The Key to Most Astral Projection Techniques/Methods

Someone posted a PDF on the Astral Pulse tonight showing 66 different Astral Projection techniques.

The thing is that they\’re not 66 different techniques. They\’re the same technique with 66 slight variations. Well, that is, the ones that you do while consciously awake. There are ones listed where you initiate them from a lucid awareness experience in the non-physical.

It\’s a great write-up and all, but I think it\’s more important for people to understand *WHY* each of those techniques work.

I\’d encourage people to take a bunch of techniques they read about (here or wherever) and try to break them down into their base parts. Try to figure out makes the technique tick. Here\’s a hint… they\’re all asking you to do the *EXACT SAME THING* just in slightly different ways.

Ok that wasn\’t so much of a hint as telling you. LoL

Just about every technique incorporates Visualization or Mental Concentration/Focus in some way as a method of fixating your awareness away from the Physical. That\’s it… that\’s the entire secret. That\’s what took me over 10 years to figure. I use this concept to create my own visualizations and you can use this knowledge to further help yourself to project.

There\’s nothing mystical or magical about any of this and most importantly: ANYONE CAN DO IT.

Unique Experiences of the Non-Physical

I wrote this on the Astral Pulse and I wanted to share it with everyone here too. It\’s kind of in response to someone who posted, but as I say in the post, it\’s not directed at them. I hope they see & understand that. 🙂

After writing this post, I feel like I should preface a bit first… I didn\’t write this post to antagonize anyone. I apologize otherwise, cause my words might sound kind of harsh… and they\’re not directed to todd421757 either.  His post just made me wanna share this.  LoL

I keep an open mind when I read a book or a post. If it is a valid book, I should be able to repeat the experiences of the author. I have repeated the majority of the experiences by Sylvan Muldoon. To me Sylvan\’s book is credible and contains objective information.

That\’s just it though, you can *never* repeat the experience of the author… you can only BELIEVE you have repeated it.  You\’ll never know, because you can never have someone else\’s experience.

How YOU interpret a projection might seem or sound similar to you, but it\’s not experiencing what they experienced.  You can only have your own experiences.

Take someone like Frank for example… he mentioned a few of his experiences, and we can sit back, read them and be like, \”yup, I experienced that\”… but did you *REALLY* experience *THAT* exactly as Frank interpreted in which he experienced it?  Nope… similar maybe, similar sounding even, but \”experienced what he experienced\”?  …nope.

Even what Frank calls Phasing probably isn\’t what I experience.  I don\’t do Frank\’s Phasing… I do Ryan\’s Phasing.  Contenteo does Contenteo\’s Phasing… Lionheart does Lionheart\’s Phasing.  NOBODY on this forum does or will ever do Frank\’s Phasing.  Frank said he followed in Robert Monroes footsteps… he didn\’t.  Frank had his own experiences which he interpreted as best he could in what Monroe experienced, but it wasn\’t what Monroe experienced.  That\’s why that, in the end, Frank came to completely different conclusions than Monroe did.  This is why everyone, who puts aside their prior \’beliefs\’ and \’bias\’, will eventually come to completely different conclusions.

There are 6.5 billion people on this planet… and there are 6.5 billion different experiences to projection.

Most authors contain experiences which I cannot repeat. This leads me to believe the information they are presenting is subjective and dream-like.

I have no idea if Frank\’s information is truthful or not. In the end, it is up to each individual to decide.

I posit that *ALL* authors contain experiences which you can can not repeat.  You can only *BELIEVE* you\’re repeating them due to your interpretations.

Once you recognize that you can never have someone else\’s experience, it opens up an entire new reality to you… a reality where everyone\’s perspective is correct and every perspective has something of value to teach us.

The point is this…
Never try to be like someone else, you\’ll be trying forever…
If you delude yourself into thinking otherwise, you\’ve only succeeded in fooling yourself with yet another \”belief\”.
Lose the beliefs and just \”DO\”.

\”Belief\” is a very powerful thing… so powerful, that it has caused wars and has taken countless lives from this physical reality.

My Observations During My Projections

I was thinking today about my journeys and how solid they seem to be. During my last several non-physical experiences I\’ve been running some experiments upon how \”real\” the environment is. The observations I\’ve taken are that what I experience in my dream awareness, lucid awareness and astral awareness experiences is every bit as real as this physical reality experience is.

