Classic OBE vs Phasing

I\’ve seen a lot of people get confused over what \”Phasing\” is in relation to what I refer to as the \”Classic OBE\”. In regards to where you end up, they\’re the same. Both types of projection will take you to the \”non-physical\”. The difference is in the sensations and methods for getting there. That\’s all.

When one has a \”Classic OBE\” they generally feel sensations of separation from their physical body along with the classic vibrations.
When one \”Phases\”, you generally don\’t get those sensations. You\’ll be Here, then you\’ll feel a shift (not a separation), and then you\’ll be \”There\” with your full waking awareness intact. In both cases, they lead to the same \”area of consciousness\”. You could end up somewhere familiar, like your bedroom… or somewhere not familiar, like some otherworldly environment.

I\’ll try to expand on this at a later time, but I hope it provides some kind of idea on the differences between the two phenomenon.

Morning Projection – October 11, 2010

I wanted to journal my experience I had this morning.

So, the first thing I remember was finding myself standing in a very beautiful grassy scene.  I had completely bypassed Lucid Awareness and apparently went straight to Astral Awareness.  I could see rolling, green hills for as far as the eye could see.  I remember looking up at the blue sky, and it was so very beautiful.  I just remember standing there for a few short seconds taking it all in.  The colours were absolutely brilliant.  I believe this was a Focus 3 oC area.

Standing around in this field were MANY people.  I didn\’t notice anyone wearing any strange clothing… they all seemed to be rather modern.  Some of them were standing off by themselves, others were standing in groups having conversations.

What I believe was a teenage girl came up to me and started talking.  I don\’t remember what the original conversation was, but I do remember asking her name in the hopes of getting some information about her that I could try to confirm when I returned to the physical.  Her name was Cardiff.  Unfortunately, I didn\’t get a last name or any other information regarding her…  I do remember \’chatting it up\’ with a few of the other people there, but I don\’t remember the details of them.  I remember one big burly fellow giving me a big hug… he seemed to know me, I dunno from where though.  All throughout these chats with people, I remember jumping up and flying around a bit.  I absolutely LOVE flying.  🙂

So anyways, around this time, I began to feel that I was dropping back into Lucid Awareness… because I was starting to see some Focus 2 oC environments overlay into my experiences.  I then began to feel myself wake up… the good thing here was that I woke up slow enough that I was able to keep myself still and my eyes closed, HOWEVER, I also had to go to the bathroom, which was probably the initial reason why I woke in the first place.  LoL

My initial goal this morning was to try Personalreality\’s new LD inducing sound file… but, since I didn\’t need it this morning, I skipped that.  I\’ll try it sometime this week or probably next weekend. 🙂

Learn To Tell What Experience You\’re Having

To get you into the proper mindset in learning how to differentiate and interpret the many experiences (Dream, Lucid Dream, AP, OBE) one can have in the non-physical, I think the following statement sums it up nicely:

\”The difference is not in the nature of the reality but in the consciousness that observes/experiences it.\”

What I\’m saying here is that the nature of the reality you find yourself in (Dream, Lucid Dream, Astral Projection, Out of Body Experience, etc…) isn\’t defined by that reality.  It\’s actually the opposite.  You define the reality…  the nature of your experience is defined solely by your consciousness and how aware you are.

Phasing Method – Don’t Open Your Eyes When You Wake

SpiritualShawn on the Astral Viewers posted an interesting question about keeping your eyes shut when you wake up to help you to project.

Ok so I want to practice waking up in the morning without opening my eyes or moving? How can I do this? It seems like in the mornings I usually find myself rolling around while waking up or my eyes are already open by the time I realize im awake.

I know If I wake myself up super early and induce a lucid dream I should be able to gently bring myself back to physical conscious (waking up) without moving much because I am already aware in the dream. Other than that I really don’t know how to go about doing this as after waking up in the morning would seem like a practical time for a conscious exit, (for me atleast).

Any tips?

I don’t have any direct tips, but it did remind me of the ONE time I managed to do this… and I’ll recount it here in hopes it has something that might help someone do the same.

So, the one time I managed to do this I was already in a lucid dream (the LD was me in this room full of toilets and urinals… I know, strange LOL) and I began to feel that usual feeling of ‘waking up’. My vision went to black and I felt the shift… I knew I was back in the physical, lying in my bed, and it happened so smoothly that I didn’t bother to open my eyes. I figured I’d go back to sleep, and within what felt like one minute I slipped back into my lucid dream at the exact point I had left, in the toilet-filled room. A couple minutes into this lucid dream, I, again, felt myself waking up… I kept my eyes closed for that waking as well.

