Forum Get-together with Tom Campbell!

So back in the end of March, the forum go-ers over at Tom Campbells MBT Forums had a small get-together with Tom to finally have a chance to meet face-to-face and have a good MBT-discussion!

Lots of audio and video was taken during the event. The video portion is still being edited and will be a few more weeks away… however, the audio has been released!

Head over to that link and save each of the audio files. Each one is roughly 200mb, and there are five in total. It\’s almost 10 hours of audio from that weekend! Lots of questions by everyone, lots of answers by Tom! Great information! I highly encourage everyone to listen to these when you have the time. 🙂

EDIT: OH! This was my 100th post! I didn\’t even realize until I was checking up on my posts just now. 😀

“After Sleep Exit” Vs. “Conscious Exit”

As the subject suggests, there seems to be two ways of successfully projecting your consciousness away from the Physical.

The first way I call the “After Sleep Exit”. This is probably the easiest way for beginners to begin practicing because, when you wake up from sleep or a nap, you’re generally already relaxed and your mind is in that optimal point where your it’s drifting on that edge of sleep, without being fully awake yet. This means that you only need to initiate an exercise (two examples would be the Noticing or Mental Rundown exercises) to practice.

The second way, is a bit more practice-intensive. It’s commonly referred to as a “Conscious Exit”. It’s an exit you do from a fully conscious state, generally anytime during the day after you’ve been fully physically aware and active. This particular way requires you to initially put your mind into that “edge of sleep” state. This is what most beginners have the most trouble with as it actually requires a base knowledge and understanding of meditation. Without that base knowledge and practice of meditation, you’re going to find it very hard to focus your attention away from the physical long enough for your consciousness to make the shift.

This is where the Point of Consciousness State meditation comes into play. My suggestion for those of you wanting to learn to project at any time of day whenever you want is to first learn to quiet your mind and remove any sense of physical awareness or your physical surroundings. Any form of meditation should allow you to do that… I highly suggest google to find one that suits you best.

I’ll try to expand on this at a later time, but I wanted to get this down as it’s been bouncing around my head lately. I’ll see if I can find a list of potential meditations you can use to attain this State. In essence, it’s also called the “Trance” state. Trance… Sleep Paralysis… Point of Consciousness… the idea is to remove your consciousness from this physical reality and exist as just a “point of consciousness”. LoL

Tom Campbell on Frank Kepple

I also wanted to bring up the post that Tom made regarding the Astral Pulse’s own Frank Kepple. I have to give Frank a lot of credit as his information was what initially propelled my own experiences in the non-physical. Until I began reading and understanding what he was saying, I was in quite the non-physical stalemate.

It would seem that Tom was made aware of the Frank Kepple Phasing Resource on the Astral Pulse thanks to one of the members of his own forum and he had this to say about Frank:

JoshM: Granted, your books goes into greater detail but it appears to me that the maps that are given by both of you might be overlapping.

Tom: I did read over Frank’s posts — interesting that he cut up consciousness-space into four areas after declaring that there was no separation within consciousness. Everything he said was driven by genuine experience — Frank is a good explorer. Of course there is overlap — we (and everyone else) are exploring the same larger reality — there should be major overlap. The difference is the extent of our experience, the context or structure we place that experience within, and how we communicate that structure to others. Each of these reflect the uniqueness of the explorer — his beliefs and interpretations.

JoshM: I am wondering if his description of what he calls “Focus 4” related to what you are talking about when you talk of the need to go beyond OBEs and go “out of your mind”.

Tom: Yes, it is — that is one description of it. I find his Focus 3 and 4 to be defined rather narrowly. The superset of the larger reality is bigger yet.

JoshM: A description I once read of this place he labeled “Focus 4” was that it felt like you were losing your mind.

Tom: That feeling is only temporary — until one gets oriented and accustomed to that mode of awareness and existence — then it becomes much like any other reality frame — only different.

JoshM: Am I way off base and making a connection where none exists?

Tom: No, you are on target. One reality, many views and perspectives, each necessarily limited and structured by the mind of the beholder.

Tom C

So it would seem that Tom is very respectful of Franks experiences and even goes as far as to call him a “good explorer”. The rest of the thread is equally interesting.


Regarding Binaural Beats – Tom Campbell

Someone brought my attention to a post on Tom Campbells “My Big TOE” forums that he wrote up regarding the use of Binaural Beats.  As most people already know, Tom was instrumental in the initial creation of the Monroe Laboratories regarding their original Explorer Team’s efforts of exploring Consciousness.

They essentially took the book that was already written regarding Binaural Beats and began to add to it and refine it.

This post that I’m going to link to you here is a great place for people wanting to start out with Binaurals to assist them in their meditations or Non-physical exploration:

One can use binaural beats to encourage OOBE, remote viewing, or healing ability.

You can purchase Hemi-synch, a professional mix of binaural beats and other sounds (Google “The Monroe Institute”) or you can make your own binaural beat audio file for free. Which is better? Only you can answer that with experimentation — everyone is different. Both have the ability to help you learn to be a good meditator. Many individuals find binaural beats helpful, some don’t. Google “binaural beat” and find a site that lets you make your own customized audio file for free.

The binaural beat frequency is the difference between two base frequencies. A pure tone generated at the base frequency goes in one ear and the base frequency plus the desired beat frequency goes in the other ear (using stereo headphones). The two tones combine in the brain producing a “beat” frequency that is the difference between the two pure tones. This beat frequency (which you can “hear”) drives your brain wave pattern toward the beat frequency, thus inducing an altered state of consciousness similar to a very effective and practiced meditation state.