When I say it\’s every bit as real as this physical reality experience… I mean it. The only difference is the ability to do paranormal (beyond normal) things like flying.

This really makes me think about the very nature of reality. The only difference I seem to find between here and there is that this physical reality is more stable and what happens from day to day here remains constant. This is probably due to the collective nature of the consciousness estate who are experiencing this reality.

I\’ve taken the time to examine in detail many environments which I\’ve found myself in. I\’ve examined water, trees fences made of wood, concrete sidewalks, even looked down upon an entire city from high in the sky. They were all as real and solid as this reality I find myself experiencing right now.

It\’s kind of mind begging when you start to question the very reality which you\’ve called home for so long.

What exactly is real?

Morning Projection – Friday, June 29th, 2012

I had today off work, so after dropping my girlfriend off at the train station I came back home and began a Phasing session. I haven\’t had much chance to actually do much projecting lately, so I was really looking forward to this and suffice to say I wasn\’t disappointed.

The experience began with me in my old bedroom at my parents house. I tore open the blinds, opened the window and jumped out… unfortunately, at this point I began to lose the experience. Everything started to fade to black, as it did I focused upon a patch of grass in the distance and \”relaxed\” a bit, and the scene came back to me stronger than ever. I relaxed and brought all my attention and focus towards that patch of grass, trying to see as much detail of it as I could.

After that, I flew to the front of the house and had the urge to fly upwards as high as I could in order to get a better view and perhaps just to see how high I could get. Well, for one reason or another I couldn\’t get very high, nor could I even fly very fast. When I landed, there was a gentleman there who was going to \’help\’ me, and teach me to fly faster. He strapped these \”shocking\” wrist straps to me and took me around while slightly shocking me… at no point did it ever hurt, but I was getting slightly faster than I initially was, but still not where I wanted to be. Next he put this cloak around my shoulders which also did some shocking, this didn\’t work much better than the wrist cuffs though. LOL

Anyway, along with the man and his shocking stuff, there were random people walking by whom I was trying to engage in conversation. One lady seemed to be kind of Mexican in appearance and a tad stocky, I kept asking her name and all she kept repeating was \”C\” or \”Sea\”, I couldn\’t get much else out of her.

Another couple who walked by looked to be an old-style priest/nun combination… the old nun looked to be quite sick, she had brown lines all over her neck and face, and I remember hearing something about her being the cause of the priest dying. I shook the nuns hand and said hello, but I don\’t remember too much more about that part.

The entire experience felt like it lasted around 30 minutes. Thankfully I know approximately when I fell asleep… and 1 1/2 hours of physical time had actually passed.

Tom Campbell – Boston Forum Get Together video

This is a video created during the most recent My Big Toe Forum get-together held in Boston earlier this year.
It\’s a four parter, each roughly an hour long… the first video, if you listen to it all, will give you the basics you to learn to project. Very well done.. great questions, better answers!

I highly encourage you to listen/watch all four of these videos. They\’re absolutely full of THE BEST information on the subject you\’ll ever find.

How You Remember Your Astral Projection Adventures

I like to look at how things we do while physical compares to how we do them non-physical.

I was just reading a post by David Warner (of the Astral Pulse) where he said this:

Most of it is the level of consciousness that you and the other party you connect with can bring back that information correctly.

It got me thinking about how I “bring back” the information. The more I think about it, how I “remember” my non-physical experiences works in exactly the same way that I remember things while physical. I have a pretty bad memory while awake… LoL In order to REALLY remember something, I usually say it outloud, at which point it’s ingrained in my noggin pretty good. I’ve done this same thing upon waking in order to long term remember my non-physical experiences.

To me, remembering works pretty much the same way when comparing physical to non-physical. Recall is even the same. I recall a non-physical experience in the same way I do a regular physical experience.

So, give it some thought if you haven’t already and tell us “how do you remember?” 🙂

Lucid Awareness to Dream Awareness Example

This morning I had a non-physical experience I wish to share which illustrates how ones awareness can easily shift between states very quickly.

