astral earth

My Free 60 Page Book, “My Astral Projection Truth”, What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

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My Astral Projection Truth: What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

I just finished editing version three of my free Book! It’s now ready for downloading!

I’ve also re-branded it in honor of Frank Kepple, who put in so much time and effort into teaching others to experience the larger reality. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have progressed as much as I have.

It’s now “My Astral Projection Truth: What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

This Book represents everything I’ve learned over my life, but mostly the last 2 – 3 years of my practices in Projection and Phasing. It’s now a 60 page Book full of great information regarding how you can begin to explore the furthest reaches of reality on your own! All the information I provide in it was the same information that helped propel me towards the experiences I now enjoy.

Feel free to pass it around to where ever you wish, as long as the information remains intact and all credit is given where due.  I hope the information helps you as much as it has helped me.

Thanks for reading! Please leave me some feedback on how you like the Book, and if there was any parts of it that are unclear or confusing. I’m happy to re-write sections to make them easier to understand.

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What is the Difference Between an Etheric Projection and an Astral Projection?

From my own experiences and what I’ve researched there isn’t enough evidence that exists from either that dictates there there are these separate “planes” of existence.

From my own experiences, I’ve experienced realities that looked very similar to this physical reality, including areas which I mostly recognize… and I’ve had experiences in realities which are nothing like this physical reality nor are anywhere I recognize.

I surmise from this that what people label as an “etheric” projection is a projection where they are in a non-physical environment that they recognize to be this physical reality… when it’s very strongly possible that all they’re experiencing is a non-physical environment heavily modified by their own consciousness.

See, I believe that people are interpreting their experiences too literal. Robert Monroe did this at first and while it “seemed” like it was correct at the time, he later figured out by his third book that what he was experiencing could not be taking literal. Just like you can’t take a dream and interpret it based upon the literal translation of what you’ve seen/experienced.

So, back to the “etheric” projection… I think it’s strongly supported by the many reports that I’ve read and what I’ve directly experienced myself that reality works much in the same way it does while physically awake/aware. We each experience a non-physical reality (consensus probably) and we each interact with that reality on an interpretational level, meaning that what we experience we must interpret first in order to experience it. While we’re doing this through our projection, we’re not only interpreting our own experience, but other consciousnesses in the “area” (quoted because it’s loosely meant) are also creating and pushing their creations upon others as well… this is why I believe we get reality fluctuations. The further away from the more familiar places we get (ie: our bedroom, house or street) then the more reality fluctuations kick in. Simply put, the source of them is from other consciousnesses working against your own creations.

Going back to the original question… is there a difference between etheric and astral projections, I say only if you believe there is. I don’t think there is any objective evidence out there that supports the existence of different planes. I believe it all comes down to personal interpretation of the experience and what that particular person has experienced or read about previously.

TMI Gateway Pointers

If you\’re currently trying to learn to project using the Gateway CD\’s purchased from TMI\’s store, then I\’ll give you a tip.

The counting that Monroe takes you through has a point and it\’s not something that you just \”listen\” to. The point to the counting is to give the listener (you) something to focus upon. Each time Monroe counts up try to \”listen for\” the next number. Just like you\’d sit at attention while trying to listen for a particular sound off in the distance, or waiting for a thunderclap to occur after you\’ve seen the lightning. That\’s the kind of focus you want to place upon \”waiting\” for the next number.

The numbers are very arbitrary too. He could have just as easily started listing fruits. The point is that \”listening for\” focus you want.

Give that a try the next time you listen to the Gateway CD\’s.

Great Article I Just Found – Astral Voyage

There’s a really well written article I just found on the website I go to once in a while called Astral Voyage.  The article is entitled “Astral Projection/Dreaming/Lucid Dreaming”.  I stumbled upon it when I was doing a google search for articles pertaining to differences and similarities of Lucid Dreams to Astral Projections.

April 30, 2003
It’s my opinion that astral projection, dreaming and lucid dreaming are intertwined in the same locale. The difference between dreams, projection and lucid dreaming is what is at the controls (the conscious mind or the subconscious mind). Even if you get the vibrations and roll out of your physical body, you will end up “dreaming” very quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing. People say, “I failed because I fell into a dream.” Well, no you didn’t, you just gave up conscious control to the subconscious mind which makes the experience totally different! The subconscious mind has its own agenda and communication system.