I kept doing this over and over… four times, each time I woke up faster and faster. The fifth time, I got into the lucid dream and I immediately began waking up. I initiated my spinning thing to ground and keep myself within the lucid dream… but it didn’t work and had a secondary effect of causing me to have a classic OBE experience where I felt my arms float up and the rest of me follow.  I opened my eyes and I was floating down towards the foot of my bed.  This lasted about 10 seconds, when I came back to the physical.

So that’s the only experience I can remember where I managed to not open my eyes upon waking up.

Many times I’ve read stories of people doing this exact thing to project… well, all I can say is that it does work IF you can remember to not open your eyes when you wake.  For me, it was a matter of already being lucid in the dream and sensing when I was waking so I could prepare myself to do it.

Hopefully this helps someone.  🙂

My Lifelong Hypnopompic Images

This is a little bit about me…

So, all through my life, I\’ve been waking up in the middle of the night seeing, what I can only describe as \”something\” standing in my room, seemingly \’observing\’ me.  I\’ve never felt anything bad about it being there, it was always just startling when I was younger.  I remember more than once I\’d jump out of bed attacking whatever it was that was there… only to flick a light on quickly and see that nothing solid was there.

I used to believe that it was just something in my head… until the penny started to drop and astral projection came into my life.  Then I started to put two and two together regarding the non-physical.  Over the last 10ish years, I\’ve become rather accustomed to \”seeing things\” in my room in the middle of the night when I wake up… so it rarely startles me too much.  I simply lie down and go back to sleep.

I\’m realizing now that over the course of my life, this \”thing\” has slowly become more and more clear to me… until last night, when I believe I got a real good look at \”him\”.  Yes, \”him\”… a male spirit/entity.  I just remember a slender face, with a goatee, medium height, medium build.

I remember, last night, sitting up slightly and staring this entity right in the eyes, my heart beating a little faster.  Then I watched as it walked past the foot of my bed, at which point, I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep… a few minutes passed and I went to the bathroom instead, THEN went back to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

So I\’m now armed with an image… and a desire to stare this thing down and hopefully get some answers to some very old questions.

Why You Need To Control Your Thoughts

I just started to read William Buhlman\’s book, \”Adventures Beyond The Body\”, and I wanted to share a passage in it which illustrates beautifully why one needs to learn to control their thoughts and keep a focused, goal-oriented mind, when astral projecting.

Buhlman writes:

Each experience increased my realization that my nonphysical state of consciousness was extremely sensitive and responsive to the slightest thought. My prevailing conscious and subconscious thoughts would instantly propel me in a specific direction. I quickly learned that my subconscious mind exerts much more influence and control over my actions than I ever imagined. Often, a completely spontaneous thought would create an immediate reaction. For example, if I thought about flying, which I often did, I would immediately fly through the ceiling or wall and glide over my neighborhood.

This is probably the best paragraph I\’ve ever read that shows perfectly why we need complete control.

This is what I believe to be the cause behind the experience which some people refer to as the \”Astral Wind\”.  Whereby you\’ll be in one location, then some kind of wind or supposed \”pushing\’\’ effect will happen upon you, where you\’ll end up somewhere else unknowingly.  Well, this is why.

People don\’t realize it and they try to externalize the sensation, which will cause it to appear as something external, such as a \”wind\” that uncontrollably blows you elsewhere.

Death and the Afterlife

A lot of people don\’t like John Edward, and for that matter neither do I… however, I would like to quote something he did say because I think it\’s a wonderful thought on how to describe our consciousness in this physical reality and what happens to us when our physical body dies.

Think of the physical body and soul like a glass of water.

What happens when you leave a glass of water sitting on a table? Well, it naturally evaporates. It doesn\’t just disappear though, it simply \’changes state\’. The energy and matter that makes up the water just changes into something different.

That\’s the same as the human soul. You don\’t evaporate, but you do leave your body. And you simply change into something different. Being that your soul is energy, it\’s still there it\’s simply in another form.

So now, you have an empty glass sitting on a table. The empty glass is akin to your empty physical body now that it\’s dead.

The only thing that dies when you die is your physical self, the thing you see in the mirror. Everything else lives on. Your senses, your emotions, your thoughts. They all stay completely alive. Because THAT is the real you.

I don\’t, however, believe that we \”leave\” these bodies in the sense that we were ever in them to begin with… but we do \”leave\” these bodies as in our consciousness can no longer operate within the confines of our physical body.

So then what happens to you after you die?
Is there really a heaven?
A hell?
The Summerlands?

What exactly happens to you after you die?