I had woken up around 7am this morning, to which I immediately tried to initiate a Phasing attempt. I phased directly into a lucid awareness experience, where myself and a friend of mine were attempting to clean up a cluttered room. It was a lucid awareness experience, because all I really knew about it was that I was in the non-physical, I had no realization of who I physically was or where my physical body was actually located.

Anyway, during the experience I spilled a drink to which, because I knew I was non-physical at the time, I was going to try and \”lift\” the spill using my mind. I closed my eyes in order to focus better, but at that point I became afraid (not scared, mind you) that as my eyes were closed that I might \”shift\” back to my bed. The funny part was that I did kind of feel a slight shift happen and when I opened my eyes I actually found myself back in a bedroom. I THOUGHT I had woken up, but I really hadn\’t. Upon reflection later when I really did wake up, the room I found myself in wasn\’t my actual bedroom. I had lost the lucid awareness I had attained earlier and was, at that point, had a reduced dream awareness.

If I hadn\’t closed my eyes at the time, I probably could have kept the lucid experience going for a bit longer. But because I only had a lucid awareness, I didn\’t have the faculties to realize this. This is also why it is important to increase your awareness to an astral awareness whenever you get the chance to, as you\’ll have much longer experiences because you\’ll be in a better state of consciousness to do the things you need to do to extend the experience.

Possible Cause for \”Reality Fluctuations\” in our projections

There was a discussion on the Astral Pulse recently where we talked about \”Reality Fluctuations\”. I wanted to share with you a statement made and my response to it in hopes that it\’ll shed some light on this phenomenon. This is the thread in question should you want to read the whole thing. My post is on the second page, at the end.

The original statement:

There are never any defects in the RTZ when I stay projected in my bedroom. The defects start when I leave my room, and they get much worse when I project outside my house.

My response:

There\’s a reason for that, in my opinion… and it illustrates the very \”subjective\” nature of this so called reality that people label the \”RTZ\”.

Basically, you know your room really well. You could probably close your eyes right now and visualize every detail of your room, down to the smallest part.
This \”knowledge\” of your environment gets a little more iffy the further away from your room you get until you get so far away where you can\’t rely upon your memory of the area to get a firm \”build\” of it to experience.

And the further you get out, the more the \”collective\” nature kicks in… whereby you\’ll begin to see the environment meshed with other people\’s thoughts and ideas of how they perceive their surroundings. This is, I believe, the nature of the \”fluctuations\” people experience.

This goes for other non-physical realities as well.

This is part of the \”subjective\” aspect of the non-physical reality you find yourself in.
To me, it\’s obviously being created by your mind to a degree, and the other minds you\’re sharing that reality with.
The \”RTZ\” really seems to be no different than any other collective \”non-physical\” environment.

This effect can even begin happening within your immediate surroundings upon the initial projection \”exit\”. If you don\’t truly remember where something was put, then it just might not be where you think it was. This actually lends more credibility to Tom\’s MBT Theory of the larger consciousness system. The only data available in whatever reality you find yourself in comes from your own consciousness, unless it\’s a collective reality of sorts shared by at least one other consciousness. If you\’re not sure where a certain item is, then the data for that item\’s placement won\’t be available to the reality in order to render it to your consciousness in the location you believe it to be.

The Vigil Method & Fred’s New Book!

Fred (Major Tom from the Astral Pulse) from the Explorations-in-Consciousness website/forum released a chapter from his now released book, “Explorations in Consciousness”. It describes what the author calls “The Vigil Method”.

You can find the method at the following link: The Vigil Method


So you want to join the ranks of those who, in the words of the poet John Magee, have “…slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings.” You won’t be flying an airplane, which inspired those words, but the rewards of learning how to project are even greater. So how do you make the OBE happen?

Clearly, the voluntary induction of the out-of-body state is associated with sleep. There are other situations in which the OBE occurs, such as during trauma or other extreme events, but the voluntary induction of the state is associated with the natural sleep rhythms of the physical body. In particular, Robert Monroe was the first to fully recognize the importance of being able to reach the MABA state (Mind Awake/Body Asleep) in order to effectuate the OBE.

Please do head over to Barnes and Noble or Amazon to purchase Fred’s new book! It’s promising to be an excellent read!

In Explorations in Consciousness, Frederick Aardema, a clinical researcher, provides a profound, in-depth account of the out-of-body experience, during which the explorer of consciousness is able to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Congratulations Fred!