Your conscious mind is concerned with the here and now. Your subconscious mind is concerned with processing life events, working out soul lessons, attempting to bring past and future events into your consciousness, and a bevy of other things. Subtle realm experiences, dream or otherwise, get “fantasy like” because again, a person has lost conscious control. The same exact thing happens in the astral if you don’t use clarity statements. People just don’t realize what the astral is like (during a conscious projection). Yes, it can be as lucid and clear as the waking state, but you can slip into the Alice in Wonderland effect (subconscious control) faster than you can shake a stick! In fact, control can be lost in less than a minute. I have rolled out of my body, gotten half way down my stairs, totally lost conscious control, and slipped into fantasy land immediately. Only through sheer will power, and constantly directing my focus towards my goal, am I able to maintain a lucid state. Published astral projection author, William Buhlman, also states that clarity statements are a must for maintaining lucidity and control.

The astral is a malleable place where form follows thought, but don’t just think it follows “conscious” thought. It also follows subconscious thought. Many an advanced projector, including the famous Robert Monroe, would marvel at how things would materialize (or that they would be transported to an event or place) quicker than they could form the desire consciously. That is how fast and strong the subconscious works!

An example of an astral dream is if you are working on a lesson. Many lessons cannot be worked out on the physical plane because you wouldn’t be able to handle the issue over and over (or even once), whereas you can handle fairly severe scenarios in the astral. For example, we assume all beings not recognizable, such as subtle plane entities, are “evil.” If you dream of a freaky looking entity then you’ll experience the fear emotion. Fear is generally the first reaction, and often the only reaction, to this experience. Time and time again I was afraid of what I didn’t recognize, until I learned to give it a chance, and even send it love. Only then did it morph into something I recognized and that is, the very same life energy that I was. I doubt I’d find it all too pleasant to find some scary looking being in my bedroom at night in the physical, but I can endure it over and over in the astral. It seems like a “crazy” dream, but it is your subconscious mind nudging you in the direction of total awareness and unconditional love.

Dreams can often come true. A common name for a psychic of this sort is a “sleeping psychic.” If we did nothing but remain in our bodies during sleep then this would not be possible. People have even met their friends and loved ones in “dreams” and both parties remembered the experience. In so called dreams, messages are given and futures told.

People write me in frustration that they can’t consciously project. Well, why not instead realize that you project every night and tackle it from a different viewpoint? Why not learn lucid dreaming (or lucid projection) and bypass the whole nonsense of “vibrations and rollout?”

Remember, you project every night you sleep. All we’re doing here is trying to get conscious control of the subtle state.


Explaining that whatever is at the controls determines the experience is a different way of saying what I talk about when I say that what differentiates the experience is YOU, not “where” or “what” you’re experiencing. If you’ve read my own articles here on UB, you’ll know that I try to internalize the experience instead of externalizing. Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection aren’t something you do, they’re a state of mind you are. Anne tells that beautifully when she talks about either having the conscious or subconscious mind in control… and that’s really a “bang on” explanation for it.

The inclusion of ideas from Buhlman and Monroe are nice. It shows me Anne’s ability to perceive the bigger picture and the ability to pick out the ideas and thoughts that most resonate with her from any particular person/author… which is refreshing to see.

When she talks about “sending the entity love” I believe this is a simple metaphor (and a well used one by a lot of people, some people might call this “sending PUL”, although I don’t think it needs to be so meticulously defined) for accepting what you experience and don’t be afraid. “Sending Love” simply means to go out and experience things with no desire to harm and all the desire in your heart to help others through no gain to yourself.

She does talk about “remaining in our bodies”, and my experiences directly conflict with this idea, but I can definitely support the vast majority of what she talks about. It’s a great article. Hopefully you’ve read it through with as much gusto as I did. I believe it’s easy for people to confuse WHAT they’re experiencing due to that Conscious/Subconscious switch. A fully conscious experience (aka: ASTRAL AWARENESS) will feel entirely different from a fully subconscious experience (aka: DREAM AWARENESS). It’s this separation that causes the confusion in people and is what I believe to be the very source of much of the division between the non-physical community at this time.

Asking For Guide/Helper Assistance

I was listening to some of the explorer tapes from the link that Dave (  linked in my other post the other day.

