beyond the Physical\”!

You can view the teaser and trailer here: The Path Documentary Series

I HIGHLY recommend watching the first one as well. Lots of excellent advice in it.

Projection is like Walking!

Funny subject, I know! I wanted to get your attention! So, how exactly is projection like walking? Well, I\’ll explain.

Consider all the labels that we use to describe our non-physical experiences. Now compare them to something like \”movement\”.
For example: walking is a form of movement, running is a form of movement, standing still is also a form of movement (or a lack of movement for that matter).

We use different labels to describe what is, in essence, a form of movement. They all feel completely different, so we don\’t question the labels we use. Also, we all agree on what it means to be running (or walking or standing still). This is just a no-brainer concept, right?

So let\’s talk about the non-physical labels we use: dreaming, lucid dreaming, astral projection, obes are all \”non-physical experiences\” in the same way that walking, running and standing still are all forms of \”movement\”.

One (movement) is a measure of \”speed\” and the other (projection) is a measure of \”awareness\”. Really simple, eh?

What is “Intent”

People ask me, “How do I project?”.

Well, it’s 95% Intent… 5% Technique.

So, what is Intent and how do you use it to project?

This is the best way I can think of to describe Intent:
Intent is the difference between intending to move your hand, and actually moving your hand. You can intend to move your hand as much as you want. Sit there, look at your hand and just “think” about moving it. It won’t do anything, right? It won’t do anything UNTIL you actually MOVE your hand. That act of actually moving your hand is you placing the Intent to do so. So, Intent is the “action” which occurs a fraction before you do something.

If you can figure out how to harness this power, the power of Intent, then you can Project very easily. In terms of Projection (phasing in particular), it’s all about ALLOWING your consciousness to shift to the non-physical. It’s extremely hard to describe it beyond that, but once you figure it out, you’ll see just how easy all this stuff really is. At that point, the hardest thing you’ll then need to worry about is STAYING in the non-physical. For that, there are other techniques… which, ironically, also involve entirely around using your Intent! 🙂

Have a great holiday everyone!

Morgan Freeman\’s Statement

Morgan Freeman\’s statement about these random shootings….

\”You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here\’s why.

It\’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he\’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN\’s article says that if the body count \”holds up\”, this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer\’s face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer\’s identity? None that I\’ve seen yet. Because they don\’t sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you\’ve just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man\’s name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem.\”

I wanted to comment on this…
This event and all of the preceding mass killings in our society are PRIME EXAMPLES that we create the very world we live in.
Morgan Freeman is quite correct. The demands of our society have created a media which begs for these kinds of actions to take place. Why? Because, we, as a society, ignore everything until we\’re shocked into paying attention and the media outlets know this. We have created the very world we asked for.

The need to rise above the mess we\’re created for ourselves has never been greater. It\’s unfortunate that you can\’t change the world directly, but you can change yourself, and that\’s where the change has to occur. \”Be the change you wish to see in the world\”. That single statement holds so much truth… it\’s a simple truth, yet completely overwhelming as well. All it takes is \”action\” upon yourself to initiate it.

The first thing you can do is what Mr Freeman suggests above… ignore everything about the shooter and mourn the victims. They\’re the ones who won\’t be able to live and grow in this world, learning the lessons they should have learned. Make sure the cowardly shooter remains a sad, lonely nobody. Give your love to those who need it right now.

Astral Projection – The HOW and WHY a Technique or Method Works

Techniques and methods for astral projection, by themselves don\’t actually do anything without you placing the proper Intent and having the Belief behind them. We witness this on an almost daily basis on the Astral Pulse when people say they do a technique and get no results… usually because they’re not putting the proper Intent behind the technique. Some techniques are blatantly obvious what Intent/Expectation is created. Roll out technique, for example, it sets you up completely for a \”see your body lying in bed\” OBE.

It\’s about understanding the “how” and “why” certain techniques supposedly do certain things for a person… and it all boils down to three things: Intent, Belief and Expectation… or a varied mix of all three. That is what ends up being the deciding factor in just about anything you do in regards to metaphysical exercises.

This is also why no single technique will work for everyone, because we have such wide ranging Intents, Beliefs (especially this one), and Expectations (explained below).

If you read something that tells you that doing so-and-so technique is going to end up with so-and-so result… then chances are pretty good (not always though!) that you\’re going to end up experiencing something, if not precisely what you read about.

Using this knowledge, you can shape and craft your own techniques and methods to best suit yourself. Give it a shot!