Morning Lucid Experience – Wednesday May 5th, 2012

I had a really fun, spontaneous experience this morning. It was a nice long one which gave me another chance to practice extending the experience.

The whole thing started off as a dream experience in the front hall of my parents house. Both my parents were there. I noticed \”something odd\” about the whole scenario, to which I thought about looking at my hands. I looked at them and they immediately began melting, \”I\’m dreaming!\” I remember exclaiming. I remember my mother asking how I knew I was dreaming, I told her to look at her hands, which she did and they too began melting. At this point, I knew I was asleep and dreaming, but I didn\’t quite have my full waking awareness, so it was a lucid awareness experience and not an astral awareness experience.

I\’m starting to notice that I\’m going the \”hand melting\” reality check more often these days. It seems to be a foolproof way to check, it hasn\’t failed me yet.

After I became lucidly aware, I instinctively try to stabilize the experience by bringing my awareness more into the reality (not increasing my awareness, but making it more \”there\”). This time, and this is also something I\’ve been doing more often, I started rubbing my hands together feeling the warmth generated.

Anyway, I remember going outside, but because I was only lucidly aware I didn\’t set out on any particular goal and instead just flew around my neighbourhood a bit. I don\’t remember any specific details after the first several minutes, only that the entire experience felt roughly 15 minutes in duration.

Throughout that time I remember extending the experience one other time with the rubbing hands technique. Then, I abruptly woke up, with very little warning.

Mind Quietness – An Experiment!

I have an experiment that I\’d like everyone to try. If anyone would like to volunteer, you only have to do the following and report here via comment or on Facebook your results.

I was meditating on the train the other morning, during it I was attempting to observe my Mind Chatter as it was happening. I made a kind of discovery in regards to myself and how my mind chatter works in conjunction with my breathing.

I found that if I hold my breath, the \”mind chatter\” is expressed much slower in my mind. What I mean by this is that the chatter happens much slower (sometimes at a complete standstill) than if I was breathing normally. When I hold my breath, each word that occurs seems to have a long break in between and feels like each word is struggling to be said. Whereby if I\’m just breathing normally the chatter happens at normal speaking speed with no struggling occurring.

I found this rather intriguing and wondered if everyone/anyone else is like this as well? Obviously, it\’s ineffective and useless to attempt to hold your breath for extended periods of time in an effort to meditate \”mind-chatter-free\”, BUT, as a result of this, I was now attempting to keep the mind chatter at bay by focusing on the quietness that occurs between my breaths.

So give this experiment a quick try. Try to \”observe\” your mind chatter while you\’re breathing normally and when you\’re holding your breath and see if you notice a distinct difference between the speed of the two. As I said, for me the mind chatter was expressed significantly slower (sometimes completely stopped) while I was holding my breath.

Feel free to post your findings here or on facebook. 🙂

Monthly Meditation!

I mentioned something about this on Facebook a couple weeks ago.
I wanted to try to put together a meditation group of sorts. The goal would be to try and counter some of the negative energy/thoughts put forth about the upcoming nonsense regarding the 2012 Phenomenon. Basically, we\’ll pick a day, a single 24 hour period in a month when everyone can focus their meditations towards sending out positive energy regarding this phenomenon.

It\’s almost common knowledge these days amongst metaphysical practitioners that we create our own reality.
The energy we put out in the universe shapes our universe in a multitude of ways.

Now, you can go about this meditation in any way you want. For me, I intend to visualize all the negative thoughts and ideas that people have regarding 2012 and putting them into a big metal box, then tossing that box to be incinerated into the Sun.

The thoughts will include any notion of war, destruction of the earth in various ways, to smaller negative things like fighting with friends and neighbours. Putting energy towards the goal of peace and love should be of the utmost importance.

I was thinking the last Friday of every month would be a good time to do this. Any thoughts?

Feel free to comment here or on Facebook with your thoughts and ideas on this. 🙂

Together, we can make a difference!

Morning Projection – April 6th, 2012

I had a really awesome astral awareness experience this morning. First, I\’ll mention that it was \”astral\” and not \”lucid\” because I was firmly and fully consciously aware of who I was.