If you already know how to meditate you won’t need to ramp in and out. Make several binaural beat stereo audio files using different base frequencies and use each for a month to pick the one you like best.

Some suggestions: 100 Hz and 104 Hz; 500Hz and 504Hz; 2000Hz and 2004; 5000Hz and 5004Hz These different base frequencies will all produce a 4 Hz binaural beat. Males tend to like the lower frequencies and females the higher.

You can try a slightly slower beat (difference between frequencies) of 3.75 or 3.8 instead of 4 later on if you get to that level of refinement.

Experiment. Continue to experiment always, but don’t jump between things too quickly. Take the long view …take your time .. don’t rush the process.

Many people, especially in the beginning, want to ease themselves into and out of the 4Hz theta brainwave state. This softening and slowing the transition to and from the desired theta state of 4 Hz (to make it easier to follow) is called ramping. The ramp going in from beta to theta should be slow and gradual enough for you to follow. The ramp coming out from theta back to beta can be much quicker and steeper. On and off ramps are individual.

A typical relaxed, focused in the physical, awake state is in the beta region (20 to 15 Hz) A typical meditation state is in the alpha-theta region (somewhere between 14 to 7 Hz). To encourage OOBE or remote viewing, or healing ability, you want to be in the theta region at about 4 Hz or slightly less (3.75 Hz to 3.8Hz).

If you are a good meditator you don’t need ramps at all.

If you are fair, start in the alpha region and step down in 1 Hz steps from 10Hz to 4Hz to theta. Each step should last anywhere from 30 sec to 3 minutes depending on how quickly you can follow (better meditators follow more quickly).

If you are poor at meditation, start in the mid beta region and step down in 1 Hz steps from beta at 20Hz to theta at 4Hz. Each step should last anywhere from 30 sec to 3 minutes depending on how quickly you can follow. Lower your starting beat frequency as you get better at it.

Once you are in the 4 Hz theta state that is your goal, stay there for a half hour to two hours — that’s enough. You are in this physical reality for a reason. Do not use this as an escape. It is a tool, as is meditation itself, for teaching you to eliminate the noise in your mind thus allowing you to more powerfully, clearly and steadily focus your conscious intent. You want to learn the process of coming and going to and from this 4 Hz state so that eventually you can do it on your own. Sometimes try it on your own without the binaural beats.

So you see, you have to do some experimenting to optimize your sound to your ability and then modify the sound as your ability changes. One size does not fit all.

Trying to sort all this out in a week or two won’t work so well. Pick 3 to 5 different configurations that span your personal unknowns. If you are a good meditator, use each one for a few days cycling through all configurations three or four times each. If a fair mediator, use each configuration for a week or two, cycling through all configurations at least three or four times each. If you’re a poor meditator, use each configuration for at least three weeks, cycling through all configurations four or five times each. Dispense with a given configuration when it is clearly inferior to the others (but not too quickly). Every three to six months add new more refined configurations that are converging to your optimum. In several weeks to a year, depending on where you start and how quickly you progress, you should find an optimum sound. Use it for six months to a year or two, by then it will be time to change it because you will have changed. Commit to a life of constant experimentation because, as you progress, what is optimum changes.

Binaural beats are like training wheels on a five year old’s bicycle — eventually you must wean yourself from the training wheels and take them off or they will retard your development by locking you into specific altered states when you should be free to shift states as easily as you shift your attention. Eventually, you will even let go of formal meditation because you no longer will have a need for the process. You will be able to accomplish the same thing (actually better, being unencumbered) instantaneously. Do not become habituated or addicted to this tool or any tool — or the tool that was once so helpful may turn into a self-limiting crutch.

Tom C

I bolded last paragraph because I feel it’s the MOST IMPORTANT part of it all. Please read it… understand it… then read it again just incase. 🙂

Chanting MP3

I found this link on the Astral Pulse one day, I can’t seem to find the original posting of it anymore though… I’m glad that I bookmarked it.

If my memory serves me correctly, it’s a 50 minute audio session of the Dalai Lama chanting.  Please, someone correct me if I’m wrong.  🙂

Dalai Lama Chanting

I listen to it quite often while I’m just doing my day-to-day work… and it keeps me very nicely relaxed while doing it.  🙂


The story behind the recording: A beloved friend of the Dalai Lama, another monk, was making his transition from this life to the next. Not, it might be said, as a trauma or a lost cause, but as a joyful journey at the correct time and with understanding of life beyond earth life. The Dalai Lama sat at his friend’s bedside and chanted this chant for hours until the monk, with joy and peace, made his crossing. Those who were present begged the Dalai Lama to record the chant so that it might be shared with the world. He agreed to do so only if it was stated that the recording could never be sold, but only given away. This MP3 is the result. It is not for sale but is meant to be copied and shared.
This is one of the most sacred and powerful mantras used for healing. It has truly wondrous therapeutic power when chanted or listened to regularly. Mrityunjaya mantra will help you to know the divinity within. It is chanted to know eternity. The mrityunjaya mantra is considered one of the maha mantras or great Sanskrit mantras because of its potency to give protection and manifold blessings. Maha mrityunjaya literally means the great victory over death. It is associated with Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance, and the liberator from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is therefore a life giving mantra that not only protects the physical body and gives health, but purifies the mind at a deep level.

Very interesting. Anyway! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Meditation – A Requirement To Exploring the Non-Physical

Tom Campbell ( talks a bit in his books and lectures about “Belief Traps” and how they can trap us into a certain way of thinking or trap us into ignoring something fundamental to our journey here.