My Life… My Lesson…

Ever since I was a young teenager, I could never shake this notion that for some reason I probably wasn\’t going to make it out of my 30\’s. I didn\’t know where this information came from or why it was coming to me. Now, after 20 years of having this idea floating around in my mind, I finally realize where it was coming from and what means.

First I thought it was about dying. For one reason or another I thought I wouldn\’t make it through my 30\’s to see my 40\’s. However, now that I look back on everything I\’ve experienced over the last couple years… I look back on the transformations that have occurred in my life, I realize exactly what this \”feeling\” was all about. It wasn\’t about me dying… nothing could have been further from the truth. Just like the \”Death\” card in a Tarot deck symbolizes \”change\”, so too did this lifelong feeling I had. It was a note to myself that my 30\’s was when I\’d be changing, when I\’d be transforming. Forever changing how I not only viewed reality, but how reality viewed me.

My view on this world is so much different than it was a few years ago. I see a lot more of the good in the world. I\’ve changed in ways I can\’t even articulate, yet I know that it\’s a fundamental shift in what \”I am\”.

I think I\’ve finally learned that I really know nothing at all. LoL

Do You Get Frustrated Learning to do Astral Projection?

The frustration that people experience while learning to project is entirely due to attempting to build your house before building a solid foundation first.
Just as one can\’t immediately play Beethoven or Bach without LOTS of practice first… you also can\’t just do a conscious exit projection without first mastering your mind. Yes, I said \”mastering\” your mind. This means that one must spend a long time (time may vary) with their own consciousness via meditation before you\’ll have any success real success.

This is the source of the frustration of just about every single person who has ever tried to do this and failed. Of this I can 100% guarantee.

Everyone wants to do astral projection with as little work as possible to get the fastest results possible. <– That's a model for FAILURE
Especially if they prescribe to the idea that that's the ONLY way to project. There are a myriad of ways to project, the HARDEST being the conscious exit projection. I guess I should explain quickly what that is. A Conscious Exit projection is one where you sit/lie down with the express intent to project.

So now, if you've read Michael Radugas OBE4U eBook, he has what he calls "indirect" methods for projection. To cut a long story short, all those acrynoms which rhyme with WILD are those. I honestly forget all the acrynoms people use for these. WBTB? MILD? DEILD? These are all "indirect" methods for projecting… and they're every bit as valid as a conscious exit for projecting. They'll take you to the same place, and allow you to do the same things as any conscious exit projection.

Techniques for this kind of stuff are everywhere. The problem is that I think it's rare for people to acknowledge the validity of such a projection right upon first learning this stuff. Why? Because people get indoctrinated into the "it's *only* a lucid dream, it's not a REAL astral projection" mindset, then they read about conscious exits and believe those to be REAL astral projections. So they ignore everything else. Then when they finally fail and become frustrated that they can't do it… they quit altogether saying it doesn't exist.

And I should say now that I *LOVE* indirect methods. They account for perhaps 80 – 90% of my projections. A member on the Astral Pulse, cosmic, shared a great method: Projection Method. It\’s simply noticing with falling asleep. It doesn\’t get much easier than that. I have, on many occasions said to try stuff like this.

Personally, I\’d like to see people eventually take the proper time to learn to master their mind… learn to meditate… learn to focus their minds, then learn to hold that focus for extended periods of time. The only reason people fail is because they\’re impatient.

I like Tom Campbell\’s opinion here: Take the long view, in 15 – 20 years, you\’ll be really good at it.

Let\’s make it a point to tell people, \”If you want to project with minimal effort, give these techniques a try\”… but also to point out that if you want to make this a part of your \”life\”, not just a fad, then you\’re going to have to take the long view, as Tom suggests. Otherwise you won\’t get much out of this.


Tom Campbell speaks about this reality potentially being a school-room of sorts… he jokes about how we should probably view it as being akin to a kindergarten classroom instead of some kind of place of higher learning. All jokes aside, I\’m wondering how close to the truth this is.

And more to the point… I\’m thinking it\’s not only supposed be this way, I\’m wondering if it\’s supposed to STAY this way.

I sit here wondering what it would be like to live a physical life in a reality which is more spiritually aware, where the consciousnesses which inhabit it know of their true origins, and I\’m forced to wonder just how \”productive\” such a reality would be to live in, in terms of increasing the quality of your consciousness. Learning by first hand experience is probably the best way to \”grow\”… which would make this physical reality *THE* best place to learn about how to move towards Love.