It started as a normal dream awareness experience where I was visiting my old place of employment. From there I quickly clued in that I was in the non-physical (which, ironically is VERY physical when you\’re experiencing it first hand LoL – this is why the labels physical and non-physical are really bad for this), at which point I flew up and away!

I wanted to test some things, like the properties of water… and I landed and found a muddy puddle of water. From there I begin just touching it and splashing it. Everything felt just as it should. At that point, I felt he usual \”waking up\” signs. My sight started to blur and darken a bit, so I took this opportunity to practice a method of remaining in the experience. On a curb of concrete next to me was what looked like a small metal plaque with the numbers \”2701\” on them. I focused really hard and really intently upon the plaque and its numbers. I even reached out and felt them in order to bring my awareness more into the reality I was experiencing.

Well, everything started to darken, but not completely! It took a few seconds and it was a bit iffy… but I eventually managed to refocus my efforts into the non-physical reality I was in, and cleared everything up. After that, I had what felt like another 10 – 15 minutes. I took the time to fly around and bust through some walls (yeah I dunno why I enjoy doing that LOL), and mostly just taking in the sights from where I was. I don\’t remember too much of the details except seeing some people who were working on a high rise as I was flying by.

Anyway, the amount of concentration and focus I had to put into retaining my experience was immense. I remember the sensation of opening my non-physical eyes as wide as I could in order to get the traction there I needed. I hope to get more chances like that to test and practice these kinds of things.

The Feeling of \”Mind Expansion\”

I take the train to and from work now. It\’s a wonderful little bit of my day that I\’m learning to really enjoy. Why you ask? Cause it gives me 35 minutes twice a day to meditate! If I can\’t meditate at work, this is the next best thing. 🙂

Anyway, onto my post…
I was meditating on the way home from work tonight and a thought popped into my head regarding the feeling that I get I call \”Mind Expansion\”. It actually feels like your mind is really expanding. But I came to realize what that sensation really is, because I noticed it tonight at the same time this \”other\” thing occurred.

What occurred was a 90%+ reduction in my five physical senses. Well, I was ignoring them. But at that exact moment, I began to feel that \”Mind Expansion\” sensation happen. I never really consciously put two and two together about this.

The \”Mind Expansion\” sensation is also the beginning of removing yourself from this physical reality. Point Consciousness. From there, all of consciousness is your playground. 🙂

How to Increase your Chances of having Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections

I\’m going to take this directly from my free 60 page eBook on the Basics of Phasing, which you can download from here.

Another way to have a non-physical experience is becoming aware during a non-physical dream awareness experience (aka, a normal dream). Some people call these DEILD\’s (Dream Exit Initiated Lucid Dream) There are certain things you can do to increase your likely hood of becoming aware during an experience. The following are ideas you can use to make such occur.

1. Practice Reality Checks throughout your day
2. Keep a Dream Journal
3. Repeat Affirmations while falling asleep at night
4. Practice Mindfulness
5. Have the proper Intent

The first way to try to increase the number of Lucid Awareness experiences you have is to practice doing Reality Checks throughout your day. What this means is that as you’re going about your physical life, stop for a second every so often and check to see if you’re actually awake. If you’re awake in the physical, the check should be obvious. Likewise, if you do a reality check while you’re non-physical, it should also be obvious. I tend to use the same questions as in the above section:

1. “Where am I?”
2. “Where am I going?”
3. “How did I get here?” and
4. “What am I doing?”

You can ask yourself these questions in 10 seconds or less. Then, when you get the result you either continue going about your physical life or fly off into the sunset in the non-physical to have some amazing adventure. It’s important that the timing of your reality checks happen when you’re doing something that you usually do while you dream. For example, you might do a check when you hear a beep on your watch. Or perhaps when you look at your hands, or maybe when you go to the bathroom. Timing is everything with reality checks. You’ll need to do them for at least a couple weeks before they’ll carry over into your non-physical
time. Just keep them up and be persistent, they do work!

The next thing you can do is to keep a dream journal. This is probably one of the best things you can do as the benefits are twofold. It helps you to remember your non-physical experiences by programming your subconscious mind into remembering as much of them as it can. Also, we tend to dream the same stuff over and over. The more dream experiences you can actively remember because of your journal, the greater the chance that you’ll notice one of those experiences happening while you’re in the non-physical. If you can recognize certain dream elements that you tend to dream about a lot, you can use that knowledge to trigger a lucid awareness within your consciousness. For example, say you dream a lot about walking down a side street in a city. This is a dream element that appears in your dream journal quite a lot, then one night you have a dream that you’re walking down a side street in a city. As you’re having this experience, you might stop for a second and remember your dream journal entry regarding it. This might trigger your lucid or astral awareness.