I was thinking about that yesterday and trying to figure out what kind of belief traps I’ve been trapped in over the past little while.  In a post I made back at the end of December (How I Came To My Beliefs), I made the distinction that there was a point where I didn’t know that I was allowed to believe something that ended up being very important towards what I needed to know in order to progress.

I’ve noticed that this is a Belief Trap… and it’s one that I’ve still been trapped in for a while as well.  I have to thank Tom for opening my eyes to such information and to realize that I am allowed know certain things in order to progress.  I notice it a lot in others now too, it’s those times when people post questions on the Astral Pulse asking if it’s okay if they do so-and-so.

As I’ve been progressing along my non-physical path as of late, I’ve slowly been coming to the conclusion that a base knowledge in meditation is a prerequisite for learning how to explore the wider reality.  This isn’t something I learned from Tom, it’s something that I’ve been slowly coming to terms with myself over the last few months.  However, Tom’s “Belief Trap” ideas were the catalyst for me to understand this.  I needed someone to tell me that I was allowed to know this, as strange as that might sound.  I can apply and confirm it by looking at my own past experience as I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life learning how to meditate.  Through that time, I never once considered how that has helped me along my current path of experiencing the non-physical.

Well, the truth is that it has greatly helped me.  This is why and how I found Frank Kepples Phasing exercises so much easier to do and learn from when compared to the classic separation OBEs (aka Monroe-style), because, in essence, they ARE meditation exercises.  I just took it for granted that certain things that I did when using the Noticing or Rundown exercises were normal and that everyone just automatically did them too.  Well, they’re not.  They’re something I’ve learned to do over the last decade and a half.  Stuff like learning how to quiet your mind (surface thoughts), fully relaxing the body upon command and being alone with your consciousness.  These are skills/tools that one *needs* to learn if “conscious exit” projections is on their list of things “to do”.

To do a conscious exit by Phasing, you have to meditate to get into the proper state first.  Sure, we have a couple of “exercises” which you can do to assist you to get there, but they’re not really “exercises”, they are “meditations”.  They’re designed to assist you to discover the act of quieting your thoughts and focusing your mind towards a single intent.  A byproduct of that is, when you get deep enough and good enough, the “point of consciousness” experience that Tom talks about.  This is, in essence, phasing to Focus 21 (the void), which is the Phasing/Projection experience.  That’s exactly what we’re doing when we practice Noticing or Mental Rundowns.  We’re quieting our mind and focusing it upon a single intent.  That intent takes the form of “noticing the blackness” or “visualizing a scene”.  <– They become TOOLS to move our consciousness away from this physical awareness and our physical senses… taking us to the “Point of Consciousness”.

So, if you want to experience the non-physical in all its larger glory… put down all your preconceived notions about methods this and techniques that, and just learn to be alone with your consciousness.  Master yourself before you try to master the larger reality, for that is the real journey.  The non-physical is only a small part of your being… and the fact you’re here in this physical reality in the first place is proof enough of that.

Asking For Guide/Helper Assistance

I was listening to some of the explorer tapes from the link that Dave (  linked in my other post the other day.

I got the idea from them to \”ask\” for assistance while I was in Focus 10 or 12 and just see where that takes me.  Well… I did just that about 20 minutes ago and was quite pleased with the results.  I was just sitting here at my desk, meditating in Focus 10 and I asked if a helper or guide of mine can help me to experience something \”different\”… after a minute I saw my field of view (the blackness behind my eyes) start to spin and rotate, it turned into what looked like a tunnel with me \”moving\” through it.  I began to feel a shift occur, but it eventually stopped and I found myself back at my desk.

So yeah… that was definitely \”different\”.  I\’m going to play around with \”asking\” for assistance from now on when I go about my meditations and phasing practices and see where it takes me and I highly suggest adding this to your own routine as well.  🙂

Goodluck and have fun!

Being lead to where I need to be…

I was just thinking about everything that\’s been happening to me as of the last couple years… and thinking about what I\’ve been experiencing and how I came about the realization to have those experiences, and I feel like MBT is the culmination of this \”being lead around\”.

It\’s not a culmination as in \”I\’m now at the top of the mountain\”, because that would be silly … that would be assuming that there\’s no more to climb after this. It\’s more like being at the top of the mountain, and then realizing that you have to climb back down so that you can climb another mountain again… an endless number of mountains.

I started off my journey on a forum called SpiritOnline, then it went down… and I found myself over on another forum called the Astral Society… then that went down… after which I found myself over on the Astral Pulse. Throughout all this I struggled over 10+ years to learn how to do Astral Projection, to experience the non-physical for myself. Not knowing that over the course of all that, I was slowly setting up my foundation through learning to meditate. Well, when I stumbled upon the Astral Pulse I found a dude there named Frank Kepple… I read and followed him in his experiments with trying to follow in the foot steps of Robert Monroe and he felt he was rather successful in doing so. His data was really my launchpad for my current situation of exploring the non-physical, so for that I\’m grateful.

I still post there, and am a moderator there actually. Through posting there, I\’ve now stumbled across my next challenge, the next mountain for me to climb… \”My Big TOE\” (MBT), by Thomas Campbell. As I\’m reading MBT, I\’m realizing just how much my own experiences relate to the larger reality that\’s out there, and the reality that I find myself currently in, and I feel like I\’m able to partake in it more. I\’m learning more about myself, I\’m learning how to control my emotions and my thoughts… making myself a better person, which is then reflected in the world around me. I\’m able to see the GOOD in the world now, where before it was only \”wow wtf is wrong with you!\” kind of thing… just seeing the bad. I\’ve made choices lately that have me reacting to situations in a more positive manner… although I\’m still learning and still have a long way to go, as I\’ve been prone to anger and being upset as well lately too.