The discussions we have here (in the MBT facebook group and Tom\’s forum) regarding MBT and who\’s right and who\’s wrong… they\’re ultimately 100% meaningless. They\’re designed to assist us in guiding us towards the ultimate truth: Love. I think I\’ve finally found the truth to Tom\’s message, and I don\’t think it has anything to do with the content of his TOE.

My Realization

So I\’ve come to a rather perplexing conclusion about my Projection practices over the past several months.

I\’ve been listening a lot to spiritual teachers such as Adyashanti, and even the less \”spiritually-inclined\” such as Tom Campbell lately… and this is what triggered this particular realization. I feel I\’ve had some significant transformations over just these last couple weeks that lead me in this direction.

I\’ve found that the more I\’ve been delving into my spiritual side… the more I\’ve been growing… an the less active I am in actively practicing astral projection.

For example, I really doesn\’t bother me if I project anymore, it\’s simply phased out as a desire within myself. I tried practicing this morning because I had the day off work, and I found myself not really caring if I projected or not. Not because I was lazy or anything, but because I genuinely had no \”want\”… that\’s not to say I don\’t project anymore, I have enough spontaneous projections that happen to me now, they almost seem to be happening on their own accord now and with greater frequency too.

Is anyone else finding this? As you experience the non-physical more and more, your attention is drawn more and more to the physical? Everyone goes through a cycle from time to time where they lose interest in projection and then one day pick it up again… this isn\’t it. I\’m well versed in that particular cycle, as I\’ve gone through it many times prior. This is more a fundamental shift in being *me… or more appropriately, it\’s a fundamental shift in my *being*.

That\’s not to say I\’m not going to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas here on my website or anything crazy like that… hehe Although, I think my posting might \”open up\” a bit to take on more of a spiritual turn and I guess I\’ll finally able to fully utilize my website name: Unlimited Boundaries. I knew I chose it for a reason… because it was quite limiting only talking about Astral Projection. LOL

Remembering Our Astral Projections

I have a theory… it revolves around how to remember our experiences (dreams, astral, etc…).

Take a look at how you remember things in this physical reality. If you don\’t add a certain amount of importance to any given event in your life, your chances of remembering everything in full detail is pretty minute. Likewise, this holds true for your dreams (lucid or otherwise). If you believe your dreams are nothing special, that they\’re not important, then you\’re probably not going to remember them. You\’re probably not even going to have that base level of awareness in order to experience them.

How do you solve this problem? How do you give importance to something like this? You have to prove it to your subconscious mind… change your attitude about wanting to remember your experiences. A dream journal is the absolute best method I can think of to do this.

Work on trying to convincing yourself to place more importance upon your dream time journeys! It\’ll take some time, but the more you can prove to yourself that these events are important to you, the more you\’ll begin to remember them. Also, don\’t be lazy and write down whatever you remember immediately upon waking, because you will forget things really quickly. The more you do this, the less you\’ll forget!

Consciousness Experiences – My Simple Truth

This isn\’t going to be a long post…
It\’s a really simple truth. I just wish more people would open their eyes and realize it.

I know this is going to sound like me beating a dead horse, but… here is my truth: There is no physical and there is no non-physical. There\’s just consciousness having experiences from different perspectives.

Once you stop trying to separate physical from non-physical and begin to look at things *TOGETHER*, all the answers regarding your experiences become obvious… they become so clear. Everything becomes so… completely… clear!

JUST a Dream?

Y\’know… there\’s one particular question which really bothers me when people ask it. Most of humanity has a certain belief in regards to the word \”dreaming\”… the general idea is that it\’s an experience that isn\’t real.

They have an experience which they end up asking, \”Did I really project or was it JUST a dream?\”
The question is posed as if they had a clue about what a \”dream\” actually is. Suffice to say that humanity really doesn\’t have a clue what it means to \”dream\”… so, I don\’t understand how people can logically ask that above question.

If you\’ve followed my posts over the last couple years, you\’d know my answer to that idea. A \”dream\” as most humans know it, doesn\’t exist. It\’s a strange question to ask of an experience, \”was this just a dream?\”, because it alludes to an idea which people truly have no idea about.

Anyway, I just thought I\’d get that off my chest cause it\’s something that bothers me… not about helping people, but just about humanity in general. LOL
Next time you have an experience and you want to ask that question, please consider the follow: What *IS* a dream? 🙂

Another example of Reality Fluctuations in an Astral Projection

I was thinking about other ways to describe how reality fluctuations happen.

