My First Lucid Dream in Two Months

It\’s been a troubling two months, as I usually have a Lucid Dream once every 1 – 2 weeks.  Thankfully, last night I broke that dry spell and had a really great Lucid Dream!  My first  in over two months.  So I\’m quite happy.

At the time, I forgot to even attempt an Astral Projection from it, but it was a pretty nice AND long experience too.
This Lucid Dream lasted what felt like 20 – 30 minutes… and it went a little something like this:

I\’ll start off with the time before bed, I laid down on the couch around 12:30am to watch some TV while my girlfriend was playing some video games behind me, but I ended up falling asleep.  Anyways, 2:30am rolled around and we decided to hit the hay.  It was just starting to thunderstorm at the time and our dogs were going nuts, so we had to calm them down long enough for the storm to pass, which thankfully it did… but we left the light on anyways in the bedroom for them until they calmed down completely.

Unfortunately, we fell asleep before turning the light off… so I woke up in the middle of the night to go turn it off.  Little did I know this was a false awakening… and I woke up again seemingly a bit later and found the light was still on!  So I turned it off again, this time for real.  hehe

When I fell asleep this time, it was directly into a Lucid Dream… I knew I was dreaming and I strengthened it right away by spinning around quickly.  Apart from that, I forgot to do my Projection conversions. Afterwards, I ended up outside some woman\’s house,  she gave off a grandmotherly feeling,  next thing I remember she was teaching myself and others how to fly.  I was having some difficulty flying this time too… I remember jumping into the air hovering slightly, and then coming back down.  I was getting better though as the time went by.  This was a good 20 minutes of the experience.

I noticed some kid by the house making something with the sand, but he wasn\’t using his hands.  I walked up and asked what he was doing and he said he was… well, making stuff.  We talked for a second, but I don\’t remember what about, but at the end he showed me how to do it… I remember mentioning something Frank said about merging with the underlying structure of the environment to create stuff and the kid agreed with that.  It took me a few tries, but I finally managed to create a simple cube by waving my hand over the sand.  It was pretty neat.

Around this point I began to wake up, I didn\’t bother stopping it this time as I do remember wanting to write all this down so I didn\’t forget it all.  I woke up and began writing!  🙂

I have a strong feeling that due to the environment, the great conversation with the inhabitants doing the training and their very lifelike actions… I feel this was a Focus 3 oC training environment for me and others.  The extra strange bit is that I\’ve generally had very little problems flying, but I figure it had something to do with me not being 100% consciously aware at the time.  Who knows.

Pretty cool… I might try taking a bit of a nap a couple hours before bed from now on.  LoL  Especially if this will be the norm that comes of it.  🙂

My Most Recent Lucid Dream Conversion Experience

I\’m hoping that talking about this will assist me in experiencing more Lucid Dreams… because lately I’ve been in quite the dry-spell.  I’ve been having Lucid Dreams for as long as I can remember.  I usually have a lucid dream, at least once every 1 – 2 weeks… but as I type this, my dry-spell has lasted the last 5 – 6 weeks now.  I’m going to relay to you the last Lucid Dream experience that I had.

Prior to being lucid, I simply remember flying around, but when lucidity hit me, I found myself hovering roughly 50 feet above my old high school.  I always find it fascinating that it didn’t hit me before hand… I mean, c’mon… flying… and it doesn’t set off triggers.  I don’t know WHY I “all of a sudden” became lucid.

Anyways, I was now lucid, so I focused on a spot on the ground below me and went into my usual questioning mode to bring forth my full conscious awareness.  Easy enough.  I remember having a bit of fun with the people staring up at me and I decided to dive bomb them a bit, because, well… it’s fun to fly!

Very shortly after that, I wanted to see if I could shift into Focus 1 oC… and I always wanted to visit England, so I visualized a friend of mine who lives there whom I wanted to see.  I began visualizing… then my vision went black… I remember feeling a “shift”… but then I found myself waking up in my bed.

The important part here was that I DEFINITELY felt the shift.  I was well on my way to where ever it was my subconscious intentions were taking me, but I ended up losing it and having my Protective Self wake me up due to, what I believe, was an unknown in regards to how the “shift” felt to me.

So anyways, that was my last projection… a short while ago.  I’m still trying and waiting patiently for another Lucid Dream.

How I Convert a Lucid Dream into an Astral Projection

I’ll explain here how I go about converting my Lucid Dreams into full Astral Projections.

How you become Lucid to begin with is outside the scope of this entry and I’ll provide that information later.  So, your first step, obviously, is to become Lucid within your dream.  This means that you have the basic knowledge, during the dream, that you are indeed dreaming.  You know that the environment you’re in now is not part of the physical world, and that your physical body is actually in your bed, sleeping.

The next step is to bring forth your full waking conscious awareness.  There are a few methods for doing this, but I’ll just mention the one that I use and know is doable.  First, stop what you’re doing and focus on one aspect of the environment or yourself (a flower pot, your hands, etc… ) then begin the process of questioning yourself.

I have four main questions I like to use.

“Where am I?”
“Where am I going?”
“How did I get here?”
and “What am I doing?”

This act of questioning yourself and your surroundings brings forth your critical faculties and opens your full waking conscious awareness.

Congratulations, you’re now Astral Projecting.  🙂

Dreams, Lucid Dreams, and Astral Projections… what’s the difference?

Edit: Since I posted this article, I\’ve made new discoveries on what dreams, lucid dreams and astral projections actually are. You can find my updated information here:

Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs all happen within the same area of consciousness.  Robert Monroe labeled this area “Focus 22”.  This is the area of consciousness that I believe most people refer to when they use terms such as “The Astral”.  I also believe that the “Real Time Zone” or what most people call the “Real Time Zone” also has its origins here, but I’ll explain more about that in another post.So if Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs are all the same experience how do you explain away the distinct differences between them?  Well, it’s simple… what differentiates them from each other is how consciously aware you are during the experience.

I also prefer using the Terms “Physical” and “Non-Physical” to describe the realities we find ourselves in.

It goes kind of like this:

  • A Dream (remembered or not) is basically when you are unaware that you are sleeping.  Your consciousness has phased into the non-physical, but it has done so unaware of this.  This happens to you pretty much every night of your life that you have gone to bed to have a good night’s sleep.
  • A Lucid Dream (always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is a Dream where the only thing you are aware of is that you are dreaming.  You might not have knowledge of your physical body.  You have some waking consciousness.  You don’t generally have much in the way of critical faculties.
  • An Astral Projection/OBE (again, always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is where you have brought forth your FULL waking conscious awareness.  You are fully awake and aware that you are within the non-physical and your physical body is in your bed, fast asleep.

So you can see that there isn’t much difference between the three experiences.  All happen in the same area of the consciousness continuum, it’s your own personal area of consciousness that nobody else has access to.  It’s an area set aside just for you!

It’s from this area that you have access to all of your closely held belief constructs.  You also have access to all of your memories that you’ve collected over the course of your current life.  Also, with a bit of control over your Emotions and Thoughts (as these are what are providing the fuel for what you see and experience around you) you will be able to leave your personal area and move into what I call the “Collective Consciousness” areas, but more on that later.