I got the idea from them to \”ask\” for assistance while I was in Focus 10 or 12 and just see where that takes me.  Well… I did just that about 20 minutes ago and was quite pleased with the results.  I was just sitting here at my desk, meditating in Focus 10 and I asked if a helper or guide of mine can help me to experience something \”different\”… after a minute I saw my field of view (the blackness behind my eyes) start to spin and rotate, it turned into what looked like a tunnel with me \”moving\” through it.  I began to feel a shift occur, but it eventually stopped and I found myself back at my desk.

So yeah… that was definitely \”different\”.  I\’m going to play around with \”asking\” for assistance from now on when I go about my meditations and phasing practices and see where it takes me and I highly suggest adding this to your own routine as well.  🙂

Goodluck and have fun!

Being lead to where I need to be…

I was just thinking about everything that\’s been happening to me as of the last couple years… and thinking about what I\’ve been experiencing and how I came about the realization to have those experiences, and I feel like MBT is the culmination of this \”being lead around\”.

It\’s not a culmination as in \”I\’m now at the top of the mountain\”, because that would be silly … that would be assuming that there\’s no more to climb after this. It\’s more like being at the top of the mountain, and then realizing that you have to climb back down so that you can climb another mountain again… an endless number of mountains.

I started off my journey on a forum called SpiritOnline, then it went down… and I found myself over on another forum called the Astral Society… then that went down… after which I found myself over on the Astral Pulse. Throughout all this I struggled over 10+ years to learn how to do Astral Projection, to experience the non-physical for myself. Not knowing that over the course of all that, I was slowly setting up my foundation through learning to meditate. Well, when I stumbled upon the Astral Pulse I found a dude there named Frank Kepple… I read and followed him in his experiments with trying to follow in the foot steps of Robert Monroe and he felt he was rather successful in doing so. His data was really my launchpad for my current situation of exploring the non-physical, so for that I\’m grateful.

I still post there, and am a moderator there actually. Through posting there, I\’ve now stumbled across my next challenge, the next mountain for me to climb… \”My Big TOE\” (MBT), by Thomas Campbell. As I\’m reading MBT, I\’m realizing just how much my own experiences relate to the larger reality that\’s out there, and the reality that I find myself currently in, and I feel like I\’m able to partake in it more. I\’m learning more about myself, I\’m learning how to control my emotions and my thoughts… making myself a better person, which is then reflected in the world around me. I\’m able to see the GOOD in the world now, where before it was only \”wow wtf is wrong with you!\” kind of thing… just seeing the bad. I\’ve made choices lately that have me reacting to situations in a more positive manner… although I\’m still learning and still have a long way to go, as I\’ve been prone to anger and being upset as well lately too.

But throughout this journey that I unknowingly set myself on the last couple years… as I reflect back on it, I see the trail of bread crumbs that, as Tom might put it, the system has left for me to grab in an effort to lower my entropy and bring myself into a greater state of consciousness. A more serene place… and I now starting to appreciate that, really, more than words could convey. 🙂

I guess I don\’t really have a point in posting this… except to just get that out there. )

How I Came To My Beliefs

I wanted to go into a bit about the How\’s and Why\’s I came to my current belief construct.

My beliefs aren\’t something I came about to overnight… also, and most people might not even believe this, but people such as Robert Monroe and Frank Kepple didn\’t influence any of my beliefs, they simply filled in some of the blanks I had and further reinforced that which I already knew was true.

They opened me up to a world where what I have been experiencing and the questions I\’ve been asking myself for the past 31 years I now had definite answers for. The thing is that, I knew these answers all along… I just didn\’t know I was ALLOWED to believe them.

Questions like, \”Where do we go when we dream?\”… when posed to my parents they would tell me, \”well you go nowhere obviously… it all happens in your head.\”  Alluding to some kind of well known fact that dreams are something that are \”not real\”.  I somehow knew this was wrong. I somehow knew there was more to my sleep-time than \”just dreams in my head\” happening.  I might not have had the terminology and understanding that I do now thanks to Robert, Frank and others, but the basis for my beliefs were formed back then when I began asking myself these questions.