Another way of having more lucid awareness experiences is to program yourself while you’re falling asleep at night by repeating an affirmation. The affirmation should always be kept in the present tense and should allude to you recognizing that you’re dreaming. Something like, “I am recognizing I am dreaming”. Try not to use future tense such as, “I will recognize I am dreaming”, because your mind will always look at that as being “in the future” and will never apply it to your present self. That’s just how the subconscious mind works. Try coming up with your own affirmations and see which works best for you.

Next method to increase your lucid awareness experiences is to practice always being mindful. Always be fully aware of what you’re doing and when you’re doing it. That level of awareness will travel over into the non-physical with you if you do it enough while awake. It will become part of who you are and you’ll naturally realize that you’re in the nonphysical.

The last thing is your Intention. Command your subconscious on a constant basis by saturating it with Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection content. Read as much as you can on the subject. Read books, websites, forums, talk about it with other people. Just keep your mind completely on the subject to the point where your subconscious mind can’t ignore it.

The History and Science of Astral Travel – Anthony Peake

It looks like Anthony Peake will be a guest at what looks to be a very informative event.

Out of body experiences (OBEs) are those curious, and usually brief experiences in which a person\’s consciousness seems to depart from his or her body, enabling observation of the world from a point of view other than that of the physical body and by means other than those of the physical senses. Thus, an out-of-the-body experience can initially be defined as \’an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside his physical body\’.

The sensation of leaving the body behind and encountering another level of reality is of the greatest mysteries of the human experience. In his talk, Anthony Peake will expand and elucidate on his research into different experiences linked to astral travel – including the Near-Death Experience, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing and Dream Yoga. He will show how all of these are all elements of the same phenomenon. This tells us that the universe is far more complex than we can ever have imagined. Anthony Peake will also refer to the history of this fascinating subject and will show how recent discoveries in neurology, consciousness studies and quantum physics present a challenging new model of how consciousness interfaces with ‘reality’.

Anthony Peake

Anthony Peake is a member of The International Association For Near-Death Studies, The International Association for the Study of Dreams, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research. In January 2011 he was offered, and accepted, a research fellowship at the Giordano Bruno Global Shift University. He has also recently been listed as one of the 200 “Visionaries” for the 21st Century. He is the author of several books including The Out of Body Experience

Details, including date, time and location can be found at the link below.

Jurgen Ziewe – Testimony of Life after Death Videos

I\’ve started to delve a bit into Jurgen\’s website, Multidimensional Man. From what I\’ve read it\’s very well done.
I came across a series of three videos:

They\’re his testimony of life after death. They seem like a very interesting watch. I post them here for your viewing pleasure. 🙂


Great Post on the Astral Pulse

MDM (Jurgen Ziewe) started a post on the Astral Pulse that I feel has taken off wonderfully, and I wish to share it with everyone.


Also, if you do feel like joining in please do create an account on the Astral Pulse and post away! The more perspectives, the more “complete” the picture. 🙂

Post Focus! Contenteo Part 2!

I had made a post last year adding some content from a member of the Astral Pulse, Contenteo. He recently allowed me to post his Model of Consciousness which is a few posts below this one if you want to see it as it’s REALLY good. I wanted to do a Post Focus on an addition he made to another post he made a while ago. The original post can be found here:

His new post goes into more detail about how he views the other (Monroe) Focus Levels that he didn’t cover in his initial post:

This guide was meant to cover the early stages, but I guess going over the next couple couldn’t hurt. F3/F10/F12/F15/F21, etc. are non consecutive placeholders to understand repeatable mental states as you disconnect yourself from the physical. All language has context and all context has bias, so to reduce bias, this non-descriptive placeholder system works best. These were proposed by the pioneer in the field, Robert Monroe. To respect the bold adventurer and his hard work, I use his system of describing a phase. For the earlier stages of the astral, this sequence works rather brilliantly.