Your connection to the non-physical is akin to you wearing a headset listening to music in this physical reality. The music you\’re listening to can really only be heard/experienced by yourself. Depending upon how loud you have your music, what happens when you cross paths with someone else here, say while walking down the street? They might be able to hear your music playing, they might not be able to make much sense of it, but they can definitely hear it. What have you just done? You\’ve affected their reality and changed it to include something that wasn\’t originally part of their reality.

This is, I believe, the nature of reality fluctuations. Except with the non-physical, we\’re not talking about music, we\’re talking about consciousness and the music I\’m referring to is the music of creation we each participate in while we\’re experiencing the non-physical.

Say you project into a reality frame which takes the form of your bedroom/house. There might be another consciousness \”nearby\”, which you will then begin to pickup their consciousness changes occurring, which will alter your reality ever so slightly depending upon how strong the fuel (emotions/Intent/etc) behind that consciousness is.

You CAN control these fluctuations from occurring though. In the same manner which we project by ignoring the physical, you too, can ignore \”other\” consciousnesses from affecting your reality by ignoring that particular energy.

There are probably some holes in this concept, but for the most part, this is how I perceive it occurring. Would anyone wish to further discuss this? Please leave a comment here or on facebook. 🙂

Projection Experience – Tuesday, July 24th

I woke up around 5am this morning,  I don\’t know why.   When I went back to sleep I found myself having a dream awareness experience, where I was trying to get ready for work.  I was \”somewhere\”  in my house coat when I remembered I still needed to shower!  So I raced off towards where I thought my house was (because for some strange reason I was nowhere near it lol).  It was around this point which I started to fly.  That was the tip off that I was in the non physical. 

Now that I was projecting, I believe with a strong lucid awareness, I landed in order to test my reality.  I felt the cement I was standing on… It felt so completely physical.   I looked up and around me to see that everything was just as it should be.   I flew over to a tree and grabbed a branch,  I began to feel myself wake up,  so I took the branch and crumpled it in my hands.   I put all my intent towards experiencing the feeling of it crumbling.  It was every bit as real as the physical.  The awareness it generated with that reality completely stopped me from waking up and strengthened my experience.

So this is definitely something that seems to work well.

I continued on with my experience by flying off.   I don\’t remember too much between then and a king up,  however I do remember that I had grabbed another branch,  but at some point when I began to wake up I couldn\’t get to the branch fast enough to save the experience.

My lesson?  Don\’t wait for the wakeup sensations to begin.  Do the awareness generating techniques throughout your experience so you don\’t have to worry about waking.

Astral Projection Labeling Our Experiences

I’ve made Astral Projection posts of this nature in the past, but as I’ve re-read them, they’ve seemed confusing, even to myself! And I wrote them! LOL

So I wanted to see if I couldn’t clarify things further.

I want to explain why “labeling” your experience in an attempt to categorize and define them is a bad idea, especially when you’re just starting out.

When I first started attempting to explore the non-physical, 10+ years ago, I had terms like “out of body experience”, “astral projection”, “lucid dream” and more all knocking around my skull. The only experience I had originally known about were lucid dreams, as I’ve been having those for as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until I really started putting the puzzle pieces together within the last 2 – 3 years that I figured out the actual nature of those experiences.

I found that there is one constant, one commonality, that linked all of these, supposedly, separate experiences/labels… dreams, lucid dreams, astral projections, out of body experiences, false awakenings, etc… there is one factor which everyone seems to completely ignore: YOU. Well, more to the point, Consciousness! Because you ARE consciousness. This is why these experiences all feel “different” and “separate”, because the “YOU” is different in each case.

YOU are the label. YOU are the definition.

How did I figure this out? What experiences did I have which gave me this conclusion? I have directly experienced the full spectrum of, what I can only describe as, “levels of awareness” within a single non-physical experience. I have started an experience with a dream awareness (normal dream), then become lucidly aware (lucid dream), then initiated a technique and brought forth my full waking awareness bringing me to an astral awareness (full astral projection). “Awareness”, to me, is a point along this spectrum. At each “level”, it feels like a different and completely separate experience. I can completely understand why people feel this way, but these aren’t experiences which you “have”… they’re experiences which you “are”. There is a vast difference between those two statements.

That spectrum looks kind of like this:

(Keep in mind that these are MY metaphors… MY labels. But I ask you to try and identify these labels in comparison to the ones you use. I try to make the comparison as obvious as I can using words and terms which people “mostly” agree upon. LoL)

“Dream Awareness” …… “Lucid Awareness” …… “Astral Awareness”

On the left of this spectrum, you have the experience which you don’t realize you’re in the non-physical. Essentially, it’s you dreaming… it’s you experiencing a reality that isn’t this physical reality, you just don’t realize that fact. It’s you having a dream awareness. You have to have a very base level of awareness in order to experience this, otherwise you won’t directly experience the event, so you’ll have zero chance of remembering it (which would be any experience taking place to the left of this point). If you’ve ever awoken in the morning with brief flashes of symbols and images from the dreams you had during the night, then you had a dream awareness experience, but you were just on the very cusp of having the bare minimum level of awareness in order to remember the experience.