But throughout this journey that I unknowingly set myself on the last couple years… as I reflect back on it, I see the trail of bread crumbs that, as Tom might put it, the system has left for me to grab in an effort to lower my entropy and bring myself into a greater state of consciousness. A more serene place… and I now starting to appreciate that, really, more than words could convey. 🙂

I guess I don\’t really have a point in posting this… except to just get that out there. )

Tom Campbell\’s \”My Big TOE\” and Forums!

I\’ve been watching a lot of lectures done by Thomas Campbell, author of \”My Big TOE\”… I\’ve also been reading said book.
I\’ll just point out that this isn\’t DIRECTLY about Astral Projection, but he does speak about the very nature of the reality we exist within… and the other non-physical realities that we also exist in.

Suffice to say that his TOE (Theory of Everything) is very concise and answers a lot of questions about our reality. It even answers questions that science hasn\’t been able to find answers for! That\’s a +1 in my books for it. LoL

In any case, I highly advise that you pickup and read this book. He\’s written it in such a way that anyone, physicist or not, can understand his model.

I\’ve also signed up and started posting over on his forum… I suggest if you have any interest in his work to do so as well. 🙂

See you over there!

What is the RTZ (Focus 1 Projection)?

I\’ve always been \”on-the-fence\” as to the nature of what people commonly refer to as the \”Real Time Zone\” (term coined by Robert Bruce).  I was never quite ready to accept that it was some form of objective reality, or if it was just another of many non-physical astral environments.  Well, I believe I might have come up with a possible answer that describes the nature of the RTZ and explains why some people are able to view places, people and things that they might not have ever been personally witness to.  It also explains what people call \”reality fluctuations\”.

I think that the real time zone is a collective, non-physical environment, much like you\’d find in Focus 3 oC, it is being created and sustained by the collective conscious minds of the beings who inhabit this physical reality (aka us physical people).  I believe the consciousness of every living being in this physical reality are interconnected and the \”RTZ\” is the result of that interconnected consciousness.  The reason we can go places that we have personally never been to and can accurately (within reason) report what\’s there is because we\’re tapping into the collective consciousness unknowingly and it\’s giving us the information we need to form the surroundings.

However, the environment is also subtly affected by our thought energy  just like any other non-physical environment is.  This is where the reality fluctuations come into play.  These are our own subconscious (consciously or unconsciously) manipulations overlaying on the surrounding collective consciousness surroundings.  Fluctuations can also be your perception of what\’s actually going on in the environment you are in.  For example, Robert Monroe relayed once that he was watching people playing with large white playing cards, when in actuality they were checking their mail.  The \”envelopes\” were being perceived by him as \”large white playing cards\”, because that was the closest thing his subconscious mind could come up with that matched what he was seeing.

The way to control those fluctuations is to control the output of your thoughts and emotions.  Make sure that the surrounding environment is as pure an experience as possible.  That way, what you experience is what\’s actually there… and not some form of overlay.

Morning Projection – Saturday, February 12th, 2011

I had another astral awareness experience that I want to write down and share.  I hadn\’t planned on trying for any conscious exits, so this is quite spontaneous.

I woke up around 7am this morning and went the bathroom, came back and just tried to get back to sleep as normal as I felt rather tired from a frustrating day prior.  Anyway, as soon as I dropped back to sleep I found myself in the non-physical with an astral awareness!  I was quite shocked really.

I believe what occurred was a Focus 2 oC experience.  Anyway, the environment was someone\’s house and there was a party of sorts going on.  I walked up to a random stranger and began talking to them, trying to see where abouts I was (F2 or F3)… the gentleman I spoke with didn\’t see \”all there\” and he had some trouble making words, so if it could have been something manifested by my own mind, or it could have been someone dreaming… this would throw some wrenches in my \”no sharing dreams\” thing.  LOL  Oh well, I remain skeptically open.  🙂

I asked him for any information, like his address or something… and I mentioned to him where I lived, and he agreed and said the same city.  To which he also replied \”54..\” then a pause like he was really trying to think hard about it \”54 Rustyax\”.  Now, I know no such road exists where I live… but I noted it down anyway.  I didn\’t get much more information out of him about that.

We began to walk elsewhere, to which I began to attempt to explain where exactly we were, I mentioned to him that we were in the non-physical and that he could possibly be dreaming.  I remember mentioning how physically real the non-physical felt, even though we \”call it\” the non-physical.  I picked up a dog which looked like one of the first dogs I owned, and began petting it, noting to myself how real and lively it seemed.  I noted that the gentleman had a crutch or limp of some kind with some kind of metal gadget hooked up to help him walk.

We proceeded into the basement where a few other people were there watching, what looked like Lord of the Rings on the TV.  A few seconds after that, I abruptly woke up.  It was a really quick wake up too, immediate shift to black and back in my bed.  I didn\’t even have time to realize I was coming to.  Total time projecting felt like 5 minutes.

Connection Between Classic OBEs and Phasing

I\’ve recently figured out for myself the connection between Classic Separation OBEs and Phasing.  Simply put, a classic obe is what comes about when you interrupt a phasing practice and initiate an \”exit technique\” and alternatively, if you\’re doing a classic separation obe and instead of initiating an exit technique you just kept doing what you were doing, you\’ll eventually phase directly into the Astral.

