Coast to Coast – William Buhlman

I\’ve been reading William Buhlman\’s book \”Adventures Beyond The Body\” and I\’m finding it relatively fascinating.
I remember listening to this Coast to Coast interview with him, but I didn\’t really make many connections or remember it much… so I\’m going to be listening to it again, now that I have a better understanding of him and his experiences.

Anyways, I thought I\’d share it here too for everyone:

Link to a continuous playlist.

I hope you enjoy it.

Coast to Coast Interview – Albert Taylor

I read a book called Soul Traveler written by Albert Taylor.  Very good book on Astral Projection.
This is an interview that he did on Coast to Coast.

It\’s a multi-parter. 🙂
I hope you enjoy.

This is a direct link to the play list so you can watch all the parts uninterrupted.

In part 4, he describes the Vibrations very well and what they mean to him.  I\’m in agreement with it.