Fast forward to a year or so ago and my introduction to Frank Kepple\’s work.  At this point I had already read a lot of stuff on the subject and had been attempting Astral Projection for well over 10 years with little to no success.  I had managed to feel the so-called \”vibrations\”, but little else (I\’m still not convinced they\’re some objective experience directly connected to astral projections).  I still hadn\’t made the connection that dreams WERE astral projections of a decreased awareness nature.  Finally, as Frank says, the penny dropped!  I had my link… finally the puzzle pieces started to come together.

Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections were all the same experience!  It made so much sense to me… my own experiences gave me the proof I needed.  At the time the known majority of my experiences were \”Non-physical Lucid Awareness Experiences\”, it stood to reason at the time that if Dreams and Lucid Dreams are intricately linked… then the next logical step would be that they\’re really the same experience as Astral Projections.  Bam!  Mystery #1 for myself was solved.

Then I started remembering experiences I\’ve had in the past where I wasn\’t sure they were projections or not… and now I had the answers for them, they DEFINITELY were astral projections!  … and they were just like my lucid dreams too, except I knew exactly who and what I was at the time along with my normal waking mind.

Now, as I go back to re-read all the books I\’ve read previously, I find that I\’m able to gleam so much more out of them.  When one understands what\’s going on, one can understand and interpret, not only their own experiences better, but those of other peoples as well… even if the other people come up with different interpretations.

So, here I stand… with too many non-physical lucid awareness experiences to count and several known non-physical astral awareness experiences (I dunno how many there could have been during my youth) under my belt… this post is how I came to realize these truths, the personal experiences which meshed so well with those who came before me.

I can\’t wait to experience more and to attempt to follow in the footsteps of those who came before me.  🙂

Energy Work and Astral Projection

Personally speaking, I see no relation between these two activities.  I think people are fully developed enough energetically to begin to successfully astrally project and no further \”development\” is required in that area.

There are many examples out there of individuals being highly successful in the field of Astral Projection without doing any major, supportive energy work.  Probably the biggest name was Robert Monroe… I don\’t believe he did anything of the sort, at least nothing as a major supportive activity for him to project.  Frank Kepple… the Astral Pulses own Phaser, he never felt it was required either.  He would speak from time to time about firing off his chakras while already in a phased state, but that\’s pretty much the extent of it.  Then there\’s William Buhlman, now granted, I haven\’t read all of his work yet, but from what I have, I haven\’t seen much indication of energy work either.  Then there\’s Bedeekin, over on the Astral Viewers, I\’m fairly certain he also doesn\’t do any kind of energy work in order to project (feel free to correct me if I\’m wrong ;)).  Then there\’s probably the most important person I think can think of… myself.

I say I\’m the most important person to myself not because I\’m some narcissistic individual, but because I can really only trust my own experiences.   My own personal experiences are the most important thing in relation to astral projection that I have, just as yours are to you.  My personal experiences (along with all the corroborating evidence above) dictate that energy work simply isn\’t required for Astral Projection practices.

So, if I don\’t do energy work… and I can still project just fine, then I can only conclude that what other people are doing is a waste of time UNLESS they\’re doing it for other purposes aside from Astral Projection.  Let me make that 100% clear, I\’m saying this IN REGARDS to Astral Projection ONLY. My stance is that if your only goal is to do Astral Projection, as mine is, then you do not need to waste time doing any energy work what-so-ever.  You are more than developed enough energetically to get the job done.  I feel it\’s best to put that time to use actually practicing the art.

Why is it that people seem to have this belief that energy work is required?  I think the only phenomenon going on here is a self-reinforcing belief.  A person thinks, for one reason or another, that they need to do energy work in order to succeed in Astral Projection, so they do it… and they find it DOES work which reinforces that belief in them.  While for me, I don\’t think it\’s needed, so I don\’t do it… and I find THAT works, which then further reinforces that belief in me.

My current goal for Astral Projection is to continue what Robert Monroe and Frank Kepple started… and that\’s to bring Astral Projection further into the mainstream and make it easy for people to learn.  This means stripping away all the mystical/occult layers and getting down to the very core of what\’s required.  The very core requirement to be successful in Astral Projection is… *YOU*.

Phasing Realization! Thanks Monroe!