Three things came forth recently to get me to this line of thinking.  I first began thinking about this back when I was reading about when Frank had to slow down his own projections in order to have a RTZ Projection.  Next there was a method posted on the Astral Viewers from one of their Admins, Bedeekin.  His made mention of the method that he used for many, many years that was successful for him.  Well, one part of his method takes him to what sounds like a deep Focus 10/early Focus 12, which as I know it is the precursor to a proper Phasing attempt.  However, he then interrupts that Phasing process and initiates an exit technique. Then just now I got to thinking about a night when I experienced this particular thing first hand and, as Frank would say, the penny dropped.

My experience was back in March 2010, and I\’ll relay that quickly before moving on.  I went to bed on the Saturday night as usual.  It was around 2am.  That night I gained a lucid awareness in the dream I was having which was taking place just outside my house.   Some time went by and I began to feel that usual sensation that meant I was beginning to physically wake up.  The dream faded to black, I felt a shift, and I felt myself back in my bed.  I now recognize this state as Focus 12, as I didn\’t fully wake up.  I didn\’t bother opening my eyes, since I knew where I was.  This was the first time I ever experienced and learned about what I call the \”Eyes Closed/Body Still\” state upon waking.  Well, almost immediately, I felt another shift and I found myself in another lucid awareness experience.  This happened two more times.  All four lucid awareness experiences happened quite rapidly and in succession.  Each time I was in the non-physical for what felt like 2 – 4 minutes.  Each time I phased back to the physical, I kept that \”Eyes Closed/Body Still\” state.

After the fourth experience something strange and completely unexpected happened.  I attempted to slip back into another lucid awareness experience like I did the four times previous, but I didn\’t quite make it in.  I felt that it was immediately slipping away.  What I usually do to strengthen the experience in this kind of situation (as I\’ve mentioned on the forums before) is spin, but it\’s usually done while already having the lucid awareness experience, this time I don\’t believe I actually got all the way into the non-physical!  So I started spinning trying to get a grip on the experience, however after probably 3 seconds of spinning I felt I had fully lost the dream, however I was also still sleeping and I felt I was in my bedroom.

I couldn\’t see anything yet, but I felt my arms and legs floating upwards and the distinct \”separation\” feeling.  I sat up and kinda floated awkwardly upwards a bit and towards the end of the bed, kind of out of control.  By the time I had fully cleared my body, my vision came in.  I\’m not sure if I had chose to see or if it just clicked on, but either way I could see.

So that\’s it, that\’s the connection.  By interrupting a normal Phasing session at a certain point, you can then initiate an exit technique and have a classic separation OBE.  This also works in reverse, in that if you\’re going for a classic separation obe, you can for-go the exit technique and just keep doing what you\’re doing and you\’ll end up Phasing directly into the \”astral\”.  So for people who have problems having \”astral projections\” this is what I suggest you try.

We should be able to use this information to guide where we want to go in the non-physical directly from the get-go.  If you\’re someone who only does RTZ projections and wish to visit the greater non-physical (astral), then simply stop doing your usual exit technique and just keep doing what you were doing prior to that and eventually you\’ll phase.  And if you\’re a phaser and wish to experience the RTZ, then interrupt your phasing practice in Focus 12 and initiate an exit technique.

Phasing – Physical Body Disassociation

I believe I need to explain the reasoning behind this particular article before you read it. First, it\’s geared towards beginners of Phasing. The action of physical body disassociation should be a natural and automatic one, especially if you\’re doing the Noticing or Mental Rundown exercises correctly. However, as with all things, sometimes it just doesn\’t work out that well and someone needs to focus upon other reasons for why a particular exercise isn\’t working. In this case, especially for the beginner, I felt it was important for people to know and understand what was happening behind the scenes with your physical body as you begin to do the phasing exercises.

Now, onto the article…

I tell people that to do Phasing it requires one to disassociate from their physical body and surroundings. That\’s really easier said than done. How do we actually go about disassociating?

Well, there are two parts to Phasing. First, you need to keep your consciousness focused upon something/somewhere that isn\’t \”here\”. This is what our Phasing Exercises do. In the case of Noticing, we\’re placing our conscious awareness into the blackness we\’re viewing. In the case of a Mental Rundown, we\’re placing our conscious awareness in the scene we\’re visualizing. That\’s all fine and well, but there\’s another half to the story and that\’s the point of this article.

Disassociating is something that I\’ve been doing automatically without even realizing it and it wasn\’t until last night that I figured it out. Disassociating from the physical is all about reducing the physical input you are processing from your physical senses. We do this by desensitizing them. Usually this is done very naturally and gradually over the course of our practice time. However, sometimes it doesn\’t work out too well and it\’s our physical senses that end up locking us into this reality. So, how do we go about desensitizing our physical senses and break that hold that physical reality has upon our consciousness?

We have five physical senses which connect and lock us here in this physical reality. To Phase, we need to reduce the processing of that physical input and increase the processing of our non-physical input. The scope of this article is to talk about the reduction of the processing of the physical input.

Our five physical senses are Taste, Touch, Seeing, Hearing and Smell.

Taste and smell are kind of a non-issue. Unless you\’re eating and smelling things while you\’re projecting, you shouldn\’t need to worry about these.