Once you get to F12(understanding these stages well is a must, so go do it now if you haven’t already), you should have a nice Novocaine state going, your body should be distant, and you should be experiencing what I can only describe as black “Vastness.” A very mature F12 state will have you past the breathing problems(the worst of it undecided, it even plagues me now, so don’t expect it to magically go away when you get better, you getting better makes it easier to cope with) and if you did repeated visualizations correctly you will have progressed into F15 without even being aware you did so. This is because I found F15 sets in when you are really engrossed in a metaphysical visualization.

Known as the “No Time Zone”, F15 was the most elusive for me to understand as a young projector. You know you hit the early stages of F15 when you start getting those sinking into the bed feelings. These are the exact same feelings you get when coming out of a falling dream. If you ever stop to analyze an F15 feeling from the inside, you will realize you have no idea what time it is, nor how long you have been attempting visualization. In the moment, this falling/sinking/melting can seem to go on forever, but on waking, you will find very little time has passed, nor sure how long you were exactly in that falling state for. Hence the name.

At this point, it is weird in a way, because you know where you are, you are falling into your consciousness in your bed/couch/wherever. You can talk to yourself while in there kind of focus on other things(although not recommended for achieving a phase, understanding this stage is more important than you might think). If you start thinking of breathing again you may realign yourself with the physical by accident in this phase. You WILL realize you are not breathing and for the first time (Congrats!) in a state which your body also seems cool with the notion. So rather, if you recognize this stage, do what hypnotist’s do, keep saying, “Deeper, and deeper, and deeper…” over and over again in your head and focus on the falling.

Now, a state having such attributes, as you would expect, feels like a transition stage. In many ways it is. The next Focus of mind is much more stable.

AKA 3-D blackness (which is confusing because people confuse it with the vastness in F12, I did when I started), AKA The White Room/Light (which is confusing because it is both black and white, I would say more white wink) is the last limbo state we can define concisely before you project. There is no next verifiable step except projection. So congratulations when you first get here grin. I have a gut feeling this is the stage people are talking about when they have a near death experience and they are saying “Walk towards the light,” etc.

You will know when you get here, because it feels great. It feels like there is a gentle breeze all around you. I like to say you are at PUL(Pure Unconditional Love)’s Doorstep. It is bathing you in vibrations and feelings of ecstasy. No wonder Monks train to come and hang out in this state, because given you can get back there on a regular basis, it could very well become addictive. From this state, you then focus on your “Crown Chakra” to project. I think this is what people are talking about when the say they are getting pulled upwards. Its not gravity’s up, it’s the top of your head’s UP.
It is my opinion that many people try to pull the trigger prematurely in the early F12 stages. It’s like the gun’s chamber still has gas in it, or not enough gunpowder and the whole mechanism gets jammed and stalls. So this is where you are going to want to get before you start doing all that energy focusing stuff so many “pros” talk about. Don’t worry, it will be like you are sitting in this room, and you can feel how “energy” works much better. Given you can weather the intense sensations that happen during the actual “phase,” and I have to reiterate, they are damn intense, you have made it. Home Run. So when the phase occurs, the breeze will become more violent, you will start to hear a loud buzz, and you will feel like you are getting pulled out the top of your head. Frank called this the “cannonball” exit. Quite appropriate. You are the one focusing all your energy there and making it happen so simply hang on to this self created force, and try not to analyze it too much. Just let it happen.

From here, the F12,F15,F21 sequential path changes in a way, because there is a lot of places you can end up depending on how you exactly exited F21, But these are all conversations for another day.

A Final Metaphor

Think of entire Phase like attempting to pop a balloon by pushing down on it against the floor. If you deviate and attempt to control the push, it wobbles all over. You have to keep starting over. However, if you attempt this with a sharp intent and directed energy and simply gain well placed momentum from a well placed understanding of the dynamics of this particular balloon, your task will feel like a cinch. When you phase for the first time, it will be like this. You will be confused why you thought it was ever so hard to begin with. A good understanding of what is going on, gained through practice with true intents, with good timing for your initial projections and, yes, a little luck, will give you everything you need to achieve your goal.

I wish you the best on your travels, as one day you will realize it is the traveling, not the destination, that matters most in adding projection to your lifestyle.


This post can be found here: Astral Pulse