On the far right, you have the experience which you do realize you’re in the non-physical *AND* you have the same awareness which you have right now while reading this post. You’re wide awake and fully aware of who you are with all your memories of such. THIS experience is what most people (and myself) would consider the “holy grail” of projections. It’s what most people refer to as an Astral Projection. It’s you experiencing the non-physical with an astral awareness.

I should point out, too, that your awareness can move both ways along this spectrum. You can gain awareness, and lose awareness.

So far I’ve described the two ends of the spectrum. Where does a “lucid awareness” fit into all this then?

Well, in the middle is the point where we have become “aware” that we’re in the non-physical and experiencing a reality that isn’t this physical reality. Anything to the left of this point is a “dream awareness experience”, or as most people call them, a “normal dream” (it’s important to point out here that the further right you move from the far left, the more “clear” and “vivid” your experience will become until you actually become lucidly aware). It’s at this point that the only thing you have is a base awareness that you’re in the non-physical. At this time, the closer you can bring your awareness to your full waking awareness, the further to the right you’ll move along this spectrum towards the “astral awareness” (aka, full astral projection). I have some techniques I’ve written about on my website to accomplish this. If you can’t find them, please let me know and I’ll provide the links.

So, as you can see, an astral projection is just a “dream” where you have a full waking awareness. However, don’t let the “just” fool you… what most people consider a “dream”, as I mentioned above, doesn’t exist. There is no such fundamental experience called a “dream”. There is only you experiencing the non-physical unknowingly!

This is why labeling an experience is a waste of time, because they’re all the same experience. What differs is only how consciously aware you are during the experience. This is why I don’t really worry too much if I had a lucid awareness experience or an astral awareness experience, because I know that what’s important is that I was consciously aware in the non-physical! I have a set of goals which I always keep solidly in my mind, so even if I’m only lucidly aware, I still remember enough to do them… such as meeting a guide. Sometimes it works out, other times it doesn’t… but as I said, in the end, I’m happy that I had an experience outside this physical reality.

I have a challenge for anyone who can project. Try to experience the full spectrum of awareness in a single non-physical experience. If you manage it, try to take note how each “level” feels compared to the last.

How To Stabilize and Strengthen Your Astral Projection Experiences

This is one of many techniques which I’m aware of, and actually use, in order to stabilize my projections and strengthen my awareness to keep it within the reality frame I’m experiencing.

First, think about what we do to “help” others stay awake in this reality. We shake them… we yell at them to stay awake… we use chemicals like smelling salts in order to bring their awareness “HERE”. What is this doing? It’s our attempt at focusing their attention within this physical reality. Now think about how YOU keep yourself physically awake! We listen to loud music… we drink a stimulant (coffee)… we even slap ourselves… all of which brings our attention more towards this physical reality and more away from the non-physical reality.

How we do certain things in this physical reality can provide to us hints as to how to stabilize and strengthen our connection to the non-physical.

To stabilize and strengthen your non-physical experience you have to attempt to bring as much of your awareness into the environment as you can. Just as the person shaking you and yelling at you (sense of touch and hearing) in order to bring your awareness into this physical reality, we can use the same “technique” to keep our awareness within the non-physical.

What I mean by this is use your 5 senses to REALLY explore your environment. Look at things in minute detail… touch things…. hear the sounds… smell the smells… even taste things! Do this as intensely and with as much focus as you can. This will bring your awareness into the reality you’re experiencing and will LOCK it there. This has become my main method as of late and I’ve been experimenting with it over the last few non-physical experiences I’ve had. You can read them by clicking on my experiences at the top (or right side) of my website. I’ve had lucid/astral experiences which have gone on for 30 – 60 minutes doing this.

This is my explanation for it…
What generally happens when we begin to wake up from an experience like this is that the projector will begin to feel their physical body and they’ll start to pickup on the sensory input from that physical body. What I explain above causes you to ignore those physical senses and further heightens your non-physical senses which are already active in that reality. Eventually, and if you do it intensely with enough focus, this begins cutting off the physical senses altogether and leaves you experiencing just your non-physical senses and keeps you nice and stable in the non-physical reality.