Desensitizing your sight begins the moment you close your eyes. Actually, you can even do this with your eyes open. If you stare at something that isn\’t moving and if you manage to keep your eyes relatively still, you\’ll begin to see a fading effect happen. What\’s happening is that your eyes are becoming desensitized to the visual input being presented to them, because nothing in your field of view is changing. Well, this is what begins to happen when we close our eyes. The blackness isn\’t visually appealing, so our physical eyes begin to shut down on us. If you do this with your eyes open, you might actually recognize the pattern of the fading you\’re seeing… it\’s probably very similar to that which you experience in Focus 10/12.

Our sense of touch can be a little more difficult to desensitize. To do this, we keep our bodies perfectly still. That way the input we\’re receiving eventually becomes familiar and then begins to get ignored altogether. This causes the numbing sensation that most people notice.

Hearing is probably the hardest one to ignore, unless you wear earplugs or use an audio device of some kind. If you\’re sensitive to sound then you\’ll just need to make sure you\’re in a quiet area.

You should obviously not have to consciously worry too much about these things while you\’re practicing as that will probably be distracting. However, note something that I haven\’t talked about yet: Relaxation. I\’m slowly coming to the conclusion that relaxation isn\’t a requirement for projecting. You might need a base level of relaxation to remove any tension you might have in certain muscles, but as long as you\’re comfortable and free from points of stress, it shouldn\’t be a problem.

Next time you find yourself just sitting at your computer or watching TV, take note of your five physical senses and see if you can reduce their input slightly.

You can even use this knowledge, if applied to your physical body as you\’re meditating to enhance your Focus 10/12 state.

Good luck and Enjoy!

Morning Projection – Friday, February 4th

I had, what I could consider my first successful fully conscious exit projections. They\’re not much, but I\’d like to share them! I haven\’t had the time until now to jot these down. 🙂

I took the day off work and slept in a bit… I woke up around 9am, and with a quiet house I decided to put in a bit more phasing practice. I got into my usual routine… 15 – 20 minutes go by, and I found myself staring out of the bay window at the front of my house, I knew right away that I was in the non-physical. I glanced outside to see an \”outside\” that wasn\’t like how it was supposed to be. I had a great idea the time… I wanted to see how fast I could fly. I\’m not sure if it began raining before or after this, but I took off in the rain and as I was seeing how fast I could fly (which seemed to be pretty fast, although because of the rain I couldn\’t see well) the rain was pelting me in the head… and I felt every drop.

Shortly after this, I lost the experience… I fell into a dream awareness experience where I was walking into an Aikido class, yet nobody was training, everyone was talking. I got changed and ready to go, but for some reason I had forgot to take off my jacket and my hat… meh. My sensei spoke to me personally about something, of which I don\’t remember, but then I woke up.

Lying in bed, I tried again… this time I appeared in my bedroom, everything looked perfectly normal… yet this time it took a second to realize I was in the non-physical, so you could actually call this a false awakening. I was holding onto something, a \”strip\” of something, leather maybe? It wasn\’t until I, somehow, turned it into a bracelet of sorts that I realized I was non-physical. Anyway, knowing where I was, I started to walk out of my bedroom towards the bathroom… yet, my feet felt strange, almost like I had something wrapped around them, kind of like when you have your pants down at your ankles and it makes it hard to walk. LOL I made it to the bathroom, yet I had trouble moving my head upwards to look in the mirror… I could only look upwards enough to see my legs and feet. This is the best part though… I felt myself beginning to wake up so I enacted upon an idea I had earlier this week regarding focusing upon something within the experience to keep myself in there. I focused upon the bracelet/leather thingie… I began studying it, looking it over, feeling it. This prolonged my experience for another minute or two.

The first experience I had was a usual flying run-of-the-mill projection for me… I didn\’t really discover anything good out of it. The second one, I found that the \”focusing\” upon an item thing really did help retain my consciousness within that reality frame. I highly suggest giving it a shot for experience-prolonging. 🙂

New 4hz Binaural Beat

EDIT2: I’ve added a new page to my website showing some of the Hemi-Sync Binaural Beat products I’ve used over the years. I own them all and highly recommend everything on the list.
Recommended Hemi-Sync Binaural Beats

A couple weeks ago I created a new Binaural Beat using the BrainWave Gen program.

I’ve been using this one since then to great result and I wanted to share it with everyone.

Click the below link, and select “Save Link As…” (Firefox) or “Save Target As…” (Internet Explorer).


The file itself is a RAR compressed file. You’ll need to download a rar uncompressing program  It’s 400mb compressed, and 600mb in it’s original WAV format.

It’s a 60 minute sound file in the WAV format… the Background Frequency starts at 32hz and works its way down to 4hz over the first 10 minutes… then over the next 40 minutes, it keeps you at that level and then takes you back up to 32hz over another 10 minutes.  The Binaural Frequency is 4hz.  There’s a nice, soft brown noise throughout for outside noise reduction.

As I said, it’s been giving me some great results when I use it in tandem with the Noticing Exercise, but you can freely use it for whatever you want.

Please do enjoy!!  🙂

EDIT:  At the request of someone on the Astral Pulse I’ve uploaded the BWGen file, it’s MUCH smaller (5 kb)… so if you have the BWGen program, you can simply download and import this into it to output your own Audio or to see how it’s created.  It’s a very simply designed Beat.

4hz-test BWGen File

Download, then go into your BWGen program and select FILE, then IMPORT.

EDIT2: I’ve converted the WAV into a 192k MP3. It retains all it’s Binaural awesomeness.



Phasing with Noticing – A More Detailed Explanation

I\’ve received a few questions lately regarding the \”Noticing\” exercise.  Certain aspects of the explanation that Frank writes about seems to be confusing people slightly… so I\’ll try my best to fully explain the process, at least how it relates to me and hopefully you can apply some of this knowledge to your own practices.