As I\’ve been saying lately, I\’ve been re-reading the first book written by Robert Monroe, \”Journeys Out of the Body\”.  I\’m getting so much more out of it now that I\’m a little more experienced and have more knowledge under my belt.  I\’m able to pick out some of the subtle nuances of the information he\’s presenting.

One particular point of interest was around page 86/87, where he\’s talking about Locale III and his \”turning 180 degrees\”.  The first time I read this I was really confused… what is he turning?  Is he trying to physically turn 180 degrees?  Is he trying to turn his second body (astral body)?  And which direction is he doing this turning?  Well… all those questions are aiming in the wrong direction.  He\’s turning his focus away from the physical and towards the non-physical… he\’s PHASING.  He even explains this slightly in a passing manner on the following pages.  It was something I completely missed at the time of my first reading… however, I doubt that I would have figured it out anyhow.  So, back in 1958 he first discovered Phasing.

I was lying in bed a few days before that, I think it was Friday or Saturday night.  I had closed my eyes and started a really basic noticing exercise… and I began to, really quickly, slip into a Focus 10 state.  It really caught me off-guard… but just as this happened my girlfriend asked me a question and it brought me out of it.  Now, I didn\’t really give this much of a 2nd thought at the time… until I read those few pages in Robert\’s book, then it all clicked back into memory.

What\’s intriguing about this is that I did it while going to bed that night.  Given some more practice at this, I might be able to \”pull-a-Monroe\”  (LOL) and do some phasing on the way into sleep at night instead of having to wake up in the morning or rely upon lucid awareness experiences during the night.  This really opens up a whole new avenue of progress with which I can take.  🙂

To say I\’m excited about this would be quite the understatement.  hehe

Exploration 27 and the Healing/Regeneration Center

This is a video I just stumbled upon from TMI, hosted by Skip Atwater, the current President of TMI. He\’s explaining Focus 27 and the Healing/Regeneration Center. It\’s a pretty good video. It\’s a 5 parter, each following part you can access at the end of the previous one. So just keep clicking through them and watch. 🙂

I found Parts 4 and 5 particularly interesting.
Part 4 he talks about Focus 33, which really sounds like the creative area where one can make their own \”ANYTHING\”. In some cases, people report creating for themselves a little home to go to for when they physically die. This Focus 33 sounds like that area… I believe it would be in Focus 3 oC in Franks model.

Part 5 has some interesting charts showing some rather interesting statistics they found. Focus upon the Illness and Drug related ones. 🙂


Wednesday with Robert Monroe

I stumbled upon this video one day while doing random searches on youtube regarding OBE\’s.
I know a good number of you have probably already seen these… but I\’ll share this anyways.


If you attended the Gateway Voyage residential program at The Monroe Institute in the last 10 to 15 years, you missed the evening talks with Bob Monroe. Prior to his death in 1995, Bob talked with Gateway Voyage participants on Saturday evenings, their first night at the Institute, and on Wednesday evenings after they had experienced the exploration of Focus 21, a bridge to other realities. Wednesdays talks were particularly precious to participants as they had experienced for themselves by that time the very realms Bob spoke of during those Wednesday evening discussions.

Here is a collection of nine clips that together constitute one of Bob Monroe\’s Wednesday night talks in 1990. Bob didn\’t like to be filmed, so we are fortunate to still have this classic footage.

Robert Monroe puts forth a lot of very interesting notions through all the segments of this video.
I hope you enjoy.

My View on the Wider Reality

My belief of how the wider reality is setup comes about from a mixture of Robert Monroe, Frank Kepple and my own experiences.

Robert Monroe devised the \”Focus Level\” model of reality.
# Focus 1 – Physical Waking Consciousness. The level of awareness in which people spend most of their daily, waking lives.
# Focus 3 – Basic Hemi-Sync. The first level where Hemi-Sync starts to have an effect on the person.
# Focus 10 – Mind Awake / Body Asleep. The physical body sleeps and the mind is awake.
# Focus 11 – Auto-suggestion state.
# Focus 12 – Expanded Awareness. The awareness is expanded beyond the physical body.

Frank Kepple came along later, following in Robert Monroe\’s footsteps, in an attempt to duplicate his work.  Later, he further refined Monroe\’s Focus Model to compile associated \”Focus Levels\” into a more concise model.
# Focus 1 oC = Monroe Focus C1, 3 & 10
# Focus 2 oC = Monroe Focus 12, 15, 21 & 22
# Focus 3 oC = Monroe Focus 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27
# Focus 4 oC Here the comparison ends, as his Focus 4 oC has no Monroe counterpart.