My thoughts on this subject revolve around what I now refer to as the \”Wider Reality\”.  Within that concept is the idea of a \”collective consciousness\” area.  This is an area of consciousness where your thoughts and expectations shape what you will see.  I believe that when you die it\’s, for all intents and purposes, a permanent Astral Projection, because now you don\’t have a body to go back to.

Having said that, remember when I said that what you think happens? Well, in a nutshell, a devout Christian expecting to see the Pearly Gates will most likely see them. A Wiccan expecting to see the Summerlands will see just that. Whatever you happen to believe, you will see.  This particular area of consciousness is generally referred to as the \”Belief System Territories\”, a term coined by Robert Monroe who first discovered these particular areas.  Basically, you will gravitate towards the collective area of consciousness set aside for groups of people sharing the same beliefs.  These areas were initially created by individual and group beliefs of people and groups who have existed or do currently exist here on Earth.  You\’ll stay around in these areas until you realize what they really are… a \”self created construct\”, at which point you\’ll move on again and shift to another area of consciousness, known as the \”Transition Area\”.

The \”Transition Area\” is simply that… an area where you can do whatever you want, while you get used to the idea of living in a subjective reality once again.  Eventually you\’ll have to decide if you want to go back to Earth (or somewhere else physical) or go elsewhere and move on.  While you\’re there though, you\’re free to do whatever you want… you can continue whatever research you might have been doing, you can explore the non-physical in all facets of it, you can create your own little \”area\” for yourself, or you can do absolutely nothing at all.  It\’s entirely your choice at this point.

So anyways, that\’s my theory of death and what to expect after you die. The next step is to see if I\’m correct.

Coast to Coast Interview – Albert Taylor

I read a book called Soul Traveler written by Albert Taylor.  Very good book on Astral Projection.
This is an interview that he did on Coast to Coast.

It\’s a multi-parter. 🙂
I hope you enjoy.

This is a direct link to the play list so you can watch all the parts uninterrupted.

In part 4, he describes the Vibrations very well and what they mean to him.  I\’m in agreement with it.


One of the big things that confused me most about Astral Projections were what people call the Vibrations.
How do you use them to your advantage to successfully project?

Well, the answer is you DON\’T use them.  They\’re nothing more than a signpost that reads, \”you\’re doing fine, just keep doing what you\’re doing\”.
I\’ll explain…

People generally sit/lie there waiting for these \”vibrations\” to kick in.  This is the first mistake.  They\’re not a goal in itself… you might be one of the people who never experiences them.  Does that mean you can not project?  Not at all!  Because they\’re not something you NEED to project.  They\’re just a sticky note along the consciousness continuum that tells you to keep doing what you\’re doing.

Back when I was practicing the more Classic OBE methods (where you feel a distinct separation) I used to get them quite often, and my mistake was to focus on them, trying to \”expand\” them (whatever that means, nobody ever explained that one satisfactorily to me either) and what ended happening was that they would pass by, and I\’d get frustrated because I was STILL in my body.  In the end, I gave up on having Classic OBEs because I found that they just never work well for me.  🙂

The form of projection I do is called Phasing.  Phasing is interesting, because, for the most part, you\’ll never experience Vibrations… and this, I find, confuses people a lot more, since everyone tells them that you must experience these to project.  With Phasing, you\’re shifting your awareness away from the physical towards the non-physical, there are no vibrations or \”exit sensations\” that you would normally get with Classic OBE methods.

There\’s no point along the phasing line where you\’ll ever feel any vibrations.  You\’re just \”Here\”, you shift, then you\’re \”There\”.  At this point though, confusingly, some people do report feeling them… I believe that the people who are experiencing Vibrations after they\’ve phased are simply \”expecting\” them, and since they\’re already \”out of body\” at this point, they\’re already in the astral and we all know that Thought = Direct Action, this means that they will experience that which they expect to experience.

The same holds true for people who find themselves in a Lucid Dream and they begin to feel Vibrations.  They\’re only feeling them because they\’re expecting to feel them, someone told them that they\’ll experience them.  If you\’re already in a dream, then they\’re now PAST the point where Vibrations can naturally manifest and they\’re now being subconsciously created out of expectations.

The only time you\’ll feel them is if you\’re Lucid Dreaming and you shift yourself back to your physical body in an attempt to have a Focus 1 (RTZ) projection, THEN you will feel Vibrations, because you\’ve returned to your physical body first.  But if you\’re already out, there\’s no need to go through all that.  Instead of shifting back to your physical body, you shift yourself somewhere else in the physical instead.

In any case, if for whatever reason I\’m trying a Classic OBE method and I do feel them, I simply note that they happened and move on.

If your goal is to feel Vibrations, you\’ll end up waiting for a while.