First, the entire point of the noticing exercise, as Frank puts it, is to \”become fixated within\”. That\’s really the end goal, as THAT is where the non-physical lies… within us. It\’s nothing exterior that you \”go to\”.

So, how do we \”become fixated within\” by using the Noticing exercise? That\’s where the actual NOTICING part comes in. You can\’t just sit/lie there and \”look\” at the blackness, because that will do absolutely nothing and you\’ll eventually become frustrated thinking that it\’s not working for you. You need to actually do something for this to work! Just like a binaural beat won\’t project you automatically unless you do the actual work yourself… you won\’t Phase with Noticing unless you actually Notice!

Now, here\’s the confusing part… \”to notice\” is something you have to actively do… HOWEVER, you have to remain \”passively aware\” while actively noticing. I know, that sounds confusing… well, lemme describe how \”I\” notice and I\’ll go from there.

When I actually get to the part of my routine when I begin \”Noticing\”, I stare into the blackness… it\’s the same blackness that you see when you close your eyes. It\’s just blackness (however nonuniform it may look). My goal is to notice any changes that happen within the blackness that is in my field of view. It can be literally anything, as Frank put it, it could be a flash of something, or perceiving some kind of movement in the blackness… when you begin to see ANYTHING (again, do not outright dismiss anything you see) consciously zero in on it. Your goal is to \”Passively Observe\”… this means (and this is VERY IMPORTANT) to keep an air of curiosity about what you\’re seeing. As I see this stuff, I kind of talk to myself while observing it, but I do so without actually talking verbally or thinking it.

To explain that last part… take a piece of paper, this piece of paper is going to represent the \”blackness behind your eyes\”. Draw a single dot in the middle of that page then hold that page up to your face and stare at the dot (it\’s okay to allow the dot to become unfocused). The dot represents your fixated gaze (depending upon how closely you\’re holding the paper to your face, you could see two dots) within the blackness (or in this case the whiteness of the paper)… now, consciously take in the rest of what you can see of the paper, but don\’t actually look around, use your peripheral vision. Try to see any irregularities in the paper… there might be a spec of something somewhere, or a small crease somewhere else that you didn\’t notice before and you might be noticing that the paper isn\’t uniformly white and you begin to focus in on these new-found items of interest. Notice these irregularities and retain that air of curiosity regarding them. Become consciously curious about each and every aspect that you notice in the paper… the more you do this, the more you begin to forget about the physical world around you and the more your consciousness shifts within what you\’re gazing at. This is the act of becoming fixated within.

So now that you\’ve just done that with a piece of paper and with your eyes open… close your eyes, visualize that dot in front of you… and do it again, this time staring at the blackness behind your eyes instead of a white piece of paper. Remember to NEVER verbalize or think about the things you\’re seeing and noticing… try to keep that \”air of curiosity\” about it all.

The shift into Focus 12, where you start to really get visuals, for me, takes anywhere between 10 – 20 minutes. If I don\’t get it after 20 minutes, then I know that my heart just isn\’t in it for that session and I go do something else. But, give yourself whatever time you feel is necessary. It can take a while. Just remain relaxed and calm.

Once you do attain a solid Focus 12 and can hold it for a good period of time without losing it, the next shift to Focus 21 will more than likely happen naturally from a solid Focus 12. You simply have to drive your consciousness within just a bit more… the big point here though is that it\’s nothing you can force. You have to ALLOW yourself to do this shift. From Focus 21, you can pretty much go and do whatever you want simply by visualizing the area you want to go to. 🙂

I hope that helps fill in some of the blanks as per the Noticing exercise. If you have any questions, please leave a comment here, on my own forums, or on the Astral Pulse. Thank you for reading!

A Thought on Retaining Consciousness in the Non-physical

Tajtas, on the Astral Pulse asked the question, “Ive been trying so hard to get it past 25 seconds… When I realize I’m dreaming I start drifting away and then I woke up. Has anyone have had a LONG lucid dream, dozens of minutes? Is it possible hours or days?”.

The_One made a nice response, “I’ve had this problem. It’s quite simple when you think about it. Don’t get excited, concentrate on a animated character (can be any thing). As, don’t think “I’m about to wake up because I’m lucid”. (Easier said than done).
I’ve substained a dream for so long doing this, I got worried that there was something wrong with my body. As over doing this will pull you out of lucidity and back into the dream.
Hope this helps.”

This got me thinking about why something like that works… I wondered if the effect of how we initially Phase into the non-physical can provide us with a clue about how to REMAIN in the non-physical.  We know that there’s a fine balancing act that must be done to Phase… you need to work at balancing your consciousness so your mind retains, at least, a single thread of consciousness.

Generally, we do this by keeping our minds active in some manner… in the case of the “Noticing” exercise, it’s placing our conscious intent within the blackness behind our eyes and noticing the changes of that which we’re seeing.  In the “Rundown” exercise, we’re placing our intent within the visualized scene that we’re creating with our imagination.

Well, what if, while we’re in the non-physical, we do this act in reverse?  When you feel yourself beginning to lose the non-physical consciousness, begin immediately placing your intent on something within the non-physical, in essence it’s allowing you to focus your intent more INTO the non-physical and away from the physical, which is where your intent seems to be going when you’re slowly in the process of waking up.  In other words, bring your focus/attention to something on or around you in the non-physical.  It’s kind of the same act as increasing your awareness from Lucid to Astral in the first place, except you don’t need to ask yourself any questions.  Your goal here is to give your mind something non-physical to focus on so it ignores the physical reality sensations.