His differentiates from Monroe\’s model by the use of \”oC\” or \”of Consciousness\” suffix.

Focus 1 oC is this physical reality.  However, Focus 1 also extends to what some people refer to as the RTZ (Real Time Zone).  He refers to both of these sections collectively as the \”Wider Physical\”.

Focus 2 oC is the area of consciousness where we do our Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and what people refer to as Astral Projection.  This is the area called the imagination, the subconscious, or some even refer to it as \”the astral\”.  This is your own personal area of consciousness, that people can not directly visit, they can however influence it by means of telepathy and other forms of communication.  I have projected here many times fully consciously aware.  To me, this is personal truth.

Focus 3 oC is the area of consciousness which is described more as a Collective area.  On the lower branches of this Focus levels you\’ll find people of similar Earth Belief Systems congregate and live in their self created expectations of their afterlife.  The upper branches are the \”transition areas\”, where you\’ll live while trying to remember what it\’s like to live in a subjective reality once again.  Then, when you\’re ready, you have the choice to either return to Earth for another go around at being human, or move back to Focus 4.  I personally haven\’t consciously explored this area of consciousness as of yet, but I feel like I\’m close.  So this is a belief to me.

Focus 4 oC… well, there\’s not too much I can tell you about this as it\’s way beyond anything I\’ve seen/done.  Frank describes it as a loss of individuality.  He describes it as plugging your mind into a sea of minds.  It\’s an area of COMPLETELY subjectivity.

Anyways, those are the Four main Focus levels as per Mr. Kepple.

Now, I\’m going to relate these levels to the more occult versions of them.

Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic, Atmic (I\’ll stop there, as I have no knowledge past it).
# The Physical Plane = Focus 1 oC, Obviously equates to this physical reality we\’re in now.
# The Astral and Mental Planes = Focus 2 oC, I believe these two planes are misinterpreted by many, and I believe that they are one in the same.
# The Buddhic Plane = Focus 3 oC
# The Atmic Plane = Focus 4 oC

So that\’s my view of the modern model of the Wider Reality and how it fits into the classical, or old world mystical reality system.

Dreams, Lucid Dreams, and Astral Projections… what’s the difference?

Edit: Since I posted this article, I\’ve made new discoveries on what dreams, lucid dreams and astral projections actually are. You can find my updated information here:

Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs all happen within the same area of consciousness.  Robert Monroe labeled this area “Focus 22”.  This is the area of consciousness that I believe most people refer to when they use terms such as “The Astral”.  I also believe that the “Real Time Zone” or what most people call the “Real Time Zone” also has its origins here, but I’ll explain more about that in another post.So if Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections/OBEs are all the same experience how do you explain away the distinct differences between them?  Well, it’s simple… what differentiates them from each other is how consciously aware you are during the experience.

I also prefer using the Terms “Physical” and “Non-Physical” to describe the realities we find ourselves in.

It goes kind of like this:

  • A Dream (remembered or not) is basically when you are unaware that you are sleeping.  Your consciousness has phased into the non-physical, but it has done so unaware of this.  This happens to you pretty much every night of your life that you have gone to bed to have a good night’s sleep.
  • A Lucid Dream (always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is a Dream where the only thing you are aware of is that you are dreaming.  You might not have knowledge of your physical body.  You have some waking consciousness.  You don’t generally have much in the way of critical faculties.
  • An Astral Projection/OBE (again, always remembered, even in some limited fashion) is where you have brought forth your FULL waking conscious awareness.  You are fully awake and aware that you are within the non-physical and your physical body is in your bed, fast asleep.

So you can see that there isn’t much difference between the three experiences.  All happen in the same area of the consciousness continuum, it’s your own personal area of consciousness that nobody else has access to.  It’s an area set aside just for you!

It’s from this area that you have access to all of your closely held belief constructs.  You also have access to all of your memories that you’ve collected over the course of your current life.  Also, with a bit of control over your Emotions and Thoughts (as these are what are providing the fuel for what you see and experience around you) you will be able to leave your personal area and move into what I call the “Collective Consciousness” areas, but more on that later.