A lot of people say to look at or rub your hands together.  I believe I now understand why that works… because it’s giving you something to focus your mind on that’s away from the physical senses that you’re beginning to feel.

From the point when I begin to feel that I’m waking up to the point when I actually do wake up… seems to be anywhere around 5 – 10 seconds.  So, perhaps it’s best to not even wait for that signal to happen and just do this exercise every minute or so, because once the signal occurs, it doesn’t take long before you’re back in bed wondering what happened.

Morning Projection – Sunday January 23rd

Nothing special happened during this experience, I just wanted to get this one down as it\’s my first experience in a few weeks.

I woke up several times during the  morning… and this experience happened sometime between 10am and 11am, after my third waking up.

I found myself driving down what I thought was one of the main highways in my area… and I accidentally exited off the wrong exit!  I dodged a couple cars and a couple people (yes, people on the highway), then I found myself walking… it was at this point that I realized, \”Hey, where\’d my car go?  I was certain I was just in a car… \” and that\’s when the penny dropped, I was in the non-physical and I had a lucid awareness at the time.

At this point I decided to fly straight up, however, the \”highway\” was directly above me… I flew upwards really quickly and through the material of the highway, I could feel the concrete as I passed through it.  The problem at this point was that I felt like I was beginning to lose the non-physical moment… so I quickly went back down, and it stabilized.  I walked forward a bit… and then I remembered my LD -> AP conversion.  I knelt down, and focused on a piece of paper that was stuck to a wall… it had writing on it.  I remember glancing at my hand as well… that was apparently enough to bring my full waking consciousness into the mix, I didn\’t have to ask myself my questions!

Unfortunately… as soon as my Astral Awareness came around, I started to lose it once again and couldn\’t regain it.  And I woke up… ending my non-physical experience. The entire thing felt like it was around 2 – 3 minutes.


Thomas Campbell – Hawaii Lecture – Exercises

This is from Thomas Campbell’s lecture he gave in Hawaii back in June of 2010.
Click here to view all of Thomas’ youtube playlists.


He doesn’t speak directly on the topic of Astral Projection, but the topics and concepts he’s introducing here can be applied 100% to Astral Projection and other areas of your consciousness life.

I very highly suggest that when you watch this to listen to him and try to FULLY COMPREHEND that which he is saying, because it really is of utmost importance. Then try to apply it to your own Projection practices. 🙂

Relaxing Your Head

I believe that one of the biggest things that has stopped me from projecting properly in the past was insufficient relaxation of my head.  I feel the muscles in your head to be of the utmost importance to relax.  As Robert Monroe mentions, once you relax the head, you can then use that sense of relaxation throughout your entire body… whereby if you do it the opposite and relax your body first, it doesn\’t quite work the same way with your head.

Now, I\’m starting to come to the conclusion lately that relaxation isn\’t a major key in projection.  I find that being able to disassociate your focus of awareness from your physical body *IS* the key, however a fully relaxed body can certainly assist with this goal and can seriously speed up the process.

I was practicing last night and focusing entirely on slowing the relaxation down so I could figure out how I do it… my hope is that this information might help someone else who has a lot of stress held in the muscles of their head.

I find that a lot of tension, for me, is kept around my ears, eyes, and forehead.  I can actually sit here and feel the tension in them right now just from my day up until now.

Now, what I do first when I sit down is I stretch out my eyes… I close them really tightly for 5 – 10 seconds, then move them around in a circular motion several times trying to move them outwards in all directions as far as they\’ll go.  This won\’t relax them outright, but it will make it much easier to relax them and encourages them to stay closed while you\’re practicing.

For the ears, it\’s a little harder because they\’ll be attentive if they hear anything out of the ordinary.  I had a hell of a time last night trying to relax them and KEEP them relaxed because there were a bunch of little noises that kept creeping up in the area I was practicing in.  I found out last night that when I breathed deeply and yawned, the muscles around my ears settled.  I never realized the yawning part before… so I\’ll have to keep experimenting with this.

For your forehead… this area of your head is mostly attached, on the top, to your scalp (which also could use relaxing) and on the bottom at your eyes.  So relaxing your eyes first, and your scalp second might be good to encouraging your forehead to release its tension.

The next paragraph is probably the most important to realize:
The feeling you\’re aiming for is an actual physical drooping of the muscles in the area of where you\’re focusing.  I mean that you\’ll actually PHYSICALLY feel them get pulled down slightly and slowly by gravity as the tension drifts out.  This can actually take upwards of several minutes per spot… DO NOT rush this.  It takes time and practice to be able to will your muscles to relax on command, this entire head relaxation can take anywhere from 10 – 30 minutes, but it simply CAN NOT BE RUSHED.  Take your time and enjoy the entire experience.  🙂

Once you have all the major and minor muscle groups relaxed… I like do to what Robert Monroe talks about in the Gateway series, which is allowing that feeling of no-tension and relaxation to seep into your brain.  Allow the feeling of relaxation to become one with your physical brain.  Visualize the relaxation of your head moving inwards.  Once that\’s done, I find that you can then initiate that feeling of relaxation in other parts of your body, reaching for the relaxation that your brain is experiencing.

By this point, your body should begin to be numb… sensory perceptions should be slowing down, if not completely ceased.

You should now be in a great place to begin whatever Phasing exercise you want… be it noticing, rundowns or something else.  🙂